How was your week? I’ve been in a funk for the past week or two which isn’t fun but I’m trying to just take it easy, get all my work done, and escape with a good book. I did get my hair cut and highlighted and my nails done and that definitely made me feel a little better. (We’re phase 3 in New York, be safe, wear a mask, follow your city’s guidelines!) Both felt really safe… partitions, everyone wearing masks, operating at a lower capacity so no one else was really around me.
This weekend, I have a wedding! A Zoom wedding, that is. My cousin is getting married in Connecticut. Our family decided the responsible thing would be to do a Zoom ceremony today (so that they could keep their original wedding date) and then a party in September (fingers crossed). It’s def bittersweet as originally my parents were going to come north for two weeks for the wedding and then some time on Cape Cod and I was going to join them for part of that but obviously none of that is happening! Anyway, I don’t have much planned this weekend! I have a friend coming over for a “crafternoon” on Sunday, and drinks with Becca tonight, and that’s about it. LOTS of reading time. (On that note: pre-order The Boys Club, out 8/4! It was excellent.)
Weekend Reading 7.18.20
All about the enneagram! (I’m a 3 wing 2!)
I bought this $20 puff sleeve sweatshirt (in white!) after seeing it on Liz’s stories earlier in the week. It came in the mail yesterday and I can’t recommend it enough.
A big congrats to Alisha and team at Girls Night In – The Lounge (a new way to connect online + offline!) looks incredible.
Loved seeing Ayana on Cup of Jo – her week of outfits is so good!!!!
The best silk face mask ever – I just got the emerald green and love it so much. Use code BOP20 for 20% off! (more great fabric masks in this post.)
Loved this article about Ellevest, which is funny and timely as I just signed up and created a portfolio earlier in the week. (Sidebar: can’t recommend our podcast episode on investing with their founder, Sallie Krawcheck enough!)
Two things I bought on sale this week that I’d been ogling for a while. These green resin earrings and this rattan clutch! V v excited about both.
Extreeeemely excited about this new Netflix series – coming in the fall!
Oh I love this green printed blouse. Very chic and a great price.
I’d been waiting for someone to write this article: on the design of all of NYC’s new “streateries.” Some of them are really pretty.
ZOMG the pearls on this perfect little straw bucket bag.
A great post (and reading list!) from Samantha Irby. I absolutely love her voice and how she writes.
These summer recipes sound HEAVENLY.
Such a gorgeous eyelet midi.
It looks much more expensive than it is, in my opinion.
Aminatou and Ann talk about their interracial friendship. (This is another great interview with them. They’ll be on our podcast next week, I can’t get enough of them!)
Allie rounded up the best restaurants in the Hamptons. She’s making me crave a little getaway!
Oh wow – Sai’s window treatments look GORGEOUS.
Simple, chic safety pin earrings – I love!
Why the “hustle mentality” is bullshit.
These pearl flower earrings look designer but are only $38!
Three no-cook sauces to make… YUM.
Love that Target created a badge to highlight Black-owned brands.
Get free shipping at Brightland (my fav olive oils and now vinegar too!) with code GRACEA.
On eating your way to better mental health.
I haven’t tried any of the Cushnie x Target pieces but I’m tempted by this emerald wrap dress, which just got marked down!
11 Honoré’s new in-house collection is pretty dreamy – I loved learning more about it.
Easy habits that will change your life.
Love Veronica Beard’s leopard face mask!
More on the influencer pay gap.
Love this pretty white blouse.
This post contains (some!) affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may earn a small commission.
photo by Allie Provost.
I feel the wedding stress/blues! We were supposed to get married in NYC in October – apparently we were one of the very last weddings to reschedule (basically no one is having parties until at least next year it seems). Our plan now is to get married on that date doing something really small and then throw a big party a whole year from now. Crazy times though…
Oh many – I’m so sorry!!!! Hang in there, that sounds like a great plan!
Meghan, I’m going through the same thing – If at all helpful for you and your spouse, so many incredible smaller spaces (like rooftops, favorite rooms in galleries,…) here in D.C. now work perfectly for an elopement…and there have been some really affordable options. For us, it will just be both sets of parents, a laptop for zoomers, and a view of the whole city! But we were just as content/excited with the prospect of walking down to the courtyard in our building and celebrating with some fancy pants take-out!
All the best on your wedding//bonus bash!
As a recovering “biglaw” corporate attorney, The Boys’ Club sounds excellent! Can’t wait to read it!
Oh you’re in for such a treat!!!! What’s really interesting to me is that the author still is in Biglaw and writes under a pseudonym.
You reminded me – I need a haircut too, and I need to do something about my nails… Hope you have a great weekend! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Thanks Charmaine, you too!
I’m also a 3 enneagram! Also, loving those safety pin earrings
yay, 3s are the best! (Which is such a 3 thing to say!!!)
Happy weekend lovely x
Lisa | lisaautumn.com
back at you!!!