How to Use Oregano Oil For Acne.

How to Use Oregano Oil For Acne - The Stripe

A couple weeks ago I did a post about detoxing your skin after summer. At the time, my skin was freaking out. I never break out so I didn’t have the right products, so I decided to do a little bit of research. And everywhere I looked, it was all about oregano oil. There are a TON of skin benefits for using oregano both topically or internally, but you have to be super careful as you can definitely overdo it (the oil can burn your skin if you’re not careful). I spent quite a bit of time researching this oil (and playing around at home, ever the wannabe beauty chemist) and think I’ve found the perfect way to use it.

How to use Oregano Oil for Acne

What makes oregano oil so amazing is that it has incredible healing benefits. It was first discovered in Greece, where it was used topically as an anti-bacterial agent for wounds. One of the best properties of oregano is that it’s a natural anti-septic (and also has anti-fungal properties too!) Just make sure that you are using a good one. The bottle should say that it is a 100% pure essential oil and mention the species (Origanum Vulgare). If you see the word “fragrance,” it means there are other additives so don’t use that one! I use this exact one and it’s great – all organic, no additives, pure oregano oil.

Add Oregano To Your Diet

You can consume oregano essential oil orally – but don’t overdo it. The recommended dose is 3-4 drops (it’s great for clearing up your skin but also great if you have a cold or sore throat for the record – love multi-tasking!)

Try adding 3-4 drops to a glass of water. You can add it to juice but in my experience it tastes kind of gross. I had the best luck with adding 4 drops of oregano to a warm glass of water, with a teaspoon of honey to sweeten things up. Honey is also great for your skin!  You could also take a capsule.

The spot treatment (below!) is going to be the most effective in the short term/if you need immediate results FAST, but for long term problems/if you break out regularly definitely try adding it to your diet.

Oregano Oil Skin Benefits from the Inside Out

We’ve talked about this before but the skin is often a reflection of what’s going on outside. A lot of skin conditions are a direct result of a poor diet or other health condition. Oregano oil is great for both your digestive health and your immune system and taking a daily supplement can also lead to clearer skin.

How to Use Oregano Oil Topically for Acne

Make a Spot Treatment!

I made a spot treatment and this stuff ROCKS. It cleared up my pimple immediately – I put it on before bed and it was basically gone in the morning. The key thing is to dilute the oregano oil with a carrier oil. I chose to dilute mine with organic jojoba oil because (besides being what I have readily available) it’s a really gentle oil and has never made me break out. Everything I read said to use 50% oregano oil and 50% carrier oil, but I found that it was still too strong – it burned my skin too much. I use 2 parts carrier oil to 1 part oregano oil (so 1/3 oregano oil, 2/3 jojoba oil) and the ratio is PERFECT. DO NOT APPLY OREGANO OIL DIRECTLY TO YOUR SKIN.

So to make the spot treatment, I use these exact rollerball bottles and fill them with 1/3 of the way with oregano oil and then fill the bottle up with jojoba oil. I thought six rollerballs would be too much, but I keep making them for friends now!

Just as evidence of how well this works, please enjoy these texts from one of my best friends – I made her a potion on Wednesday night and now pretty much think I’m an herbal healer. 😉  Her messages are basically my exact experience. Holy crap it burns at first, but then by morning magical healing has occurred.

Try making a face mask.

If you are breaking out all over, try adding a drop or two of the oil to your face mask. You really only need maybe one or two drops; this oil is very strong! It gets amazing results but can also burn the skin so you have to be careful.

Other Oregano Oil Uses For Your Health

This stuff is fantastic! Since it’s a natural antiseptic, there are a lot of great uses besides just to treat acne. Also the bottle (4 oz.) is big so you’re going to want to use it for other things too! Here are a few other ways to use it.

Oregano oil for colds and sore throats!

If you have a cold, this is amazing. If you are feeling stuffy, put a few drops of oregano oil into your diffuser (or a bowl of boiling water and then inhale, with a towel over your head). If you have a sore throat, add a few drops of the oil to a glass of warm water and gargle. (Oregano oil is highly anti-bacterial so it will immediately soothe your throat).

Oregano oil to aid digestion.

If you’ve had a big meal you can add a drop or two to a warm cup of tea to help with digestion.

Oregano oil for sore muscles and joints.

Oregano oil is actually great for relieving pain! Make a topical rub. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and add 7-10 drops of oregano oil. Rub and massage in. You will smell like a salad but it’s amazing for relieving sore muscles and cramps. (This works well for menstrual cramps as well.)

Oregano oil for dandruff!

Add 4-5 drops to a tablespoon of shampoo. Leave for ten minutes and then wash off. This goes without saying but I have to say it anyway – be really careful and DO NOT get it in your eyes!

How to Use Oregano Oil For Acne How to Use Oregano Oil For Acne

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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I’ve never tried oregano oil for acne before (I’m blessed, my acne basically just disappeared after high school), but it sounds like a good way to combat it! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    10.5.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Lucky you! I don’t break out very often either but when I do it’s awful! Having this little spot treatment on hand is a godsend!

      10.5.18 Reply
  2. Christina:

    I loooove this post! My mom has recently gotten really into essential oils of all kinds and has me set up with my own little kit. I had a nasty cold this week that the doctor said most people are stuck with for about ten days – after diffusing constantly and using the “breathe” combo topically (and drinking a ridiculous amount of water), I’m on the mend in under five full days. I’m completely sold and will try the Oregano oil next!!

    10.5.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing. I’ve really gotten into oils this year!

      10.5.18 Reply
  3. Laura:

    Do you mix the oregano and carrier oil and keep it in a dropper? I can’t wait to try this!

    10.5.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oops! Totally thought I included that. I actually use these glass rollerballs!
      (I fill them 1/3 with oregano oil and then the rest of the way with jojoba!

      10.5.18 Reply
  4. Mayda Espada Guerrido:

    Good for Allergies. and inching

    10.5.18 Reply
  5. Cy:

    This is great news! I rarely break out either. I usually use tea tree oil, if I do. I bought the cactus oil and I really like it. I feel like my skin looks really good in the morning and it’s not greasy at all. Thanks for all the research you do!

    10.5.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You’re so welcome! Thanks for stopping by, Cy!

      10.6.18 Reply
  6. Amy:

    Mom here 🙂 Just a note that oregano oil is dangerous to consume during pregnancy.

    10.5.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you – so good to know!

      10.6.18 Reply
  7. Kate:

    Of all the oils I have in my house I’ve never known about Oregano oil for acne! So excited to mix up a rollerball and to take internally for acne too! I always ingest it or diffuse it when I am congested (right now). And I’m so excited to try it for skincare. Also, heads up if you have sensitive eyes and do the boiling water towel over your head trick be really careful! I do it with my eyes totally closed now.

    10.6.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Let me know how it goes!! I have a little cold and have been drinking it this week!

      10.6.18 Reply
  8. Allyson:

    Super interesting idea – definitely going to try this!

    10.8.18 Reply
  9. Eme:

    Wow thanks for sharing this, I have used oregano oil as an antiseptic before but never thought to use it as a spot treatment, I will definitely be trying this out the next time I get a pesky spot.

    Eme x

    10.9.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yay! Let me know how you like it – I find it to be highly effective!!!

      10.9.18 Reply
  10. Nicole Sale:

    Whenever I feel a cold or sore throat coming on, I buy something called a Flu Shot from GreenHouse Juice ( in Toronto. It’s oregano oil mixed with lemon juice and other tinctures to heal all in a simple shot. Doesn’t taste the best, but lemon juice definitely helps cut the taste of the oregano.

    10.9.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Love that!!! I will try adding lemon to my elixir (right now it’s just water, ACV, + oregano oil and does not taste great!!!)

      10.9.18 Reply
  11. Cindy Guerrero:

    Can applying EO to bottom of feet help with acne infection? My son’s dermatologyst prescribed him antibiotics but i would like him to try EO ingested or on bottom of feet. Could you recommend some good ones for him to use instead of the antibiotic?

    7.20.19 Reply
  12. Stephanie:

    Hi, have you done any research if it helps facial folliculitis?

    11.24.19 Reply
  13. Lauren Scott:


    So I love these ideas, but I’m a bit confused… I take a super high quality food-grade oregano oil.. it has been my experience that there is a big difference between food grade, and essential… are you saying you can injest this essential oil? This seems to be a topical one.

    Also would by food-grade one work just the same? I get hormonal acne ( usually 1-2 spots per cycle) and am looking to try it out. I’m plant based and super healthy.. so it doesn’t have to do with diet.

    1.5.21 Reply