Happy Monday! OK, first of all how is everyone doing? I love our little weekly check-ins. It’s so interesting to me and also, (I think I’ve said this before) weirdly reassuring to hear how people are faring in different parts of the country (or different countries altogether!) So if you feel up for it, leave me a note in the comments section and tell me where you are and how you’re doing.
I am doing pretty well. I am hesitant to even write that but this week was much less anxiety riddled, and at times I even felt… happy? And I spent most of the weekend cleaning, working, and organizing. I organized the area under my sink, dusted a TON, took apart my couches and vacuumed under the cushions (the most satisfying – highly recommend). And worked on organizing my beauty products + bathroom. I have too much stuff. I had long Facetimes with my mom and my sisters and I did a bunch of cooking, too.
Also on the cleaning front I cannot stop steam mopping. I LOVE mine so much and am shocked by how effective it is. Should I do a more formal review on it? I used it on my tiled kitchen floor and my painted living room floor and WOW. It got everything so clean. WAY better than the swiffer. I also recommend the eucalyptus + mint water as it will make your whole home smell like a SPA.
I’m reading a good book…
The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd.
It’s not a book I’d typically choose for myself (it’s the story of Jesus’s fictional wife Ana) but a) my mom is reading it and it’s fun to read the same book together and b) I absolutely love this author – she also wrote The Secret Life of Bees! I am only a few chapters in but am really enjoying it so far.
PS – Last week’s list of distractions, + my favorite fabric face masks.
Media Consumption
Lots and lots of TV this week. On the TV front, at a friend’s recommendation, I watched The Assistant. I thought it was fine but didn’t love it.
I’m still binge-watching White Collar. It’s so good. I like to have a little TV on while I work, it makes me less lonely (is that weird?) as if there are people in my home? And since I’ve seen the show before I can jump in and actively watch when I want. I heard it might come back and that makes me so happy.
I am still watching my shows that come out weekly (Defending Jacob and The Baker and The Beauty), and I’m loving both. But I’m actually going to take a little break from both to save up episodes so that I have a few at a time to watch! I prefer to mass-consume my shows!!!!
BUT in mass consumption TV news I’m absolutely loving Hollywood on Netflix!! I finished it last night and really hope we get a second season. It has an incredible cast (Holland Taylor is amazing in it and I’ve had a gigantic crush on David Corenswet ever since The Politician.) The plot is of course fantastic but I love the set and the costumes. So glamorous (and sooooo many scenes shot at The Beverly Hills Hotel, aka my favorite place!). I also loved learning more about the characters (some of which were real!).
After that, I started Upload (on Amazon Prime) last night (recommended by a few of you in the comments last week). I’m a few episodes in and it reminds me a little bit of The Good Place?
What’s everyone watching!?
Upstate Clothing
I am always on the hunt for cool small businesses that make cool special things and am absolutely loving Upstate Clothing and all of their tie-dye + handmade wares. SUCH good stuff. I love this hoodie, this crewneck, these leggings, and this rainbow sweatshirt. If you haven’t managed to jump aboard the tie-dye train and still want to… check them out!
Air Fryer Magic
Okay so I am basically truly deeply madly in love with my air fryer. It is just the greatest. I have really only just started using it but I made these stuffed bagel bites on Saturday morning and they were probably one of the most delicious things I’ve ever cooked; no exaggerating. WOW. Incredibly easy, too!
I started a recipes thread in the Facebook group and would love any favorite recipe suggestions if you have them. Ever the buffalo chicken fanatic I am really looking forward to making these egg rolls and these breaded chicken tenders next. And playing around with broccoli and artichoke hearts as well!
Atlantic Pacific x Nordstrom
Oh my gosh, Blair’s latest collection for Nordstrom is SO GOOD. It’s bright and happy and fun and exactly what we all need right now. I haven’t really been buying clothes (I wear the same joggers/big sweater most days) but her collection is inspiring me to want to get dressed again. The jackets, the dresses, that belt… that little purse… I love it all!
Neon Tweed Blazer // Floral Maxi Dress // Smocked Utility Dress // Smocked Sleeve Top // Floret Tiered A-Line Dress // Three Quarter Sleeve Sweater // Clear Beaded Tote // Ambrosia Slide Sandal // Polka Dot Utility Jacket // Rattan Buckle Belt // Dot Tulle Top
Good morning! Is this over yet? (Straight up rhetorical q).
But seriously, does anyone else still dread Mondays? For me personally, my company is about to do major layoffs and maybe some furloughs so every week day has filled my body with dread as I wonder, “Is this the day?”. Every inch of my body has tried to remain positive for over two months now and I.am.over.it. The sense of adventure, the “I’ve got this!” (read: I’ve got a month’s worth of non-perishable food and toilet paper just in case) has all disappeared as I wrestle with the overwhelming thoughts of what New York (and the world but that feels like way too much to take on right now!) will be like once the air clears (literally and figuratively). Weekends, on the other hand, I’ve managed to keep myself busy to the point where work and the rest of the reality feel like they’re so far off in the distance that I can’t see it (or feel the anxiety attached to it). Hanging in there by my pinky finger…as I’m sure most of us are!
I love the name you used and I am so sorry for the dread and anxiety. Sending you a giant hug and hoping that today is not the day. Also very over it and get so overwhelmed and scared when I think about what will happen next! xx
Happy Monday! After yesterday’s snowfall, I am excited to see the sun. Welcome to spring in Canada! Our province is starting to open up with a lot of restrictions but it is something. Currently, we only have two cases and those people are self isolating. I’m loving Followers – thank you for recommendation.
Take care and stay safe!
I can’t believe it’s still snowing in MAY!!!!! Crazy. And happy you’re enjoying Followers – it’s such a fun read!
White Collar is my all-time favorite TV show and SO underrated (also Matt Bomer is just the dreamiest)
I just love him, and he seems like a really good person too!
It’s nice to hear that you’re doing better, Grace! I love the pieces you picked out – that full body floral dress is to die for! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Hello! I’m from Pennsylvania and finished up finals last week–I’m studying engineering and just finished my junior year. Now I’m finally free to be bored at home instead of stressed at home (yay). I’ve really appreciated all of the distractions on your blog, and am looking forward to diving into some new TV series and books with my new-found free time. 🙂
Aw enjoy your newfound free time!!!! So much good TV to watch, ha ha.
Heck yes female in engineering! Congrats on finishing junior year (the worst IMO) – enjoy your downtime!
female engineer here as well, graduated way too long ago but agreed junior year is the toughest – you’ve got this!! enjoy the downtown 🙂
Yes please to the steam mop review! I saw that you can use it for grout and around faucets- if it is amazing I would totally buy! On a different note, I was so happy to see Happy and You Know It on your stories! The author is a good friend of one of my friends and is so much fun! Future podcast guest maybe?! Stay safe!
Oh good! I finished the book over the weekend and LOVED it. It’s a fun read! Xx
Yes please to the steam mop review!! I hate my Swiffer and have taken to just scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees, meaning it’s such a pain (on all accounts) and doesn’t happen as often as it should!
Haha I was doing the exact same thing- HATED my swiffer. I had actually been using the tub o towels and that was pretty great but the steam mop is where its at.
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist has been the surprise hit of my quarantine bingeing. All episodes from season 1 are on Hulu, so you can binge away!
Oh wonderful – adding to my list!!!
I loved Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist more than I ever thought I would and found myself looking forward to watching it on Hulu every Monday. I wish there was more than one season – I’d totally have it playing in the background all day.
Beautiful weekend in Atlanta! Enjoyed some porch time and tended to my new herb container garden. My family had a Mother’s Day get together in south GA at my grandma’s, so I felt sad about missing that but adamant that we are not in the clear yet. From the FaceTime video, I could see they were distancing in the yard, but they can all go home after, where I would have had to stay and possibly infect my mom, who already has lung issues. Bae & I also watched Hollywood this weekend, and it is SO GOOD. I kept squinting until I realized it was Dylan McDermott on the screen at one point, wow. Hope you have a great week, thanks for all the great distractions and recommendations!
Ah forgot to mention that I signed up for Book of the Month after seeing it here, and picked The Book of Longings as well (love alternative history)! Can’t wait to read!
Ah I hope you love it! I am about 100 pages in now and enjoying it.
I KNOW, I was shocked it was him too – he did a great job. The show is fantastic. I started off medium on it and just fell in love with it by the end. I need more!!
I’m about to start the book of longings too, glad to hear you’re enjoying!
It’s so good so far! 100 pages in and LOVING it. So much to do today but would MUCH rather blow off work to read!
Good Morning! Happy Monday!
I also finished Hollywood over the weekend ( and might have cried through the entire last episode from just happiness), but I loved the costumes and set! It was such a fun show!
I was talking with friends about how much I am weirdly loving the slowness currently. Our state is slowly opening, but I am not in a rush to get back out in the public. I have been looking forward to weekends of no plans other than doing what I want (like cleaning weird places in my house, cooking things I normally wouldn’t take the time to cook, and reading). I miss seeing my friends and family ‘live and in person’, though am so grateful for all the technology we have to connect.
I can’t wait to read your review on The Book of Longings!
I cried too!!! I wasn’t sure if it was PMS or if it was just THAT moving. Such a fun show!!!
I was thinking about how much I love the slowness too. As hard as things have been and as scared as I am at times, a part of me is relieved by how much slower life has been – cooking, cleaning, reading, organizing EVERYTHING, etc.!
In Texas and I’m feeling okay this week! Celebrated my birthday over the weekend and overall had a good, relaxing time. Never ready to go back to work but oh well. Looking at rental houses so that’s something to occupy my time and is making me think of all the redecorating I can do! You’re making me want an air fryerrr, also now I really hope White Collar comes back! Such a good show. Have a great week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (and hope you celebrate your half birthday in six months when life is hopefully a bit more normal!!!!) Can’t recommend the air fryer enough. Planning to make the bagels again this weekend, ha!
Thank you!!!!! If we move to the rental house I like… air fryer definitely happening!
Happy birthday!! When was your bday? Mine was yesterday…I think I may postpone and do a trip during my half-birthday in November (IF and only if it makes sense to at that point).
It was on the 9th! Definitely planning a half birthday trip and praying we can travel by then!!! If not, 31 will be a new milestone birthday, LOL
Yes! Or you can just call it 30 all over again!!!
I just started The Book of Longings too! It was my BOTM pick for May. It was different for me, but I’m enjoying it so far. I’m trying to cut down on my TV consumption—But Defending Jacob is a current fave. I have a huge celeb crush on Chris Evans haha
Take care!
It’s such a different pick for me as well but I’m loving it so far. Also have SUCH a crush on Chris Evans. He rocks the hell out of a Red Sox hat!
I’m in Colorado. It’s overcast and cold here today. I am loving your media recs. I finished watching upload and normal people lately. I’ll put Hollywood on my watch list!
Yay I’m so glad! The show is FANTASTIC.
I had to go out today for the first non-grocery (with face mask) trip in about 2 months. I was supposed to get a guard from the dentist made in late March/early April and had a few appointments get cancelled —which was a relief/bummer all at once since the pain from grinding and clenching at night is just ridiculously out of control, especially during a pandemic. I’m sure everyone is jealous of this very glamorous addition to my nightly routine in my late 20’s. It was weird being out and having someone put their gloves fingers in my mouth. I fully changed clothes and wiped/sprayed/washed everything I could afterwards, but it’s still unnerving. Perpetual jaw pain vs. the slight chance of contracting the virus and dying kept me up last night. Otherwise I’ve been a 7.62 avg. the last week (see Jen Gotch’s emotional rating system on Instagram or in her book The Upside of Being Down if that makes zero sense—it’s an easy way to check in with yourself/your friends & fam).
Oh man that sounds really stressful. But I’m happy you got your guard, that sounds necessary!!!!!
Hope you can get some rest tonight. I need to check out Jen Gotch’s rating system!
I love Mondays, a fresh start to the week. I’m currently studying 8-10 hours a day for a big medical boards exam, so my life would look the same with or without quarantine for the next 6 weeks. I recently started watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and I’m absolutely obsessed. I look forward to my pre-bedtime binge from the moment I wake up! I’ve also been rewatching Suits, which probably means I would like White Collar. Might try that next!
I feel the same way about Mondays! I’ve always felt that Tuesday is the worst day of the week, ha ha. And if you love Suits (another fav of mine, you will definitely love White Collar!)
I had a good Mother’s Day weekend 🙂 We went on a bike ride that was supposed to be a 4 mile loop, took a wrong turn and it was ~8 miles but the little took it like a champ and made it at least 6 miles! I would love a cleaning or organizing post. Specifically I was using my hand held dyson this weekend and went down the standing but hand held rabbit hole and would love a comparison or dyson update on the previous post – thank you for being a bright spot on Mondays!
Hi Shana,
I’m so glad to hear that – and a bike ride sounds SO fun.
I will think about a cleaning post. I reviewed my Dyson here; one thing I really like about mine is that I an take the floor attachment and use it like a hand held vacuum to get my curtains, under couch cushions, etc! It’s really versatile.
Brilliant, thank you for the dyson link again!
You’re welcome! Let me know if you have any more q’s!!!
This Sunday I graduated from Duke! It felt really weird being at home but I’m trying to focus on all the things I’m grateful for from the last 4 years as opposed to a singular ceremony I “lost”. Now I’m just trying to enjoy my free time catching up on books and exercise until I start my new job (remotely). I’ve been loving your Monday catch-ups! It’s a small thing that I get to look forward to at the start of every week 🙂
Oh my gosh congratulations! That’s so exciting. Must have been surreal/weird to have your graduation be at home. It sounds like you have the perfect approach and frame of mind!
Happy Monday! I’m feeling okay. I’m in Ohio and our state has started slowly reopening although we still have a Stay Safe order. I’m nervous about the reopening and cases spiking and I plan to continue staying at home and social distancing. I have been lucky enough to WFH for the last 2 months. We won’t be going back to the office until at least June. I’m looking forward to the warmer temps coming our way! I’ve really enjoyed your blog posts during this time – your content has been great!
Thank you so much, I am really happy you’re enjoying my content. And good luck as things reopen!!!
Well, I just put a steam mop in my Amazon cart.
I’m off work for the next week, and other than boring cleaning and organizing chores, my goal is to read 2 books, and complete a craft. OH and watch This Much I Know Is True on HBO because that is my most favorite book ever ever ever.
YAY you are going to love the steam mop. It’s amazing how clean it gets your floors!!!!
I love these posts! I’m in LA and am doing well — got to see my mom yesterday (with masks on, + six feet) for the first time in over 2 months, so that was wonderful!
I binged the second season of Dead to Me this weekend – it’s SO GOOD.
I’m glad you’re reading The Book of Longings!! That’s in my TBR pile.
Otherwise still sorting out the Chrissy/Alison Roman fued – I LOVED the discussion in the FB group about it and echo the comments from a woman who was impressed by the level-headed nature of the Stripers.
On a more serious note, in light of the media firestorm around Maud Arbery’s death, I’m giving some serious thought to how as a white woman I can do more to combat racism, so I’ve ordered some books on that topic.
I am so glad you enjoy these posts!!!! And jealous you got to see your mom. I miss mine so much.
Dead to me is next on the list – I loved the first season so much!!!! And I felt the same way re Alison/Chrissy. Wow. I really enjoyed the conversation in the group.
My thoughts exactly. How can I make a difference? This has got to stop.
Agree so much. 🙁
I love reading everyone’s comments! I am in Dallas and am experiencing a lot of anxiety, as we are “opening” (restaurants at 25% capacity, but apparently patios are free game, salons, movie theaters and later this week, gyms) despite the fact that new cases are rapidly increasing by the day. There are lots of stories of people who seem to think that opening means no masks and no social distance, so I fear there will be a huge spike soon. I wish people took it more seriously like New Yorkers. Needless to say, I’ll be staying home as much as possible, despite how much I’d love a pedicure!
I feel the same way! I’d be really nervous (and know I will be when things start opening back up here). But yes, agreed… oh man, what I would give for a pedicure right now!!!!
I always meant to read Defending Jacob but never did – I’ll have to now before I watch the show!
I’m in NY so we are still full-on social distancing/staying home. It feels surreal to me that other states are “opening up” when I know that I definitely won’t be back in the office in June, and most likely not until the fall! Looking forward to some sunny and then warmer weather this week!
One last thing – this is the most random request but I think on the podcast you mentioned that you use leg waxing strips? I searched the blog for it but couldn’t find anything and was just wondering what you use, if it’s not too much of a hassle!
I know, it’s surreal to me too! I was talking to my sisters about this – I was like yeah not going anywhere til 2021 and they thought I was being dramatic but I really don’t think we’ll be opening up for a while.
And leg waxing: FLAMINGO! The absolute best (and also so satisfying when I’m stressed, haha) Here’s my affiliate link, can’t recommend enough: https://bit.ly/2SEW9uD
THANK YOU!!! Just ordered some strips!
Look forward to your daily posts here in NH-Wishing for warmer weather to get outside more, did plant some herbs, great to see green and growing!
Check out Jamie Oliver at home Cooking videos on YouTube- so fun !
Stay positive, we are more fortunate than many
Oh that’s a great idea. Thank you. And agreed. Xo
Omg Loved that pink dress AND it comes in plus sizes?! Hell yea!
YEAH! Blair did great 🙂
Thank you for the TV recs!
I just finished Big Little Lies last night. It was great! If you haven’t watched it, I would recommend it.
I am currently reading You Are Not Alone and can’t seem to figure out what those sisters are up to… hopefully I will finish this week.
AH loved the book and loved the show! And loved You Are Not Alone! One of my favorite thrillers to date. If you enjoy it definitely read the rest of their books… annnnd another great thriller I loved recently was The Last Flight! xx
As usual, loving this post. And even saw a comment from a friend above (Gillian!) which started a great convo between us.
Hello from LA. Mother’s Day weekend is just so tough for me after losing my mom almost three years ago, so a maaaaassive emotional hangover today…but it’s a change of pace from feelings about the current state of the world? ha. But otherwise, I am doing pretty fine.
Thank you for having Kate Kennedy on the pod months ago—I started listening to her pod from there and have been LOVING her Saturday night Zoom powerpoint parties. (2020 is so weird.)
Still frustrated with the lack of people near me in Santa Monica wearing masks but reminding myself I can only take care of me and being angry at other people does nothing for me or anyone else.
I’m so sorry Theodora – that must be really, really hard. Sending you a big hug and thinking of you. And so glad that you found Kate – she is the greatest. I love her podcast and all of her social media so much and she’s just a really great person!
Hi Grace!! I’m in NJ social distancing with my family, and I’m doing okay this week. I took a day on Saturday to *finally* go through all the stuff I left in my childhood bedroom when I moved out five years ago and throw things away, create donation boxes, and store things I want to save for my (hopefully someday) future kids! It was a fun walk down memory lane to read a bunch of old journals I had stored in my closet and find all sorts of other mementos.
I think I’m honestly the only person who hasn’t been watching TV in quarantine, but I’ve barely watched anything at all! I need to get on it, it sounds like there are tons of good shows right now! I finished reading “My Brilliant Friend” by Elena Ferrante this morning, which I know you loved from some old book posts – I actually wasn’t a huge fan, but I’m starting “Happy & You Know It” from BOTM next, which I’m super excited about!
Oh my gosh my mom made me do that a few years ago and it was fun – but a LOT of work and a lot of hard decisions!!!
Honestly, good for you on the TV! For me it’s one of the only ways I can just turn off my brain and wind down a bit. It’s funny you didn’t like My Brilliant Friend; I think a lot of people felt that way. It’s definitely a specific type of book – for me, what I loved wasn’t the plot but rather how beautifully it was written. That being said I LOVED Happy & You Know It – it’s so fun, I couldn’t put it down!
I’m an American expat in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Australia is doing pretty well with a relatively low amount of cases that is on the continuous decline. Some days my state has no new cases. This is due to some luck and we’ve had much tougher restrictions than the US, such as all state borders are closed and at one point we weren’t allowed to leave our suburb/area except for an essential purpose. However, restrictions in my state have been easing and will ease further this week like a max of 10 people can dine in a restaurant. But I’m still not ready to return to normal life as I’m a bit nervous. I had my first baby Feb 7 and in the newborn bubble we were already not going anywhere besides the grocery store and doctor so I’ve basically been at home for 13 weeks. Some days I’m totally struggling but mostly I’m ok! I don’t think I’ll feel comfortable completely returning to normal life until Australia has eradicated it. This has been so hard as I was supposed to be heading home to Atlanta in June with my baby to see family and friends but this likely will not happen until next year so I’m mourning a bit of that. Hope you’re doing well!
This was so interesting to read, thanks for chiming in!!!! I’d be really nervous too. I’m sorry that your travel plans likely have to change – that’s really hard. Hang in there! xo
Hi Grace! I hope you have a great week. I am doing ok, I found this weekend especially hard. I wish I could have been with my mom for Mother’s Day! I live in Ohio, but she is in Florida. I was supposed to go there end of March but cancelled the trip. I miss her so much! I worry about her so so much, she is going back to work on Wednesday and she does skincare so she is very close to people. Not sure why salons and places like that are opening when you can’t be 6 feet away, just feel like she is getting put in harms way and there’s nothing I can do!
I’m so sorry! I feel the same way, I miss my parents so much! And I miss my sisters – including my sister who lives in BROOKLYN (but not within walking distance). It’s really hard. Sending you a hug and hope she stays safe!
I had a completely horrible weekend (unrelated to covid and quarantining). I had been doing really well up until this, but now I need to be around my people. I hate that I can’t do that. I’m being forced to self-sooth so I’m cleaning and binging TV. I organized all of my lotions and potions. Up next is making a list so I use them before they expire. I watched Normal People in 2 days (I think you are Katie Sturino mentioned it) and now I’m on to Better Call Saul (meh). Oh, and some online shopping for anything pink. I’m just searching by color looking for anything that will cheer me up just from looking at it. So far I have Barbie pink heels and bauble bar earrings.
Ugh I’m so sorry you had a bad weekend! HUGS!!! Normal People was so sad! If you need something more cheerful I highly recommend Never Have I Ever.
I’m in Bed Stuy and a huge fan! I’ve been doing lots of organizing around my place and small inexpensive things to spice it up too like changing knobs on cabinets and buying fresh flowers. I bought T-shirts and a tie dye kit and it’s so fun! It’s hard to mess it up, I highly recommend trying it. I’ve also been cooking a lot! It’s been fun getting back in touch with my creative side since I have so much more time now. Thanks for all the inspiration and keeping it real!
Changing knobs is such a small but powerful thing! I did it in my kitchen and it made such a difference. It sounds like you are doing a lot of creative things and I love that! XO
Hi Grace!
We are still under quarantine (albeit with few relaxation…malls and restaurants are slowly opening) here in Malaysia, the government just extended the quarantine until 9th June. That means we will be celebrating Eid-Al-Fitr (it’s a HUGE celebration for Muslims post fasting month) under quarantine which truly sucks. Working from home is also slowly taking its toll on my mental health because I love going to office everyday and see/converse with people! Sigh. Hoping for better days.
Aw I’m so sorry, that does suck. Thanks for chiming in!!!
I am obsessed with my airfryer.. thank you for the recipe recommendation girl!
Lisa | lisaautumn.com