Weekend Reading, 11.14.20.

Weekend Reading 11.14.20
blazer // cardigan

Happy weekend. This is actually my last weekend here in New York before I leave for Charleston for six weeks, which feels so crazy. There is so much to do before I leave and I can’t believe how quickly time has passed: I booked this trip over the summer and it has been this vague thing in the distance that I had been looking forward to but felt so far away. Now, it’s… very, very real! Of course, in the scheme of things, six weeks is such a short amount of time. I can’t wait to see my parents! I can’t wait to live SO close to my sister and her family! And I can’t wait to see my long-lost Charleston friends! But I will miss my apartment and my friends here and leaving for so long makes me a little antsy.

I don’t have a lot planned this weekend. Just a nice calm and cozy couple days (I’ve been really enjoying Dash & Lily on Netflix), and a few fun plans with friends! Whatever you’re up to, I hope it’s great! XO

Weekend Reading 11.14.20

I thought this was a really interesting article, a lot of the things they say resonated: The Rise of the Influencer Podcast.

I am still traumatized by the “shacket” but really really like the looks of this reversible shirt/jacket.

What’s going on with Georgia’s Senate Races? Also… Jess wrote a great post with how to help with the Georgia runoff election.

All about the Gossip Girl reboot.

The perfect simple gold chain necklace.

I Still Believe in America – did you read Obama’s piece for The Atlantic? Also worth reading is Ibram X. Kendi’s piece.

Such a happy rainbow stripe beanie.

Very excited for this book to film adaptation.

This 74 year old fitness influencer is having a moment.

My fav herbal remedy for an upset stomach. GRACE20 gets you 20% off!

Inspired by this dreamy bedtime routine.

A few things I ordered on Amazon this week:

this tee (in grey, size up!), this puff sleeve tee, this $13 eternity band (why not!?), and a new yoga mat for Charleston.

Wow just wow – this Savannah home is stunning.

How to have a better relationship with social media.

Loved this article about presidential pets.

Really love these (ultra expensive looking) pave hoop earrings.

I really liked getting to know Jill Biden a little better. Love that she’s a prankster at heart!

Everything we know about Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

One of my favorite tops (it’s a blouse/sweater hybrid) just went on sale!

Online dating advice.

Ten simple ways to fight stress.

Love a good cozy henley.

This East Hampton sculpture garden is beautiful!!!

I ordered this cute ruffle blouse this week – love!

63 healthy weeknight meals.

I thought everybody knew about Stacey Abrams’ side hustle as a romance writer. This article has the full scoop!

My fav hoodie. I own it in orange and am thinking about navy next.

What to do if you are spending Thanksgiving alone.

My absolute fav $15 sunglasses.

Twenty must-own art books, from A-Z.

The best travel books of all time.

This faux shearling hoodie looks soooooo cozy.

How to wear a cardigan like Princess Diana.

Better habits at home, according to enneagram type.

This DIY friendship pin kit would make such a fun holiday gift.


photography by Carter Fish.

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  1. Maggie:

    Loved the article about Dr Biden! I’m so excited for her to be in the White House. I hadn’t seen the clip before in which she said that she preferred being called Captain of the Vice Squad when President-Elect was the VP, but I LOVE it. I think that Doug Emhoff will be an AMAZING Captain of the Vice Squad. I’m so damn excited about our incoming administration, wish we could fast forward to January 20th!!

    11.14.20 Reply
    • Maggie:

      Also, the article about presidential pets! Yes!! I’m ready for humanity to return to the White House! Someone started Twitter & IG accounts for Champ & Major (presumably someone closely affiliated with the family) a few days ago but it looks like they’ve both been taken down or deactivated. Hopefully they’ll be reactivated soon and we can follow them!

      11.14.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I am so excited too!!!! Feeling exactly the same way.

      11.14.20 Reply
  2. Danielle:

    I know that I say it every time, but I love these round up posts!

    Danielle xx

    11.14.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That makes me so happy!

      11.14.20 Reply
  3. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I’m so happy for you, Grace! I can imagine how much you miss your parents and friends! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    11.14.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks, Charmaine!

      11.14.20 Reply
  4. Kate:

    I never miss your weekend reading – thanks for the always-great content! Enjoy your time in SC 🙂

    11.14.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw so happy to hear that! XO

      11.14.20 Reply
  5. coco:

    I love your weekend link post! I read many but yours is always the best! I click to 90% of the link’s!
    happy weekend!

    11.14.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh that makes me so happy, thank you!

      11.14.20 Reply
  6. Theodora:

    Omg, I want to be BFF with the 74-year-old fitness influencer 🙂

    11.14.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:


      11.14.20 Reply
  7. The Career Edit:

    As usual, love your weekend reading! Looking forward to reading Obama’s book – enjoyed the article linked – and same as you, loved the nighttime routine, so dreamy indeed.

    The Career Edit

    11.15.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I’m so glad! Happy Sunday!

      11.15.20 Reply
  8. Baguio:

    That feeling when you’re travelling and the time seems so fast, and the feeling of longingness to go home when you’ve been away for the family and friends for quite some time; very relatable. 😀

    I do like that “shacket” also and faux shearling hoodie

    Thanks for the product and weekly reading recommendation 🙂 I’ll be back for it this weekend.

    11.19.20 Reply