
coat // scarf // sweater // pants // heels

2018 was a pretty good year. In the New Year I’m going to do some more business-y year in review posts (with all your favorite posts + products, etc) but today I wanted to write something a little more personal.

I started out the year just feeling just a little bit down. I don’t know if it was seasonal affective disorder, general loneliness or what, but it definitely wasn’t my favorite winter. Also, I felt that weird, awful combination of deep loneliness while wanting to be left alone. Like, “oh I’m so lonely, but don’t want to leave my apartment / nobody talk to me.” Okay, welllll Grace that’s just a recipe for unhappiness! The wellness challenge we did over here helped, but despite doing the best I could to take care of myself physically and mentally, I still just felt this nagging sensation of sadness and just feeling down and blah.

Things really started to turn around when Becca and I launched the podcast this past Spring. It got me out of my comfort zone and it was really energizing to throw myself into a new project and learn a new skill. It also helped with the loneliness. Becca has always been one of my closest friends but seeing her every week and working on a project together definitely deepened our friendship a lot.

The other thing that helped turn things around was yoga. I always wondered how you get that feeling of community at the gym/a workout studio and think the answer there is simple: go frequently, say hi to the teachers and the manager regularly, participate in their retreats/workshops/events and keep going back. I’m still amazed by the amazing community I’ve found at Sky Ting. I have slacked a little this month but when I do go, it’s the highlight of my day.

Outfit Details:

Eileen Fisher Coat (sold out but this is very similar and I love the green!) // Acne Sweater (also here)// Eileen Fisher Pants // Sézane Scarf // Manolo Blahnik Pumps // Chanel Purse // Celine Sunglasses (I get so many questions about them; these are the exact pair) // BaubleBar Earrings

Eileen Fisher Coat

I traveled like a maniac this year.

I’m a pretty big homebody so this was big for me. I really admire other bloggers who travel every week or even every month but that wouldn’t be for me. I love being home, I love my friends and being nearby my sister and her new baby(!!), I love my life and my routine here. And I get really exhausted (+ a little cranky TBH) when I do too much. But it was pretty awesome to see so much of the world. Cuba, Southeast Asia, and Morocco were highest on my list and I got to see them all. I will be forever grateful for the experience but I probably won’t do it again. I have a few big trips planned this year but they will be a bit more spaced out!

Work was a mix of ups and downs. I had a great year but with any job there are always frustrations. The biggest frustration as a blogger/influencer/etc is that no one thinks you actually work. It’s just a part of the job I guess but my ambition and work ethic are two of the things I’m proudest of and it’s hard explaining how much work goes into it all. The best part of my job is the flexible schedule and ability to work from anywhere.

The worst part is being perceived as lazy. And I totally get that when you are on a trip it might look all glamorous and fabulous to the outside world (and it should, that’s part of the job) but you don’t talk about waking up early and staying up late to get it all done… or pulling an all-nighter the night before a trip so that you could get all of your blog posts scheduled!

Instagram can also be annoying.

At the end of the day, I am just not that great at Instagram. I really do try but can’t seem to figure it out and also hate being on my phone all the time! That’s one of the reasons I put the most work into my site. The best part for me is writing more personal posts like this and feeling like I am forming a connection with you guys. Your comments make my day and I read them all and take them to heart. I really think a lot about what value I’m adding and what you guys will take away from visiting my site. I never want you to come here and feel bad about yourself. Also, I wrote about feeling stuck and this one reader comment really stuck with me.

I didn’t want to edit her comment but this is exactly what she wrote.

Hi Grace, just wanted to say that I read every bit of this blog post and thank you for sharing with us. I used to be one of your early readers (about the time you switched jobs to bauble bar) and then had to unfollow at one point because of the comparison trap and all the lovely Chanel handbags and material things that just didn’t make me feel good about my life in comparison to yours. Let me tell you, I’ve just recently been back on your blog to check out where you headed and your voice has changed! (imho to the better) I especially love the lifestyle posts and when you share personal stuff.

Being single is tough, being stuck in your job is tough, being stuck in a relationship is tough, being stuck in a city is tough etc.pp. The world would be a better place if we shared more about our daily struggles especially in this digital day and age, because we would feel less alone with our feelings. Exactly what you did for me with your post!
Thanks again. I am back to reading your blog regularly!


THIS. That is what I want. This comment came back in October but I still think about it and it helps me to shape what I do here. Of course yes I have some nice handbags and shop quite a bit. I always will. (Sorry?) But I am a regular person. I’m shy. I struggle. I get depressed. Also, I get stressed out and can be a brat at times. My life isn’t perfect. I share a lot (not everything but a lot), and my life is far from perfect. That comment says it best – I share my struggles and write more personal posts to make this community a little better and so that if someone reads something I write and it resonates with them they maybe won’t feel so alone.

I think there are “aspirational” bloggers and there are “real life” bloggers, and I am definitely in the second category.

And that’s where I’d rather be be. I don’t write so that people come to my blog and want my life or feel jealous/less-than… I write to connect with you guys, to hopefully add some sort of value, and to leave you guys feeling better than you did when you got here. Of course there will always be sponsored posts and shopping round-ups (I like to shop, it’s why I started blogging!) but that’s the biggest thing.

Being a little bit of sunshine with your morning cup of coffee or adding a dose of realness. The private Facebook group has become a favorite place for that reason. I don’t like being on my phone so hanging out on Instagram all day can be hard.  I love the Facebook group because I can sit down at my computer and chat with you guys. Same goes for the conversations we have in the comments here.

Changing subjects – dating.

I have talked about my struggles with what to share here before. Basically, if something is about me and only me, I’m an open book. If it has to do with other people, things get trickier. I’ve had a few really weird things happen over the years. I put my life on the Internet and have personally found that literally NO GOOD comes from talking about the people I date in a place that is easily google-able.

My big ex (we dated for four years ago, lived together, and broke up 5 years ago) was allllll over the blog. My blog was just a hobby back then and he was on it from day one because I started it when we were together. He took most of my photos in the beginning and was in a lot of my photos because we had a whole life together. And then that relationship ended and we both started dating other people and it got weird from a social media/stalking POV.

I didn’t like that so I scrubbed the blog and removed all photos and mentions of him. And it was painful to see the things that were bringing people to the site. “grace atwood boyfriend” and “grace atwood breakup” were top drivers for a while. Going through such a big heartbreak was hard enough without the reminder from Google analytics.

Gradually, I  got over that and started to slowly talk more about dating here and THEN three or so years ago I had a kind of crazy experience. I had just started a very short lived dating newsletter (which I killed after this experience). I met a guy I really liked. We had only been out a few times but I was excited about him. He was hyper conscious of his online presence and staying off the Internet because of his job – something I can respect. We’d only been on 3 or 4 dates and I mentioned him in my little newsletter (which only 400 people received, I should add).

All I did was refer to him by his profession and say that he had called me on the phone.  The newsletter was all about the lost art of the phone call and how it was nice talking to him on the phone. Innocent (boring, even?) stuff.

He found out about the newsletter and got very upset. He didn’t understand that my instagram follower count didn’t translate to how many people read the newsletter. Then he went deeeeep into the blog archives. He got so far back to where I’d told a story about a really religious guy I dated when I was 23 (14 years ago) that blamed God for our breakup, saying God was putting bad thoughts in my head. (Yes this actually happened – when I was young it was incredibly hurtful, now it’s a hilarious story.) I don’t even know how he found that post. I had forgotten about it and wound up deleting it. Then he started fixating on the newsletter. He made me send it to him and then through Mailchimp analytics I could see that he opened it several hundred times. Oof.

His freak out was brought on by a) the fact that he was pretty religious (something I would have been cool with and curious about) and b) the prospect of me talking about him. He had quite a bit to drink and got nasty and I left the bar we were at in tears. I felt judged for something I hadn’t even fathomed doing and it totally sucked. It made me really question everything that I share here as something SO innocent can really come back to haunt you later on.

My new boyfriend doesn’t care if I put him on social media or my blog. He understands how social media works as it’s a part of his job as well. It’s refreshing and nice to meet someone so supportive. I’ve been showing him a little on my IG stories and will talk about him on the pod a little bit (we are baaaack next Weds 1/2!) and but that’s it. Maybe that will change but that’s where I am right now. I’m still a little traumatized. I also feel a bit protective of him. There are snark sites and things (again, part of the job) and I wouldn’t want him to be picked apart as a side effect of being involved with me.


I’m really happy and meeting him has made the annoyance of dating apps worth it. I’ve been on and off them all for the past five years and was frustrated as hell. I didn’t really date this summer because I was gone so much. I needed a break and I worked on me. Also, I went to yoga a lot, I traveled a bunch, and I cut out any bad behavior on my part (no need to get into specifics but we all do those things we know we shouldn’t… like stalk our exes or date people who are bad for us). After my birthday (end of September) I felt ready to go back on and actually work at meeting someone so I downloaded Hinge and a couple weeks later I met him.

This is oversimplifying it of course. Don’t give up on the apps BUT also if you are getting down on them, give yourself a break. I really do believe that if you feel negative about something, you will (even unwittingly) give off bad energy. I also don’t think you should do anything you don’t want to do. Do what you want, do what makes you happy, and don’t ever settle!

Kk that’s all for now. That’s 2018 in a nutshell. And a little dating pep talk I hope! Happy Friday! xoxo

black pants

grace atwood


photography by Carter Fish.


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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I feel so inspired by your recap of your year, Grace! It’s nice that you picked yourself up after the initial beginning to 2018. Perhaps I should get started on yoga too. 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks so much Charmaine! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  2. Rachel:

    I love your honesty and your personal posts are also some of my favorites! You’re an inspiration.

    Rachel | http://www.rachelstriving.wordpress.com

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much rachel!

      12.28.18 Reply
  3. Elle:

    Ah, Grace, you do it again with another incredible post. Love these types of posts because they are so easy to read and I feel like you are telling me all of this over a cup of coffee at a coffee shop. Cheers to 2019! Can’t wait to see what is in store for you. xo elle

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      awwww thanks so much elle! happy (almost!!) 2019!

      12.28.18 Reply
  4. Caitlin:

    Hi Grace-

    I truly enjoy reading your blog, and do so every morning! I liked your 2018 content so much because it had fashion/shopping (which I do enjoy), but it was so much more, too! Personal stories, honesty, vulnerability, a sense of humor, travel, and other interesting topics that I didn’t even know I would enjoy reading about! It is one of those blogs with substance that I really appreciate. I think you did a great job in 2018, and cheers to 2019! Thanks for letting us follow along!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much caitlin! xo

      12.28.18 Reply
  5. Malaika:

    Hi Grace! I love this little write up! Your blog is one of the first ones I check every morning and has become my favorite. The work you put into delivering quality content is really appreciated.
    Happy (early) New Year! Cant wait to see what 2019 brings to The Stripe!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much malaika!!! happy new year!

      12.28.18 Reply
  6. April:

    Hey Grace!
    So glad to hear you are in a happy place. Being in your profession is tough in a lot of ways. You’re right – people make so many assumptions but don’t think about how you get from an idea to a professional looking post. Love the blog, the pod and love that you’ve found a guy you like.
    Cheers to a wonderful 2019 and thanks for sharing your perspective and refs with us!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much april! wishing you a wonderful year ahead!!! xox

      12.28.18 Reply
  7. Christina:

    Thanks for this honest post! It is apparent from the quality of your blog that you work hard at it and take pride in it. I appreciate how regularly you post, as I read here every morning. It is a great way to start the day!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much christina! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  8. Allison:

    First time commenting but I wanted to say thank you for your blog! I discovered it sometime in 2018 and now it’s one that I check everyday! So many lifestyle blogs that I used to read are now mommy blogs and there’s nothing wrong with that, but I can’t really relate, as I’m 36, living in NYC, married, no kids. I need to look into joining your fb group!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw good I am so happy to hear that!!!! thanks allison! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  9. Julia:

    “I share my struggles and write more personal posts to make this community a little better and so that if someone reads something I write and it resonates with them they maybe won’t feel so alone.” <— YES! You do such a great job of this and it’s one of the reasons I recently started reading your blog very regularly! Thanks for being you, Grace!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so so much for saying that julia! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  10. Melissa:

    Thank you for this, Grace. I can honestly say after reading your blog for years now and rarely, if ever, commenting, this year has been your best. “Authentic” is so overused at this point, but you are and it’s SO refreshing.

    I’m thrilled for you that you’re going forward into the new year on a fresh, happy note. Excited to read what’s next 🙂

    xo – Melissa

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      awww thank you so much melissa!! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  11. Katie:

    Love this post! Cheers to 2019!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thanks katie!!! xo

      12.28.18 Reply
  12. Gabriela:

    So nice to read this post. I really enjoy your blog (and secretly wish we were BK friends). Keep doing you and have a happy new year! Excited for the newest podcast!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thank you gabriela! xo

      12.28.18 Reply
  13. Katherine:

    You’re one of the only bloggers that I continue to follow and read because you do keep it real & are so true to yourself. As a 21 year old it’s so nice to have a woman on social media to look up to who IS successful because she is unapologetic about her own truth. I can’t wait to keep reading and following along in 2019! Cheers!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so so much katherine! happy new year!

      12.28.18 Reply
  14. Emily Quadrino:

    Amazing and such a real post. So happy for you and happy new year! Xo

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thank you emily!

      (and it was great to meet you IRL this year!!)

      12.28.18 Reply
  15. Amanda:

    Your blog is the only one that I read on a regular basis and it’s for all the reasons you talk about! I think you’re *real*, and in the world of social media and comparison, that’s so important to me. Many of my favorite things from this year came from your recommendations! I can’t wait for the podcast to be back. Keep up the great work (I find you very inspiring), and happy New Year!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much Amanda!!! We’re so excited for the podcast’s return! xo

      12.28.18 Reply
  16. Allie:

    I so relate to what that reader said in the comment you shared. I’ve followed your blog for a long time but only in the last year have I followed you daily (sounds stalkerish like that haha). I love how real you are with us, I love when you share TRULY favorite products not just sponsored ones (though i understand you have to be sponsored too which is great!), and you come off as someone you could easily say hi to on the street. Thanks for being real with us and putting yourself out there. Speaking for lots of people, we love you!!!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      awww thanks so much allie! happy new year! xoxo

      12.28.18 Reply
  17. Dana:

    What a year you’ve had! I’ve loved following you all of these years, getting to know you better, and seeing all you’ve accomplished. I always appreciate your honesty, your opinions, and your recommendations. I love the community you’ve built, and I’m happy to be part of it. You’ve inspired me to show more real life on my blog and on social media, and I can’t thank you enough. I also am SO happy you met your new guy, you deserve all the happiness and I’m so happy he understands this profession even if he doesn’t totally “get” it.

    Cheers to 2018 and an even better 2019!! x

    Dana | The Champagne Edit

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      awwwww thanks so much dana! have loved getting to know you better too! xoxoxo

      12.28.18 Reply
  18. Lynn-Holly:

    Ahhh I loved this post! Happy New Year! And I’ve also loved your posts as of late. It feels like a blog post coming from a sister- telling you where to get a cute sweater, what mascara to try, and how to take care of yourself even when (sometimes) it’s exhausting to be a mature adult. 🙂 I’m looking forward to what next year has in store!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      awww thank you so much lynn-holly! hope you are having a great week… happy 2019!

      12.28.18 Reply
  19. H:

    I completely agree with the reader comment you mentioned. I had the same experience, I followed you around the same time and had to unfollow because of the comparison game. I started following again in the end of 2016 and your personal posts, thoughts on politics/feminism/the industry, reading and wellness posts kept me hooked. I love that you’re not afraid to talk about something real (i.e. your post above) as well as “light” (i.e. shopping/beauty) because honestly sometimes I need a break from the heavy stuff and I like shopping too.

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much hilary – really appreciate the honesty! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  20. Katie:

    Thanks for sharing Grace! You’re definitely one of the few bloggers I will actually swipe up and read posts for! ❤️

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thanks so much katie!! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  21. Sarah:

    Hi Grace 🙂 thank you for another personal post and for a wonderful blog! I have been following you here for for several years now 🙂
    I just want to say that you don’t have to be apologetic for your Chanel bags or for posting any pictures of things that look expensive. I have never been able to afford a Chanel bag but it doesn’t mean I stopped reading your blog or stopped seeing the real ness behind your posts. With those pictures you still continued to create fun and real content. You should never have to feel bad for being able to afford something expensive and nobody should make you feel bad about it….if I enjoy your posts and you write in a real way that I can relate to, what does it matter if you have an expensive bag or not…infact, good on you for being able to afford it. Thank you once again for a wonderful blog and all my best wishes to you for a happy new year xxx

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much for saying that sarah!!! so appreciated!
      happy new year!!! xoxo

      12.28.18 Reply
  22. Grace:

    Hi Grace! I found your blog because a friend told me about the badonpaper podcast and after I had breezed through all the episodes that were available at the time, I came to your blog because we felt like “fake [internet] friends”. I wanted to let you know that sitting down in the morning with a cup of coffee and going through your posts is one of my favorite things to do to start off the weekend because it’s relaxing and you have so many fun stuff! I’ve been stressed about different things in my life this year and being able to read your blog and listen to badonpaper is a great escape. Even if there are people out there who underestimate the amount of work you put in I hope you remember that there are also people who appreciate all that you do to make your blog and the podcast what it is! Thanks for everything!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      ah! I love that you found me via the podcast!!!!!
      thank you so much for the kind words and thoughtful note, it really does mean so much.

      also, great name!!! 😉 xoxo

      12.28.18 Reply
  23. Becky:

    In 2018, I discovered your blog. I can’t even recall what or how I ended up here, but you’ve become one of my favorites. And I love that you’re a “real life” blogger and share personal experiences. I can relate to a lot of what you wrote in this post. I’m glad you explained that you met your bf on Hinge, not that I wanted the exact details but I was wondering how he came into your life. I’m 36 and single, maybe that’s another reason why I connect with you, it’s refreshing to see a blog that isn’t overwhelmed with marriage and babies because that’s not where I am. Keep doing you, we all love you! Thanks for your honesty! And Happy New Year! xoxo

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thanks so much becky!!!! happy happy new year! xo

      12.28.18 Reply
  24. Mary:

    Great post! Love your honesty, always. And of course, I come to the blog for fashion too. You have great taste! Wishing you a great 2019. Can’t wait to keep reading!!!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much, mary! much appreciated. happy 2019! xo

      12.28.18 Reply
  25. Kelly:

    I started following your blog regularly last year when I stumbled on your Wellness Challenge. I loved reading what you personally worked on each week, as well as the community of women who shared their experiences in the comments as well! Thank you for providing that platform, and so many great posts so consistently. I check-in every day and love to see the variety, and honestly you just crack me up sometimes when I read what you’ve posted because it feels like talking with a girlfriend! Your honesty, and your writing style/voice makes you stand apart and I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings to The Stripe. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thank you kelly! so happy you found me and keep coming back!!!
      happy, happy new year! xo

      12.28.18 Reply
  26. Lainey:

    Loved this – thanks for sharing! Here’s to a happy and healthy 2019.

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thanks 🙂 same to you, lainey!!! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  27. Meghan:

    Hi Grace! You’ve become one of my favorite bloggers/people! Partially for your style (and Tyrion) but also because of what you share and how relatable you are. The personal posts are the best.

    Also, your Chanel collection is amazing and definitely something to aspire to 🙂

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thanks so much, meghan!!! Happy new year!

      12.28.18 Reply
  28. Kelsey:

    Reading your blog is like talking to an older sister. You’re the best!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thanks kelsey!!! happy 2019!

      12.28.18 Reply
  29. Megan:

    Grace, I have been reading (and loving) your blog for a few years now. I appreciate the dose of reality that you bring to the influencer world and connect with your writing because of it. We all struggle, we all get lonely, we all get depressed. Talking about it instead of hiding it makes us vulnerable, but also makes it possible for us to let others in. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I wish you the very best in the new year!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I am so glad to hear that. Thank you so much Megan! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  30. Stacy:

    Thanks for being so real. I hope 2019 is a great year for you! I’m not sure I am really your target audience as a 50ish reader, but your posts really resonate with me. Thanks again!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You are totally my target audience! Thank you so much for reading, Stacy!

      12.28.18 Reply
  31. Molly:

    Can’t wait for the business review posts – those are always interesting! Just wanted to let you know that I can absolutely tell how much effort/work you put into your blog and it is one of the reasons I come here every day. Your work ethic really shows, even if we don’t see all the behind the scenes. Have a wonderful new year!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Molly, that is so nice of you to say! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  32. Julie:

    Grace- I LOVED this post. You are definitely one of my favorite bloggers and instagrammers to follow—your voice is so relatable! (I fell in love with you all over again yesterday with the yellow KS coat you bought on a sketchy site..that is “real life” blogging at its finest!) Thank you for sharing the shiny, pretty, happy things while also getting personal. So happy that 2019 is beginning on such a great note for you after what probably felt like a frustrating start. I’m inspired. Keep up the good work! Cheers!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      hahahahahaah so glad to hear that. def recommend the sketchy site, LOL.

      12.28.18 Reply
  33. Steph:

    I love your vulnerability and honesty. So much of what you post (on here and on insta) has me saying “me too!!”

    I started following because you weren’t afraid to be a work in progress. It’s just really nice to see someone in a similar place at a similar age and not pretending to have it all sorted out. Can’t wait to see what 2019 brings!


    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thanks so much steph. hope you have a wonderful 2019! xx

      12.28.18 Reply
  34. Jeanette:

    Love your blog!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much!

      12.28.18 Reply
  35. Kelly:

    I just started reading your blog a few months ago (heard about it through Mackenzie Horan’s blog) but it’s quickly become my favorites! You write thoughtful posts that don’t feel shallow (even when it’s about skincare or hair products). Love these personal posts- keep them up! Also, I literally thought you were maybe 30-31 not 37…all those serums really are working!!! Happy New Year! xx

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw I am so glad you found me! And THANK YOU!

      12.28.18 Reply
  36. Joey Favaloro:

    Grace- thanks for this blog post! I love following you because we’re around the same age, single, professionals living in big cities. Your mix of content appeals to me and my lifestyle (fashion, dating, reading!, and you’ve turned me into a skin product junkie!) Have to say I’m feeling a slump right now! Some trips planned and can’t wait to get back to yoga once my broken foot heals. And thinking I might try Hinge out too. Weirdly I keep meeting guys in my industry (architecture) and since I work for a huge firm they are hesitant that it will mess up job prospects for them.

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thanks joey!!! yes! give it another try and let me know how it goes!!!

      12.28.18 Reply
  37. Liv Burns:

    Love love love posts like these, Grace!

    Also, wanted to note that it’s SO helpful when you add the swipe up feature to every (every!) frame of your Insta stories so we can click in immediately… or while we’re reading your comments. (Like classic e-commerce marketing CTA-stuff.)

    Best & bright wishes for a happy 2019!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thanks so much, liv!

      (and noted! I try but sometimes forget!)

      12.28.18 Reply
  38. Bridget:

    Grace, I knew as soon as you started your wellness challenge back in January that this would be a year of growth for you. I was at a similar place in life a few years back before I met my now husband – investing time in myself, traveling and even though it felt lonely at times, I look back at it fondly.
    Thank you for sharing – wishing you all good things in the coming new year (including handbags!) xx

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thanks bridget!! wishing you all the best too!

      12.28.18 Reply
  39. Melissa:

    Thanks for this post. It is refreshing and helpful to know that everyone goes through the same crap in life. We all struggle with loneliness, self-worth, depression, etc. Social media is hard because everyone just posts the best parts of their life, not the real crap. I got off social media because it just made me feel like my life was so boring. And it’s not real. I love to read the blogs. Especially a blog like yours where you are real and do more than just try to sell me clothes (which I do like, don’t get me wrong). I also really enjoy Krista Robertson’s blog for the same reasons. Just wanted to say thanks because I know it is hard to put yourself out there.

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you so much for the kind words melissa – so appreciated! have a great weekend and a happy new year!

      12.28.18 Reply
  40. Amy:

    I’m still an avid blog reader and it’s because of posts like this! Thank you for filling your site with heartfelt content and not just links to clothes and makeup (I do like that stuff too though!). Cheers to a wonderful 2019!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      AW good I am so glad to hear that. Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Amy!

      12.28.18 Reply
  41. Bec:

    Happy (almost) new years! Just commenting to say I have loved your blog content and especially enjoyed the addition of the podcast this year. Wishing you lots of happiness in 2019!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you Bec! So happy you’re enjoying the podcast!!!! Cheers to a great 2019!

      12.29.18 Reply
  42. Sara:

    this is my fav post you’ve written in a long time! I’m a loyal reader and your blog is one I actually go to on a browser a few times a week. Thank you for sharing the ups and downs, and how your year went. I really enjoyed reading this

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so so much Sara!! xx

      12.29.18 Reply
  43. Logan Christine:

    Loved reading this post (I even reread it!). I have always seen you as a “real blogger” and it’s why you’re one of my favorites. Your blog and how you handle the “blogging business” is very inspiring to me as a baby blogger (celebrating one year on Jan 2nd!). I am very excited to follow along in 2019 and beyond.
    Xoxo Logan

    P.S. I’m so excited for the podcast to be back! My Wednesday’s just aren’t the same without them.

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw thank you Logan! We are really excited to be back next week, and a big congrats on your first year of blogging! xo

      12.29.18 Reply
  44. Trish:

    Happy New Year Grace! I must say, I adore reading your blog, almost daily and listening to your podcast. I can’t wait to listen to the podcast next week! I’m so happy for you. I love the wisdom you pass on to us. Wishing you only extreme success and happiness in 2019!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw thank you Trish!!! Happy New Year to you!!! xo

      12.29.18 Reply
  45. Emily:

    Hi Grace,
    I discovered your blog this year (one of the first posts I read was the What to Do When You Feel Stuck), and I’ve since become a regular reader and podcast listener. I’m not on social media so I appreciate that your write thoughtful blog posts, and that your blog is still a primary part of what you do. Echoing some of the other comments, I appreciate your personal and honest posts. I’ve also appreciated your recommendations–including books–I’ve read quite a few that I’ve heard about here–two off the top of my head are Final Girls and Love and Other Words, both of which I liked. Glad you are feeling good heading into 2019!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Emily! I really appreciate the kind words and am so happy I’ve helped you find a few new good books! xx

      12.29.18 Reply
  46. Theodora:

    I’m just so happy to hear about a mid-30s dating success story in NYC. You give me hope!!!!! I’m so glad you found your way from feeling down at the beginning of the year. Yoga was a huge part of the same for me—I even did a teacher training1 Thanks for all the hard work you put into making this an enjoyable site for readers 🙂

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I’m so glad. Thank you so much Theodora and happy New Year! xx

      12.29.18 Reply
  47. Kate B:

    Cheers to fake/internet friends! I love reading your more personal posts (nearly all your posts actually). Happy New Year!!

    12.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Kate!! Means so much. Cheers to fake friends and happy New Year to you!

      12.29.18 Reply
  48. Jenny:

    I think my favorite thing about your blog is that you’re honest and relatable. Like you said, connecting over our similar struggles reminds us that we’re not alone. It also makes that part of the journey less unpleasant. Thank you Grace, and Happy New Year. 🙂

    12.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so so much Jenny! xx

      12.29.18 Reply
  49. Lisa:

    Hands down, (one of my) favorite bloggers ever! You are both inspiring and comforting, the best of both worlds. I never quite understood why I enjoyed your blog so much, and you put it in words so beautifully in this post. With other blogs, I sometimes feel so bad about myself after going to their blogs – but with your blog, I don’t feel that way at all. I feel inspired to try new things, enrich my life, etc, and I feel comforted because we struggle with similar things and you are honest when writing about said things. You’ve got a truly special voice, Grace and I’m so glad to have your blog to go through life with! 🙂

    Happy New Years, so excited to tune into the podcast in 2019! You and Becca are so amazing on-air together!


    12.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw Lisa, thank you so much – it means the world!!!
      And we’re so excited to be back and podcasting next week!!!

      12.29.18 Reply
  50. Trisha:

    This is why I like reading your blog. You are right about the fact that you are one of the real bloggers. When I read about the success of your Facebook group, I really wish we had something like that here in India. It is true, after a certain age making friends becomes really difficult. Keep writing like this. Wishing you a very happy New Year in advance.

    12.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Trisha!!!! I totally agree – it really does get harder as you get older!

      12.29.18 Reply
  51. Camille:

    I have been under a rock I guess. This is my first visit to your site and I loved this post. Thanks for sharing. I am real life blogger and I often think people want more of the aspirational type. Well, so what if they do! My people will find me and “be with me” if they want! I will make to sure to bookmark your site and read again. Happy New Year!!


    12.31.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw, what a nice comment – thank you camille!!! happy new year! xo

      12.31.18 Reply
  52. Wendy:

    Great post! As a reader, I vastly prefer “real life” bloggers over “aspirational”. Anyone can put together an outfit from designer goods or straight out of a box of freebies from companies. Your posts let readers into your life, and show the genuine side of life we all experience-the ups and downs. That’s what keeps me reading.

    1.1.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much for telling me that! Happy New year!!!!

      1.1.19 Reply
  53. K.C.:

    Love this post! I also had a really rough start to 2018 and gradually got through it but it wasn’t easy. So happy you are in a better place now. You are awesome and brave for challenging yourself with the wellness challenge, the podcast, and all the travel (solo trip to Asia?? SO BRAVE!) Yours is one of my favorite blogs because you keep it real. Thanks for sharing.

    1.2.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement!!!

      1.2.19 Reply
  54. Tawny:

    What a lovely post Grace. I’m new to your blog-the last 4 months or so- and I really enjoy all your honest insights and the fun shopping and links too 🙂 Your note about people not thinking you do any work resonated with me- I’m a corporate event planner and everyone constantly thinks I’m on vacation! I get to travel to a lot of exotic places for work, but it really does sting a bit when people think you are just wandering around the beach and getting paid for it, not all the stress and logistics you’re actually managing! Getting to do what you love (most of the time) is a gift anyway, and keeping that in mind always helps me. Anyway, just wanted to let you know you aren’t alone in that one, and keep up the amazing work you do. Thank you!

    1.2.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Gahhhh – it’s so hard! Thank you for sharing your POV, my best friend plans events and I agree – people think it’s so easy but it’s so much work!!! Thanks Tawny and happy new year! xo

      1.3.19 Reply
  55. Anne:

    I have been reading your blog for many years, and I have to say of all of the blogs I follow, your’s is my favorite. I love how real and honest it is. I also love how consistent you are with your posts. I know I can come here regularly for new content that I will be interested in, and I know how much hard work that is, so from a regular reader, thank you! I was also really excited when you moved to Brooklyn because I live in Bed Stuy and love reading about all of the places you are discovering. I am a working mom of a 7 year old, so have limited time to go out 🙂 and find myself going out in Manhattan a lot when I do even though I moved to Brooklyn from Manhattan 10 years ago. I love reading about places that you are exploring so we have places closer to home to try!

    1.3.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh my gosh thank you!!!! So kind of you to take a minute to comment and say all this.

      (And sooooo happy in Brooklyn!!)

      1.3.19 Reply
  56. Katie:

    Amen to being real in blogging! I love the outfits and pictures from “aspirational” bloggers but sometimes it’s nice to hear about the person that is wearing that super cute outfit! And I loved hearing about your thoughts about sharing your dating life on the blog- I think there is definitely a way to find balance between sharing every detail of your relationship to not sharing about it at all!


    1.6.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks so much Katie! Hope you had a great weekend.

      1.6.19 Reply