Have you ever been in a terrible mood where there’s absolutely nothing you can do to fix it? That was me at the tail end of last week. I was SO cranky on Thursday and Friday. A can’t-snap-out-of-it, bad mood that nothing could help. I felt bad for Becca as we had to record the podcast and I was just such a grump. Usually I can pinpoint the origins of a bad mood. I’m dehydrated. I’m hungry. My pants are tight. I’ve had too much human interaction. Etc. etc., and so on and so forth.
This time, there was just nothing I could do to fix it. In hindsight I think it was a combination of a few nights of sleeping poorly and the awful weather. In New York we’ve had a hot mess combination of horrible humidity and these terrible apocalyptic thunderstorms. Anyway, the bad mood sitch had me really down… that double whammy of being cranky and then guilty for being cranky.
On Friday night I just chilled: took a bath, ordered takeout, watched Gossip Girl reruns. On Saturday, I woke up feeling like a brand new human. I don’t know what happened but I felt like myself again. Phew. And it was a good day. I puttered around the apartment doing chores, finished Homegoing, and then visited my sister and her family in the afternoon. Spending time with Zoe (my niece!) always puts me in a better mood! And yesterday was an even slower day. I read an entire book, made those delicious stuffed bagel balls I love so much, and had a movie night with my upstairs neighbor friends!
This Week’s Good Things 7.13.20
Here are this week’s fun things. It’s heavy on small businesses – enjoy!
Pop(sicle) Art!
Stephanie (another favorite – I’ve featured her here before, her pill coasters are LIFE) linked to Betsy Enzensberger’s instagram page and I let out a little squeal! The COOLEST melted popsicle art. (I love the rainbow pieces most!) She has an online store and I want absolutely everything in it.
Pretty New Jewels
The jewelry I ordered from OMA The Label came in this week! They have SUCH good pieces and I love everything I bought but my favorite piece is this chunky gold ring. Right now I am really into solid gold jewelry, especially single pieces you can wear (like a bold cuff or ring) without any complicated layering. This ring is perfect for that.
The Baby-Sitters Club on Netflix
I will admit that I am little bit embarrassed by this one but man, this show is cute and it is very very comforting to watch my favorite childhood book in TV show form. As far as I can remember, Netflix has done a great job reinterpreting BSC for 2020 (the kids are so cute too!). It’s charming and just fun, which is what the world needs right now. There are just 10 episodes and each episode is under half an hour. It’s great.
Super cooling pajamas
Nightire gifted me these clementine pajamas and they are SO cute! But the best part is that they are ultra cooling. Made from 100% organic, sustainable bamboo, they don’t get hot at all. I only have one air conditioning unit in my apartment so cooling PJs and sheets are critical for me. The fit is loose and comfy, I got a medium which is perfect. (PS – For more favorite pajamas, check out this post!) They gave me a code for you to use – SUMMERSLEEPS20 will get you 20% off!
Fox Fodder Farm
This one is for my fellow Brooklynites! (Sorry – I do try to keep the list to things everyone can enjoy but supporting my local businesses is important to me.) Fox Fodder Farm is my neighborhood flower shop and I am so happy because you can order flowers online from them for pickup and delivery. It’s been really hard finding beautiful flowers, and I prefer to buy my flowers locally when I can, so this bit of news made me extremely happy.
What are your good things from the week? Tell me!
Happy new week lovely!
Lisa | lisaautumn.com
Love this post Grace! So many cool small businesses and that pop(sickle) Art is beyond fab! Hope you have a good week 🙂
So glad you enjoyed it! Have a great week ahead!!
OMG I was total bad mood bear from around last Thursday into the weekend so I totally relate to this. In my case, it’s a combination of work stress, while (still) working from home so I haven’t been sleeping well and then also just general anxious feelings about whats going on right now. Hopefully this week is better for us all! *fingers crossed*
Onto better things – i LOVED Babysitters Club! I binged it in one day and was so sad when it was over. Such a fun watch!
YES all of those things!!!!! I hope you have a better week. And also: so sad BSC went by so quickly!!! It was really cute.
I’m glad you recovered from your terrible mood! We all get a little down sometimes. 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Thanks Charmaine!
Hi Grace, I’m a longtime Instagram follower but recently took a week off social media. I missed your content and have been going on your blog nearly everyday! I’m so happy I have–your posts are so wonderful and bring me such joy. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Xx
AW! I’m so glad to hear it! Thanks Shannon!
I was in such a bad mood much of last week- even though I was spending the week on Cape Cod. I think it was a combo of poor sleep, work and dating anxiety. Staying off facebook for a few days helped, as did spending time with the family dog.
UGH yes time off social media definitely helps. I avoided instagram this weekend and that helpe!!!
Grace, I totally get the bad mood then guilt for being cranky cycle! I think because it happens so rarely to me (probably for you, too?) it just sucks and you want it to be over ASAP. Loved this roundup and swooning over OMA’s jewelry! I sat down with Ruth Reichl’s “Save Me The Plums” on Saturday night and finished it by 2PM on Sunday…omg did it live up to the hype and more. I want to read all of her other books now. Have a good week! X
GAHH One of my most favorite treasured books!!! I love her so much.
Need to binge Babysitters Club – those were my favorite books!
Dana | It’s Casual Blog
It’s so fun, you’re going to love!
If loving the BSC is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!! I watched the new series on Netflix Saturday night, and the combination of wholesome nostalgia and strong female friendship felt like a warm hug I didn’t know I needed. I was also weirdly emotional watching it, lol; I think because I’m just so overwhelmed with all the feelings right now, and it took me back to simpler times when I loved cuddling up with my BSC books as a kid.
Hahahaha it really is just so cute!!!!!
Just curious, what’s your favorite way to snap out of a bad mood? The cooling pjs look awesome (it’s hard for me to sleep when it’s hot).
Re: BSC- fun fact I had that colorful phone they refer to as vintage lol. My how time flies, cute remake.
Usually it’s to eat something or take a bath. This time there wasn’t really anything I could do, I just had to wait it out. xx
Love all of these picks. I had a bad night last night, just felt so grumpy and sad and couldn’t shake it. I turn to reading and self-care when it happens, but it’s happening a lot lately. Just trying to keep moving and being grateful during this time. Glad you’re feeling better!
Thank you and agree – hope you have a better day today!!!!
What other pieces did you get from Oma? My order is coming today and am so excited!
Also I LOVE those melted popsicles! So fun!
I just finished bingeing The Sinner so will be starting Babysitters Club shortly! I can only do one show at a time lol
I got a necklace and earrings. Love them! Enjoy BSC!
Super cute pjs! I’m in the market for some new PJ’s. I know I haven’t read your blog in some time now. I hope all is well! I’ve been away from social media. I’m not a causal or jean person. Do you have any recommendations for more elevated causal wear?
They’re the best! In terms of recs, it’s really just everything I wear here! If I love it I share it!
Ok wow, so I just finished BSC on Netflix and it was perfect. Is it weird that I envy Claudia’s style? Her earring game is on fire!
I just finished BSC on Netflix and it was perfect. Is it weird that I envy Claudia’s style? Her earring game is amazing!
I couldn’t agree more!!!