This Week’s Good Things, 8.24.20.

This Weeks Good Things 8.24.20
dress // bag

Hi!  How was your weekend? Mine was so nice. I went over a friend’s roof on Friday, saw my niece on Saturday and then had an anti-social/lazy night, a productive Sunday of work + chores, and then an early outdoor dinner w/girlfriends last night. Also, four movies: I watched The Goldfinch (meh, but that book was so amazing that it would be hard to do it justice), Down With Love (cheesy but amazing costumes + set design), She’s Out of Control, and Working Girl (two of my eighties favorites!). The perfect combo of social and anti-social.

This week is going to be a pretty busy one, work-wise! I have an orientation for a new long term partnership today and am moderating two book-related events Zoom this week. Tonight I’m hosting an influencer event for Majesty (finished it last week – SO GOOD!), and on Wednesday night I’m moderating Random House’s Summer Reading event (which is free and you should totally come to if you don’t have plans – what are plans!!) Some amazing authors will be speaking and I can’t wait to ask them about their books. Sign up here!

This Week’s Good Things, 8.24.20

This week’s list is a well-rounded blend of fun things: an artist I love, some pandemic essentials, a DELICIOUS recipe, a new kitchen essential, and more. Enjoy! Also a little reminder that today is the last day of the Sephora sale! More on that in this post.

This Weeks Good Things 8.24.20

Calida Garcia Rawles

How stunning are these paintings? LA based artist Calida Garcia Rawles is incredibly talented and an absolute joy to look at. She primarily paints Black men and women… submerged in water. I love the way she blends realism (some of her paintings are so detailed that they look like photos) with abstraction. And I really love the way she captures the tiny details of the water (bubbles, light reflection) and gleaming droplets on skin. I highly recommend following her instagram here!

This Weeks Good Things 8.24.20

The CUTEST collab!

OMG this is a good one: two of my favorites have teamed up! You know by now that Megababe makes my favorite hand sanitizer, but Lele Sadoughi has such gorgeous embellished FUN face masks. I love that they teamed up on a cute little set. This is a fantastic collab – get both products (and a cute reusable bag) for just $25, right this way! Who knew that 2020 would be the year we got this excited about fabric face masks and hand sanitizers… (I think this would make a wonderful gift to cheer up a pal who is experiencing the quarantine blues!) Also – Megababe gave me a code! Use code GRACE15 for 15% off sitewide.

This Week's Good Things 8.24.20

DS & Durga Holy Ficus Candle

I have a lot of favorite candles (as I write this I have four burning), but right now my favorite is DS & Durga’s Holy Ficus. It is so nice. It’s like an earthier version of (my beloved, other fav) Maison Louis Marie candle which is a less expensive Le Labo Santal 26 (my other other fav, yes I know I am ridiculous). It’s almost got notes of tomato leaves… but still smells all smoky, “sexy fireplace” as I like to say! LOVE.

Weekend Luggage

Weekend Luggage

I got so many questions about the bags I took to Southampton last weekend. The green plaid one is from Pamela Munson and the jungle cat weekender is from Very Troubled Child. I got it (a very generous gift from the brand) back in 2017 (you can see it in action on the blog in this post) and cannot say enough good things about it. I use it constantly (well I did when I actually went places!) and it’s still in perfect condition. It’s the perfect size for a weekend away and the quality is beyond. Also: major West Anderson vibes and I love that emerald green lining!!!! Someday I want to get their trunks, they are so special and cool. More recently they launched a green version and I love that too.

Scrub Daddy 

Scrub Daddy 

Okay these sponges are wonderful. The brand sent me a box of sponges and I was kinda just medium on the whole thing but I had heard good things from Carly and seen them on Shark Tank. I feel silly being so excited about a sponge (you can read more about them and their business in this article) but they are the BEST sponges… the hype is real, the texture actually changes as the water changes temperature. My personal favorite is the Scrub Mommy (what a name) as one side is soft and the other side is scrubby but I also like the original Scrub Daddy. Oh and their version of the Magic Eraser, too!!!!
Dan's Cornbread Trifle

Dan’s Cornbread Trifle

When Dan came over for patio dinner a few weeks ago, he brought the most gorgeous and delicious Peach Cornbread Trifle. Holy moly it was incredible. I’m generally not into cornbread but this changed my mind. It’s amazing. And lucky for us, the recipe is on his website!

top photo by Allie Provost.

Disclosure: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I only feature things I truly love here. Thank you for your support!


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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I’m glad you had a good weekend! That trifle looks delish! ❤️

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      It was so good!!!

      8.24.20 Reply
  2. Poppy:

    speaking of Carly – you NEED to help her. not turn her mental health issues into collaboration content….like, really help her.

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Carly doesn’t need my help. She is a good friend of mine and if I felt she needed it, I’d be all over that. Please stop leaving these strange comments.

      9.1.20 Reply
  3. Carly Abigail Heitlinger:


    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:


      8.24.20 Reply
  4. Kayla Calhoun:

    If you’re into 80s movies RN, I suggest Moonstruck (Cher! Olympia! Nic Cage! Italian American rom com!), and Steel Magnolias (southern sass and friendship! DOLLY!). Weirdly, I was thinking about this while watching Olympia in Moonstruck, and lo and behold it came up as a “watch next” rec on Prime.

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much! I LOVE Steel Magnolias and Moonstruck sounds like it needs to be my next movie!

      8.24.20 Reply
  5. Mackenzie K P:

    Guilty as charged on asking about the Very Troubles Child bag!! I love it. I’m putting it on my wish list for now!

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Haha, it was a popular one! Happy you love!

      8.24.20 Reply
  6. Libby:

    Even as a girl in her mid-20’s, I LOVE SCRUB DADDIES!! They were life savers in my first post grad apartment that was so old, I called it vintage to make it sound better, and it had not had kitchen updates since the 60’s hahah


    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      They make such a big difference!

      8.24.20 Reply
  7. Meghan:

    I’m so happy to have found Grossy Pelosi through your Instagram! I have three of his recipes on my meal plan for this week. Thanks for always sharing awesome content. <3

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Isn’t he just a gem!? And his recipes are SO GOOD!!!

      8.24.20 Reply
  8. Emily:

    It looks like the Sephora sale actually ended yesterday. My fault for not acting quick enough!

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oops! Sorry about that!

      8.24.20 Reply
  9. marys:

    Do you still use your big J.Mclaughlin woven leather tote with your monogram? I remember when you got it and thought it was so classic but fun. Love your weekend round-ups! I need inspiration as summer drags on.

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I still have it but haven’t been using it as much, no! It’s a great bag and I’m sure it will make its way out of my closet again at some point 🙂

      8.24.20 Reply
  10. Gayle:

    It is so great to hear you say you had a good weekend!

    8.24.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thank you <3 hope you did as well!!!

      8.24.20 Reply