Winter Wellness Challenge #3!

jacket // leggings // sneakers

Annnd we are back – with our THIRD wellness challenge! You guys are kicking butt. I loved reading your comments from this week’s check-in – they make my day and everyone is doing SO WELL! (And don’t worry – even if you fell off the wagon last week, you can still 1,000% get back on track with this week’s challenge!) This is all about making progress, not perfection. 🙂

Keeping things brief… 


  1. Get to the gym five times between now and Friday’s check-in. If you worked out Friday or Saturday, that counts. This will now be our ongoing goal; 5 workouts a week. We can do it!!!
  2. Try something new (this is going to be an ongoing thing!) It can be a new class, a new wellness treatment, a new face mask… even a new recipe! Don’t stress. I love the conversation going on in the community page, you guys have had some great suggestions there.
  3. Try a new (filling, protein-packed) healthy breakfast, every day. Last week I made a healthy breakfast quesadilla, this week I am going to do a smoothie. Mixing it up is important!
  4. Continue to meditate every day!
  5. Because treating yourself is important… brighten up a dreary winter day and buy yourself fresh flowers. (share your flowers to Instagram tagging me and using #StripeWWC, I wanna see and will share the prettiest ones!)
  6. Try out a new face mask. Yes this is an excuse to treat yourself to a face mask. I said it’s okay… you deserve it. This, this, this, this, and this are among my favorite recommendations.

 * And if you need a refresher on how this all works, just refer to the first challenge! I give you a challenge every Sunday and every Friday we all report back for with how we did. This challenge isn’t about being a certain size or number on the scale. It’s about feeling our best, having more energy, and making little changes… TOGETHER! You can start at any time… each challenge builds upon the last but they aren’t so intense that you will miss out if you start late. All of the posts from the challenge are housed on this page.

photography by Trent Bailey.

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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    Great challenges for the week ahead. I’m excited to try out a new breakfast recipe. Always fuelled by food, me, haha! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    1.14.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Haha, let me know what you try! x

      1.15.18 Reply
  2. Katie:

    I have been loving your check-in posts. Great way to stay motivated for the new year!


    1.14.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I’m so happy to hear that! Hope you had a great weekend, Katie!

      1.15.18 Reply
  3. Sarah Henke:

    Thank you for doing these each week! They’re really fun and a great way to stay motivated even when it is freezing out!

    1.14.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying them! I am more motivated as well. 🙂 xx

      1.15.18 Reply
  4. Briana:

    I love this series! I so need to practice my meditation more!


    1.14.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      So glad you are enjoying it!! Good luck this week!

      1.15.18 Reply