The Health Benefits of Rose Water.

health benefits of drinking rose water

Today we are going to talk about an ingredient I happen to really love… Rose water! There are a lot of benefits of rose water and rose essential oil- both in applying it topically to your face AND ingesting it. I’ve been seeing it everywhere (it’s even in my beloved Sakara Beauty Water which I drink almost every morning – just add a few drops of their concentrate to a glass of water!) and can’t get over the beauty benefits so I thought I would do some research of my own.

Rose water is created by distilling rose petals with steam. It’s great for your skin but has been used for thousands of years both externally (topically in beauty products) and internally (ingesting it in food and drink products and ancient medicines). Also, I’ve been splashing my face with rose water for ages now (this and this are my favorites – both are all natural/organic and you know I love a good face mist) but there are so many other great benefits AND it’s incredibly easy to make if you are feeling DIY-y! Below we are going to explore the health benefits of rose water. There are no risks involved with drinking rose water. Unless you have an allergy, it’s totally safe.

drinking rose water for reduced anxiety

Health Benefits of Drinking Rose Water

Okay first of all we are going to talk about DRINKING rose water. Yes, drinking it! You can/should drink up to two cups of rose water a day. This is the newest one to me and very intriguing as there seem to be so many health benefits associated with it. What really piqued my interest is that it’s one of the main ingredients in Sakara’s beauty water. I’d also seen it over on Geri’s blog which is one of my favorites for wellness tips and tricks.

It lowers stress and anxiety and can help with a bad mood.

Yes, seriously. Drinking rose water is ultra calming and can actually even help to lift your mood.  According to this study, rose extract was found to calm the central nervous system in rats, and in Ayurvedic medicine it is known to balance the emotions that govern the heart.

It’s packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants.

Rose water contains vitamins A, C, D, & E as well as B3. Rose essential oil has these same vitamins.

Decreased bloating.

Rose water (and rose essential oil!) contains flavonoids which have anti inflammatory properties which can help with bloating.

It can help with colds and/or a sore throat.

It has anti bacterial properties. If you have a sore throat, try gargling with it.

benefits of using rose water topically

Benefits of Using Rose Water Topically

  • Hydration + GLOW. I love a good rose water face mist, especially this one and this one. It helps with a number of skin conditions but misting it on your face will help hydrate it and even help to reduce wrinkles. This is one of my favorite beauty benefits.
  • Wounds. Rose water has antibacterial properties. It was actually used in medieval times as a hand wash before a big feast. You can dab it on your skin to help skin heal.
  •  It’s a natural astringent and great for treating blotchiness. (And it’s anti inflammatory properties make it great for redness and/or eczema.)
  • Spraying it on skin after cleansing can help the skin better absorb moisturizer.
  • Reduce wrinkles. (In the short term.)
  • Tames frizzy hair.

How to Make Rose Water At Home

Rose water is super easy (and ultra affordable) to make at home. It’s so simple… juist water and rose. .. yet there are so many incredible health and beauty benefits. You’ll need a large pot with a lid, and a heat resistant bowl (glass or stainless steel) that can fit inside the pot.

  1. Place 2-3 quarts of rose petals* in the pot and cover them with water. Set the bowl in the center of the pot – the rim should be a few inches higher than the water.
  2. Cover the pot with the lid flipped upside down and bring the rose petals to a boil. Once the water is boiling, fill the top of the lid with ice cubes.
  3. Reduce the heat to a simmer for two hours.
  4. Add more ice as need be, checking occasionally that the rose petals are covered.
  5. The condensation from the heat + ice will drip into the bowl, leaving behind about one quart of pure rose water.

*Petals should be fresh (not brown), and look for organic roses if you’re planning to drink it!

how to make rose water at home my favorite rose waters


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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I had no idea you could drink rose water! It sounds scary, haha! Have you tried it personally? I’d love a review if so! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    11.4.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I know, it’s not scary at all! I thought the same. I have rose water drops in my water every morning (the Sakara beauty water!)

      But I have not tried making my own yet – it seems SO easy!

      11.4.18 Reply
  2. katie:

    I always learn something new from you – thanks!

    11.4.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      thank you!

      11.5.18 Reply
  3. Christine Palmer:

    I drink it too in Sakara’s beauty water (a discovery from you!) and I LOVE it. I thought it helped me with my own anxiety and stress because of the calming smell but it’s interesting to know there’s actual research behind it. Thanks for sharing.

    11.4.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw so glad you’re loving it too!

      11.5.18 Reply
  4. Katie:

    I’ve heard of using rose water sprays as skincare but never heard of drinking it- so interesting!


    11.4.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yeah! It’s so interesting!

      11.5.18 Reply
  5. Heather:

    Quick question regarding your recipe. I was wondering if you had the weight for the quantity of rose petals?
    Unfortunately the site where I want to purchase the petals only gives me a weight figure. They don’t tell me approximately how many cups are in the package 🙁

    Thanks, Heather

    11.4.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I don’t know the weight! I’m sorry!!!

      11.5.18 Reply
  6. Nikki:

    I’m totally making this – thank you!

    11.5.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      yay! you’re so welcome.

      11.5.18 Reply
  7. Haley:

    I love using rose water to refresh my skin.

    11.8.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Me too!!!

      11.8.18 Reply
  8. Serwaa:

    How do I preserve it
    And what is it’s shelf life?

    5.11.19 Reply