Wellness Friday: Your Yoga Questions, A 3 Hour Workshop, + Healthy Links!

TGIF, friends! So much to tell you this week… and a LOT of fun healthy links to share from around the web.

First of all, this week as my “something new,” I took a THREE HOUR long inversion workshop over at Sky Ting. It was with one of my favorite instructors, Christopher Golden, and oh my goodness was I out of my element or what. It was so intimidating. So guys I don’t know if you know this but I’m really bad at yoga. I mean I LOVE it, and I go almost every day, but I’m not exactly good. And I’m cool with that. I’m naturally pretty clumsy and prone to falling/injuring myself (which is why I was a runner for so long… running is pretty hard to screw up). I don’t need to be good at everything I do, and it’s actually a good exercise… doing something you like just because you like it, not because you are a pro. I mean, I’m working hard at it and I hope to eventually be good at it but no. I’m not good. I don’t want you to think I’m some yoga expert because I go so often. I’m still verrrry much a beginner.

So this workshop. It was all about mastering the four inversions: handstand, headstand, forearm stand, and shoulder stand. The class was comprised of people who were really good at yoga – there were even several instructors in attendance. So I was pretty intimidated and definitely the least in shape person in the room, but it was still awesome. It was really hard. We too breaks in between each pose and did a lot of prep work for each pose (Christopher was awesome, he walked us through so many things I didn’t know about – for example, protracting your shoulders, and keeping your arms so, so, so straight). I learned a lot and ended up getting into headstand (with his help; against the wall). I’d highly recommend taking an inversion workshop if that’s something you’re interested in doing!

Next – a few reader questions. This week I got some DMs about doing cardio, and also about what changes I’ve noticed since doing more yoga.

Cardio. In a perfect world I would do cardio 3x a week to supplement the yoga. I’ll do 3 miles – usually some combo of running and walking. But yoga is my first priority so 3 days of cardio doesn’t always happen. The yoga class I take is pretty hard. I wouldn’t call it athletic (it’s not a rapid fire flow where you sweat a ton) but you hold the poses for a while.

Changes. Honestly the biggest changes have been to my mindset. Yoga is basically my therapy and helps a lot when I feel depressed or anxious. I always leave class in a great mood, and that in itself makes it worth it. As far as changes in my body, I haven’t lost weight (well I don’t actually weigh myself but my clothes pretty much fit the same as always) BUT I do feel a lot stronger, especially through my core. I’ve also gotten a lot more flexible. I was goofing around and did a high kick the other night and was shocked how high my leg made it up. I don’t know if you all read Alex’s Q&A last week (such a good one) but I hate weight training so an intense yoga class is a better alternative for me.

I am working on doing more cardio. I do really love the way I feel after a run and I definitely do some of my best/most creative thinking on the treadmill. I’d like to lose 5-10 lbs before summer so I’m eating cleaner and trying to make it to Equinox on top of yoga. Honestly though it’s so much about how you eat (and alcohol, sigh). Exercise is more for mental health, and getting stronger.

On a lower note… morning workouts have been HARD. I just haven’t been as motivated. I’ve been really busy with work and have found myself up til midnight getting drafts out to brands for sponsored projects, etc. Yesterday I got to the gym at 7 and that felt really good. I’ve gotta get back on track! What about you? It’s been a little while since we last checked in with each other. Tell me your progress in the comments. 🙂

This Week’s Workouts:

Friday – Lunchtime yoga at Sky Ting.

Saturday – rest (aka drink rosé in the sunshine with my sister and her cat in her backyard).

Sunday – 3 hour inversion workshop at Sky Ting.

Monday – Lunchtime yoga at Sky Ting.

Tuesday – Evening yoga class at Sky Ting.

Wednesday – Lunchtime yoga class at Sky Ting (we did headstands!)

Thursday – 40 minute walk/run on the treadmill at Equinox.

This Week’s Healthy Links:

photo by Trent Bailey.

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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    A three-hour long workshop – it sounds tiring, I probably wouldn’t be able to survive it, haha! And don’t worry about being a noob at yoga – I am too, and I guarantee you there are loads of people in the same boat as us! 😉

    Loving the healthy links! ❤️

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Haha, we took lots of breaks which helped!!!

      4.20.18 Reply
  2. Emily:

    Love these posts so much! I can’t wait to try out Sky Ting next time I’m in NYC. Also, so curious about the CBD products. Have a great weekend!

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      So glad you love them! And yes you must try it!!!

      4.20.18 Reply
  3. Brianna:

    This all sounds so fun! Inversions are SO hard and scary so good for you for breaking out of your shell and trying!

    I hurt my neck in spin on Monday, an old injury that came back, so workouts were lackluster this week but I am in the process of moving so all the stairs between apartments have my legs ON FIRE!

    Have a great weekend, Grace!

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      So hard and so scary!!!

      Oh NO – I hope your neck feels better soon. I don’t know if it’s too aggressive but check out the neck/jaw exercises I linked to. I have been doing them and they really help. Good luck with your move, too! Lots going on!!

      4.20.18 Reply
      • Brianna:

        Yes, I do a lot of those exercises! I was in PT for 8 months, GROSS, and learned a ton so I am now the posture police and queen of stretches.

        4.20.18 Reply
  4. Angela:

    Since my kickboxing gym started offering early morning classes in January, I’ve been going to class at 5:45am twice a week and have not missed… until three weeks ago when I was sick and since then I just have not been able to get up for my morning workouts either! I’m blaming it on the weather and the extended winter we’re having here in the Northeast. But on the cardio front, I have started to run a lot more because I have a 5 mile race Memorial Day weekend. I was struggling to do 2 miles but yesterday I finally felt good and back in my running groove so I’m going to up my runs to 3 miles next week! Small victories!

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That’s amazing! Great job!!!

      4.21.18 Reply
  5. Allie:

    I’ve been a lot better about working out – I finally realized that when I don’t want to go it’s because I haven’t been going enough, not the other way around.
    That’s really cool that you took the intensive knowing you’d be in over your head – that’s a really inspiring attitude! XAllie

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh my gosh yes same – that’s such a good realization to have! xx

      4.21.18 Reply
  6. Melissa:

    That class sounds intense and challenging in the right way! I need more yoga in my life … but my workouts have been pretty consistent. I’m noticing that they feel harder lately, but I don’t think I’ve changed anything major. Maybe I’m just getting old 😉

    Unrelated: loved the Coveteur piece yesterday! I’m just getting settled in my new place and it made me excited to make it my own! Also ordered the Charlotte Tilbury flawless filter this morning. If it makes me look 1/4 as good as it does for you, I will be thrilled!

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much – and yessss to the filter! It’s magical! xo

      4.21.18 Reply
  7. Caroline:

    The mental health horoscope was so accurate, Aries here. Also been trying to get up early to workout with beachbody on demand. Little by little

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Right!?! It was SPOT ON!!!

      4.21.18 Reply
  8. Katie:

    I laughed out loud reading the part about you doing a random hick kick, I do that shit all the time for no reason

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      hahaha glad I’m not the only weirdo 😉

      4.21.18 Reply
  9. Nora:

    Have you tried hot yoga? I’m six months postpartum and have finally gotten myself back into an exercise regimen and have been loving hot yoga for the workout and the mental benefits.

    4.20.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yes! Big fan of Y7!!!

      4.21.18 Reply
  10. Jen Tucker:

    Hey Grace!

    I never comment, but I just wanted to say that the true measure of a yogi isn’t the advanced poses – although they can be fun, for sure! – but the self awareness and modifications you make for where you’re at in that moment. And it sounds like you’re there!

    4.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw thanks Jen – I love that! x

      4.21.18 Reply
  11. Katie:

    Love your wellness Friday posts, Grace! I definitely need to get back into the routine of working out after finals week is over haha!


    4.28.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Katie! xx

      4.30.18 Reply
  12. Ally:

    New to your blog (which i love and am DEVOURING) , but I’ve been using Mowellens CBD products for awhile now and honestly can’t say enough about how much they’ve made a difference in my life. No weird side effects, where other brands have made me bloated or even kind of paranoid. I also found a brand on amazon I really like called R & R Medicinals, they’re tincture is great!

    6.25.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      aw thanks for commenting!!! I have to try Mowellens!!!

      6.26.18 Reply