Time for a Teatox.

TeaTox 1

Tis the season… (if you’re anything like me), for overindulgence. There have been a few too many mugs of spiked hot chocolate, glasses of wine, and blocks of cheese handed my way this season which means that effective 12/26, I am on a strict detox! Or in this case, a teatox! I’ve teamed up with Bootea to try out their teatox (and will be documenting my experience on my social media channels.)

I’ve always been a huge fan of detox teas (especially around this time of year, after too much excess and not-so-perfect eating.) But detox teas have actually been around for hundreds of years in Eastern Medicine. Detox teas contain a special blend of herbs that will help to cleanse your body from toxins. The word “toxins” sounds a little scary but basically it’s just all the stuff in your body after being too indulgent that makes you feel puffy, bloated and sluggish. The primary benefits of doing the teatox are weight loss, detoxification, and relief from digestive problems and bloating… but as an added perk, you’ll also find your skin glowing and yourself sleeping better.

Of course, a true detox is about a healthy lifestyle (exercising, eating well) and should NOT a short term fix… but doing a fourteen day teatox is the perfect way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle. I’m doing mine (along with running while I’m home and plenty of Core Fusion + Soul Cycle once I get back to the city) in an effort to get super healthy before heading back to work in early January! I challenge you to do the same! The cleanse is completely natural and the perfect way to kickstart good habits before a busy 2015. Would love for you guys to take me up on the challenge (or tell me in the comments below what you are doing to kickstart a healthier New Year!)






Thank you to Bootea for sponsoring this post.

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  1. kate:

    interested to hear how it goes! the eating plan they provide on their site is kind of a nice place to start too

    12.23.14 Reply
  2. Kayleigh:

    Can’t wait to hear how you like it! I could definitely use a detox after this holiday season too… 🙂

    12.23.14 Reply
  3. Jordana @WhiteCabana:

    Oohh…looking forward to reading about the progress.

    12.24.14 Reply