Books: The Best Business Books.

Reading before bed



By now you probably know how much I love to read. (LOL) I’ve been a big reader for as long as I can remember. And as a small business owner and entrepreneur, one of the ways that I stay motivated is by reading my fair amount of business books. (I’m trying to read more, so please share your favorites in the comments!) Today I am sharing a list of nine books that I’ve found to be particularly inspiring, motivating, and educational. They’ve all in different ways helped me over the years… highly recommend each and every one!

I’ve said this before but I have always been a paper books kind of girl… E-readers just don’t do it for me. I know some people find them to be more convenient but I just love my paper books. I like to hold a book as I read. And in a way it’s a bit of a ritual and sensory experience. I really like the actual feeling of the paper between my fingers as I turn the pages. It’s cathartic and soothing… and the last thing I want to do to relax is look at another screen! You might remember from last year that I teamed up with The Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds® campaign to talk about how I find the time to read… this year I’m excited to do it again with this list of the best business books!


Read more about the challenge here! As a part of that, they asked me to share my favorite business books which I was excited to do! I encourage you to take the 15 page challenge. I think the challenge is particularly relevant for business-y books as I can get overwhelmed by these books… they take me longer to read! To further incentivize you / encourage you to get those pages in, we are giving one lucky reader a $500 gift card to Amazon.

Scroll to the end of the post to enter via the widget, and comment below with your own favorite business books.

Check out these titles

I love the challenge of reading 15 pages a day (on paper) as it isn’t intimidating and it’s something anyone can do. No matter your age or literacy level, anyone can read 15 pages a day. This article has a lot of good information about the benefits of reading on paper. If you do take the challenge, share that you took the pledge on social media using #15Pages!

The Best Business Books


Contagious by Jonah Berger. This is a fascinating look at the how and why behind why things become popular and trends catch on. It talks about the power of word of mouth, social influence, and how things/ideas go viral… or become “contagious.”

You are a Badass Everyday

You are a Badass Everyday by Jen Sincero. I picked this one up because I like the tagline but this is one of the best books I’ve read for keeping me motivated and staying driven.

The War of Art

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. I’m such a Steven Pressfield fan. Love him. His books are small but mighty – I take so much away from every single one! This business book is all about roadblocks, and how we actually prevent ourselves from being our most successful creative selves. I have read and re-read this one time and time again… it’s life changing.

Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t 

Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t by Steven Pressfield. Another Pressfield book and I LOVE the tough love title. This book is fantastic for any type of writer (whether you’re writing copy for brands or just writing creatively). It will teach you the power of story-telling and how to craft a compelling narrative.

The 9 books Grace loves for business advice

The Brand Gap

The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier. As a former brand manager I loved reading this book – it talks about how to produce a “charismatic brand,” which is something you can apply to both an actual brand or a person. It’s a pretty quick read but PACKED with knowledge.

How to Win Friends & Influence People in the Digital Age

How to Win Friends & Influence People in the Digital Age, by Dale Carnegie. This is an adaptation of the classic, reinterpreted for modern times and the Internet age. I have read and re-read this one again and again; it is a CLASSIC and an absolute must-read for anyone in a leadership role or a role where networking + relationships are important to your success (okay maybe that’s any job!?)

Talented is Overrated

Talented is Overrated by Geoff Colvin. Something that has always fascinated me is how some of the most talented people aren’t very successful – and vice versa. This book takes a scientific approach at looking at what factors make someone successful/high performing (the secret ingredient isn’t being naturally gifted or talented!!!).

Crush It! Why NOW

Crush It! Why NOW by Gary Vaynerchuck. I am admittedly a little bit fascinated by Gary Vee, seeing how he’s built his own businesses into something so successful. If you have a passion project or a hobby that you wish you could monetize, this is a great job to read.

Made to Stick

Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. This book is fascinating, especially if you enjoyed Contagious. It’s all about the science behind ideas and why some ideas take off and others thrive (and how you can improve the odds of your ideas taking off).

The array of books Grace loves Grace is reading Contagious, a novel she recommends Grace holds her favorite books

Photos by Carter Fish // Created in partnership with The Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds® campaign – thank you for supporting the brands that keep this blog running!


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  1. LizaH:

    Hiding in the Bathroom: An Introvert’s Guide to Getting Out There (When You’d Rather Stay Home) by Moira Aarons-Mele

    8.1.19 Reply
    • Shelby:

      I agree – I’ve listened to this book twice. It was so helpful for me at my toxic job (which I left with encouragement!)

      8.2.19 Reply
  2. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    Wow, thank you so much for the giveaway! I really want to read “Nobody Wants To Read Your Sh*t”, haha! Sounds interesting!

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    8.1.19 Reply
  3. Ali:

    This is a smart partnership! Well done.

    8.1.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw, thank you – that means a lot! xx

      8.1.19 Reply
  4. Emily:

    I just got Leadership Without Easy Answers to think about how I can better lead teams.

    8.1.19 Reply
  5. Julie Updike:

    One of my favorites is “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey” – it’s a great book on principles and putting your focus on the best things for the best outcome. Love how you make reading a priority! so fun!

    8.1.19 Reply
    • Katie:


      8.1.19 Reply
  6. Angela:

    Feeling like “Nobody wants to read your shit” would be helpful for my legal briefs. Adding to my Amazon cart asap. #lawyerlife.

    8.1.19 Reply
  7. alicia:

    Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso!

    8.1.19 Reply
  8. Kristen Mount:

    I loved “Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World” by Adam Grant. Highly recommended for anyone, but in particular self employed/ entrepreneurs!

    8.1.19 Reply
  9. Kim S.:

    I read The One Page Marketing Plan as I’ve been getting my business off the ground and it is awesome. Short and sweet with really actionable advice that I find myself using every day! Definitely buying The War of Art next – The Skinny Confidential mentions that one too so it’s at the top of my list!

    8.1.19 Reply
  10. Lindsay:

    For sure, You are a Badass is my favorite too!

    8.1.19 Reply
  11. Angela:

    I loved 7 habits of highly effective people, old but good!

    8.1.19 Reply
  12. Kellie:

    I read You are a Badass Everyday by Jen Sincero last year for the first time and could not love it more. I am about to reread it, it’s that good!

    8.1.19 Reply
  13. Caroline Lopez:

    I love this challenge! That is actually how I started giving up excuses for reading more an so far I’ve read 8 this year. For business book, I actually just got “the white coat investor” to finally get on top on finance and star thinking about other ways I can actually earn money besides primary care. It is an eye opening experience. And I am looking forward to adding Jen sincero book to my stack soon as well as atomic habits.

    8.1.19 Reply
  14. Emily:

    I also looooove You are a Bad Ass Everyday! Such a fun and inspiring read!

    8.1.19 Reply
  15. Liz:

    Lean In is one of my favorite books (as a woman)!

    8.1.19 Reply
  16. Nd:

    I really enjoyed You Are A Badass! Awesome giveaway!

    8.1.19 Reply
  17. Abby M:

    Daring Greatly – not a typical “business book” but helps you better yourself in ALL aspects of your life.

    8.1.19 Reply
  18. Angela:

    Buyology : The truth and lies about why we buy by Martin Lindstrom. A little more corporate/academic, one of my business professors recommended it. But it’s fascinating!!

    8.1.19 Reply
  19. Abigail S:

    The War of Art as well- feeling like I need to pick it back up again too

    8.1.19 Reply
  20. Danielle:

    I love the you are a badass book!

    8.1.19 Reply
  21. Courtney:

    Love the idea of this giveaway! I’ve been waking up earlier in the mornings (30 mins – hour) specifically to read! I find it’s much easier to wake up earlier when a book and coffee is on the line rather than working out 😉

    My favorite business book is Lean In – it was one of the first that I read that I really loved and it really showed me the value of biz books. I also love Winning the Brain Game, which speaks more about the tricks your brain plays on you (especially relevant if you work in advertising/marketing).

    8.1.19 Reply
  22. Tina:

    Lean In

    8.1.19 Reply
  23. Lindsey G:

    I love Dare to Lead by Brene Brown!

    8.1.19 Reply
  24. Liz O:

    Dare to lead by Beene Brown.l is excellent. Or actually anything by B. Brown!

    8.1.19 Reply
  25. Mary Hunter:

    I loved “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain. Not necessarily a business book, but it has definitely helped me relate better/be more inclusive of others in the workplace.

    8.1.19 Reply
  26. Mary Tanner:

    Getting “Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t” immediately – my job involves tons of legal writing, which has its quirks, but I’m sure it will have lots of crossover with the book!

    8.1.19 Reply
  27. Leigh Casler:

    I loved Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People “.

    8.1.19 Reply
  28. Dana Mannarino:

    I just love how convenient bringing my iPad is rather than a book. BUT I do low key miss paperbacks! I need to get better at reading business/motivational books. Thanks for these recs!

    Dana | The Champagne Edit

    8.1.19 Reply
  29. Emma Finlayson:

    Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

    8.1.19 Reply
  30. Laura T:

    You Are a Mogul: How to Do the Impossible, Do It Yourself, and Do It Now by Tiffany Pham was excellent!

    8.1.19 Reply
  31. Vanessa Wilkins:

    my favorite business book is the brand gap

    8.1.19 Reply
  32. justine:

    How to Win Friends and Influence People! It was required reading for a class that I took back in college and cant believe how it still holds up. I want to read in the digital age as well! I had no idea there was one!

    8.1.19 Reply
  33. CharleneD:

    How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age and
    Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

    8.1.19 Reply
  34. Jenni:

    While some of the shine has fallen off in recent years, I still think Lean In was a great read that I read at just the right time (kicking off my law school career).

    8.1.19 Reply
  35. Vanessa:

    I’d love to tell you what my favourite business book is, but the truth is, I’ve never read any business books before! I hope to change that soon, though, because I’m at an age now where I’m more concerned about my career and financial stability. I’m planning on checking out a few of the books you recommended in this post – particularly You Are A Badass Every Day and No One Wants To Read Your Shit (those titles are hilarious).

    8.1.19 Reply
  36. Samantha:

    Despite shifting from the nonprofit/public sector the private sector a couple years ago, I haven’t done much business reading beyond “Lean In” and reading shorter pieces from Forbes and Harvard Business Review. Appreciate the chance to change that with this giveaway!

    8.1.19 Reply
  37. Annie:

    “Presence” by Amy Cuddy is one of my favorites.

    8.1.19 Reply
  38. Talia:

    In college I read Drive by Daniel Pink, and it really influenced the way I think about motivation. I definitely need to read more in this genre, though, as a 25 year old just 3 years into the workforce (I’m a fiction junkie).

    8.1.19 Reply
  39. Nicole:

    This book has more general advice about life than about business specifically, but I loved The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. I resisted for a while because I thought the title was really lame, but I’m glad I eventually purchased!

    8.1.19 Reply
  40. Christina OHandley:

    Don’t know if it’s a business book, but I loved Grit by Angela Duckworth! I

    8.1.19 Reply
  41. Kristin:

    The Tao of Leadership – more like little leadership proverbs but sooooo good for business and life!

    Who Thought This Was A Good Idea – I found this fascinating

    8.1.19 Reply
  42. Cory:

    I’m a HUGE fan of Dare to Lead! Brene Brown all the way

    8.1.19 Reply
  43. Lauren C:

    I loved “You are a Bad Ass” and also enjoyed her follow up book, “You are a Bad Ass at Making Money”!

    8.1.19 Reply
  44. CD:

    I’m in the art and writing fields so I love Stephen King’s On Writing and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I also really like Bossypants by Tina Fey (does that count as a business book?).

    8.1.19 Reply
  45. CD:

    Oh! I forgot – also all of Brene Brown’s books and Mindset by Carol Dweck!

    8.1.19 Reply
  46. Lydia:

    Speak so your Audience will Listen. Interesting and practical for anyone who has to present to groups, large or small.

    8.1.19 Reply
  47. Jill:

    Thanks for the great list! One of my favorites is Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s awesome for those in the creative/art field but I think could be great inspiration for all!

    8.1.19 Reply
  48. Carol Ann Clark:

    Just purchased and plan to read The Woman in the Window! Super late to this one but cannot wait as I love a good thriller and plan to see the film when it comes out this fall! Thanks so much for the giveaway 🙂

    8.1.19 Reply
  49. Taylor Wymer:

    How to Win Friends and Influence People is the ULTIMATE business book, IMO. It applies to literally any job, and I’ve read it twice at totally different life/career stages and its felt relevant both times.

    8.1.19 Reply
  50. Nicole Cannon:

    My favorite results that last

    8.1.19 Reply
  51. Katrina Connor:

    I don’t read a lot of these books but I love the “By the book” podcast, in this podcast they live by a self help book for two full weeks and report about it on the show. Might be a good podcast crossover as these books have influenced you.

    8.1.19 Reply
  52. Molly Broemmelsiek:

    I love The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate- so good!

    8.1.19 Reply
  53. Elizabeth:

    I love The War of Art! So very insightful. I’m so glad you love it too.

    8.1.19 Reply
  54. Jacqueline Collins:

    You are a Badass Everyday!

    8.1.19 Reply
  55. Kate:

    You Are A Badass is one of my faves for sure@!

    8.1.19 Reply
  56. kel:

    you are a badass is my fave!!!

    8.1.19 Reply
  57. Catherine:

    Deep Work, by Cal Newport. Not a business book per se, but it’s all about how to create the practices and environment for focused, creative, brain-intensive work. Highly, highly recommend.

    8.1.19 Reply
  58. Lauren:

    You are a badass every day, is one of my favorite books! I am so excited you included it on your list!

    8.1.19 Reply
  59. Ciera:

    I love this giveaway! I really enjoyed The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. It’s a classic and should be on everyone’s shelves.

    8.1.19 Reply
  60. Gwendolyn Jordan:

    Crush It

    8.1.19 Reply
  61. Lauren:

    It’s not strictly a business book but Lisa Congdon’s book about becoming an artist as an adult is very inspiring!

    8.1.19 Reply
  62. Bailey:

    “Humans Are Underrated” is the sequel to “Talent Is Overrated” (by Geoff Colvin) and it also a wonderful and refreshing read! I recommend it to every communication major I know when they get discouraged by people calling their major “useless.” Also a great read to ease your mind about technology and robots taking over the world.

    8.1.19 Reply
  63. Jenna:

    My favorite is Nice Girls Don’t Get the corner office!

    8.1.19 Reply
    • BSDH:


      8.2.19 Reply
  64. Perri Schneider:

    So into Jen Sincero and her you are a badass book!! Inspirational without being cheesy! Must read.

    8.1.19 Reply
  65. Noreen:

    One that holds up and still should be read today is How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

    8.1.19 Reply
  66. jamie:

    Atomic habits isn’t a business book per se, but it is loaded with good ideas to be more productive in all areas of life.

    8.1.19 Reply
  67. Diana l Schulz:


    8.1.19 Reply
  68. Pamela:

    I’ve never read How To Win Friends and Influence People – I think it’s time I did!! Thanks

    8.1.19 Reply
  69. Stephanie:

    This challenge is awesome! I think my recent faves are a tangent of creativity & business 🙂 – Jen Sincero’s ‘You Are a Badass at Making Money’ audiobook is seriously so great to just hit play in the mornings. Also loved Full Time You by Meg Lewis (self discovery / personal brand strategy.)

    8.1.19 Reply
  70. Elizabeth:

    Always amazed at how fast you read …. great recommendations 🙂 Thanks!!

    8.1.19 Reply
  71. Samantha Edelman:

    This might be a bit industry specific, but my vote is for Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, by David Epstein.

    It’s all about the science behind the benefits of being versatile and a jack of all trades. Fascinating stuff!

    8.1.19 Reply
  72. Laurie:

    Thanks so much for the chance at the give away. I have found audiobooks to be a great way to get my reading in, when life gets too busy.

    8.1.19 Reply
  73. Amanda:

    I love Gretchen Rubin’s Better than Before for habit-building techniques.

    8.1.19 Reply
  74. karen bellomy:

    Talented is overrated sounds like something for me! Talent is one’s own opinion and subject to interrupration

    8.1.19 Reply
  75. Donna:

    Bargaining for Advantage by G. Richard Shell- helped me tremendously!

    8.1.19 Reply
  76. ashley e:


    8.1.19 Reply
  77. Kari:

    Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris! Love reading and learning from the routines and habits of successful people!

    8.1.19 Reply
  78. kate howell:

    Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a good one!

    8.1.19 Reply
  79. Brooke:

    I loved The War of Art! Read it in my masters program and it is so accurate! I also love The 4 Hour Workweek, Setting the Table and anything Stephen Covey books!

    8.1.19 Reply
  80. Jenny:

    Hi Grace! A business book I recommend is “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity” by David Allen. I read it for a class I took and really liked it.

    8.1.19 Reply
  81. Evangeline (lia) Jacobsen:

    I have to be honest, I am retired and business is the last thing on my mind! Been there done that! I am intrigued by the book You Are A Badass just by the title. lol Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

    8.2.19 Reply
  82. Lucia:

    I really love Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s book “Off the Sidelines.” It’s not technically a business book, but she was a very successful attorney prior to politics and this outlines her career in private practice and just generally has some great advice for women.

    8.2.19 Reply
  83. Erin House:

    Hi Grace,

    Thanks for the recommendations – I’ve added some to my Goodreads TBR.

    I recommend “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. It might be a stretch to call it a business book, but it is certainly inspirational for anyone that produces creative work. It’s also the first time I heard about mediocre white man confidence (I don’t think she calls it that – but she speaks to the concept and it was like a lightbulb went on in my head about my own confidence).

    P.S. I am new to your blog + podcast. Heard you and Becca on Sarah’s Bookshelves Live and now all of your content is my new obsession.

    8.2.19 Reply
  84. Natasha:

    I really don’t have a fave in the business area right now. Looking to check out a few though.

    8.2.19 Reply
  85. Janice Stern:

    Anything by Jen Sincero!

    8.2.19 Reply
  86. Megan Myers-Bell:

    I recently started a small business myself so this is the perfect partnership for me because I’m still in the completely overwhelmed with so much admin/aavounting phase that I have devoted an appropriate amount of time to reading/leaning/growing. But it’s so true…only takes 15 pages a day makes a huge difference. Challenge accepted and started TODAY!

    8.2.19 Reply
  87. Emily:

    Recently read HBR’s 10 Reads On Managing Yourself and learned so many valuable tips to make me more effective at work and in life. Highly recommend.

    8.2.19 Reply
  88. Emily Anderson:

    I haven’t read too many business books but I’m definitely going to give some of these a try!

    8.2.19 Reply
  89. Sydney:

    One of my favorites is Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking!

    8.2.19 Reply
  90. Wendy Pierson:

    I’m interested in You are a Badass Everyday…..I’ve been an executive with the same company for 13 years and I always need motivation and new ways to look at my situation.

    8.2.19 Reply
  91. Lisa Autumn:

    I just put all of them on my list! Thanks girl!

    x Lisa |

    8.2.19 Reply
  92. Emma:

    I LOVE The Myth of the Nice Girl-it’s a must-read for women and anyone who has ever been told they’re not “mean” enough to be competitive.

    8.2.19 Reply
  93. Sarah:

    I loved “You Are A Badass!” Jen Sincero is great!

    8.2.19 Reply
  94. Kim Niland:

    I haven’t read it yet, but the book I’m most excited to read is HOW TO WIN FRIENDS & INFLUENCE PEOPLE IN THE DIGITAL AGE

    8.2.19 Reply
  95. Lucy:

    Love a giveaway involving books! Reading is my absolute favorite!!

    8.2.19 Reply
  96. Ellen:

    You are a badass!!!

    8.2.19 Reply
  97. Ellie Sheely:

    the book “truth and lies why we buy” was an interesting read.

    8.2.19 Reply
  98. Morgan Rose:

    My non-fiction is all teaching related but I just read “empower” by John Spencer and loved it!

    8.2.19 Reply
  99. alyson seligman:

    love this post and insight; I really want to read that book nobody wants to read your shit! And I also loved Jen’s book, and in general, I’ve been reading How to Not Give a F*ck and it’s a great motivational read.


    8.2.19 Reply
  100. Anne:

    Crush it. Why NOW seems like a book I’d love to read!

    8.2.19 Reply
  101. Helen:

    I found Susie Moore’s What If It Does Work Out?: How a Side Hustle Can Change Your Life to be a helpful and insightful read.

    8.2.19 Reply
  102. Joan Nguyen:

    You are a badass!

    8.2.19 Reply
  103. Deborah Susco:

    7 Habits is always solid.

    8.2.19 Reply
  104. Donna James:

    I like “Talent is overrated”

    8.2.19 Reply
  105. Natalia:

    You are a bad ass! Such a good message.

    8.2.19 Reply
  106. Julie Anderson:

    I love The War of Art!

    8.2.19 Reply
  107. Kimberley Williams:

    Having lost a job un-expectantly, I love ‘You are a Badass Everyday’! Helped me stand up and face it!

    8.3.19 Reply
  108. Caitlin:

    Art and Fear by Bayles and Orland.

    8.3.19 Reply
  109. Meghan Quinn:

    I’m gonna want to read how to win and influence friends in the digital age. I see the complications to that every day. It looks like an important read.

    8.3.19 Reply
  110. Cheryl Larimer:

    I like the book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink. It gives good insight in and outside of work.

    8.3.19 Reply
  111. Renee:

    I actually love the book Go Pro! Now I’m super interested in reading Contagious! It looks amazing!!!

    8.4.19 Reply

    i like CRUSH IT!

    8.4.19 Reply
  113. Jane Pesznecker:

    Why Didn’t Anybody Tell Me This Sh*t Before? by Marcella Allison

    8.4.19 Reply
  114. Kate Sparks:

    You Are A Badass Every Day…. motivation every day is hard.

    8.5.19 Reply
  115. richard hawkins:

    buy low sell high

    8.5.19 Reply
  116. Meryl R Dessen:

    The Big Life Ann Shoket

    8.5.19 Reply
  117. Annette:

    I love everything by Zig Ziglar, especially, “Secrets of Closing the Sale.”

    8.5.19 Reply
  118. Christina Moore:

    Thank you for the chance to win

    8.5.19 Reply
  119. Dorothy Page:

    I AM a bad ass everyday !

    8.5.19 Reply
  120. Sharon Bennett:

    The One Minute Manager

    8.5.19 Reply
  121. Jillian:

    Radical Candor by Kim Scott! Great read for guidance on how to have candid conversations in the workplace! : )

    8.5.19 Reply
  122. Katie:

    Secrets of the Art World by Litsa Spanos

    It offers great insight on making a living as an artist!

    8.6.19 Reply
  123. Chris Rasmussen:

    I really enjoy reading your books!

    8.6.19 Reply
  124. John Lewis:

    I like the Seven Sisters. A book about how the oil companies came int existence.

    8.6.19 Reply
  125. Christina Moore:

    Thank you for the chance to win, this would be great for my daughter

    8.6.19 Reply
  126. Joann Jillson:

    Good to great and the lean start up

    8.6.19 Reply
  127. Linda Barket:

    I love to read!! Nothing new in my house, already read everything.

    8.6.19 Reply
  128. Brandi Paschal:

    My favorite is YOU ARE A BADASS EVERYDAY.

    8.6.19 Reply
  129. Amt:

    I LOVE reading!

    8.7.19 Reply
  130. Lindsay:

    I am not sure if it could be considered a business book. My boss recomend I read Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer.
    I think it helps to he able to understand your personality, and that of those aroumd you, enabling you to work better with each other.

    8.7.19 Reply
  131. Karla Keller:

    I remember reading a few good books trying to become a better manager. I liked this one the most. How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. I was around 19 when I read it. I was the youngest service desk manager ever for my company. It helped me not ruffle too many feathers with my newly found power.

    8.7.19 Reply
  132. Stephanie:

    I haven’t read too many business books yet but i plan to soon. At the moment I’m reading the immortal instruments series.

    8.7.19 Reply
  133. Brenda W. Quinn:

    A good book in business–and life in general–is “How to Change Anybody” by David J. Lieberman, Ph.D.

    8.7.19 Reply
  134. Tanya Kertsman:

    Confidence and Influence + Persuasion are two of my favorites!

    8.7.19 Reply
  135. Betty Curran:

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has always been a favorite of mine. I’m no longer an entrepreneur so most of my reading now is lighthearted fiction.

    8.7.19 Reply
  136. Jeneen Bish:

    Best business book “The Lemonade Life”

    8.21.19 Reply