If you follow along on Instagram, you know that I have a 3 month partnership with Headspace this year! As background, if you aren’t already familiar, Headspace is a meditation app. They offer hundreds of themed mindfulness and meditation exercises on everything from stress and sleep to focus and anxiety. I am so incredibly excited to be working with Headspace as I’ve been a paying member for about two years now. It’s a service I really believe in. Today I want to share my favorite things about the app, my experience so far, and a little challenge of sorts!
Headspace App Experience
Something I really love about Headspace is that they believe it’s not about creating a “new” you in 2020. (I’m kind of over the “new year, new you” stuff, to be honest!). It’s about a happier you, a less stressed you, a you that brings out your best qualities. The you that was always there all along but maybe just needed a little bit of encouraging (and mindfulness!).
My favorite thing about Headspace is how easy it makes meditation. I know a lot of people who don’t need a guided meditation and can sit quietly for 15, 30 minutes… even longer but that is just not me. Headspace makes it easy (starting with the basics courses which I HIGHLY recommend as a starting place) and then working through the different series. I really love the different courses. Throughout different times in the past couple years I’ve done “patience,” “anxiety,” “depression,” and “sleep.” This month I did the “happiness” series and it’s really made a difference in my own personal happiness, giving me tools to fall back on when I feel stressed or upset.
I also love the push notifications!
(A funny thing to love, I know!) but Headspace is the ONLY push notifications I have on my phone. Throughout the day it will send me little reminders… reminders to just breathe, to pay someone a compliment… little things like that… but if you actually do them, they add up and make a difference.
Along those lines, I also love the accountability. Every time I open up the app I can see my stats and my journey. My total time meditated, sessions completed, and average duration. And there’s a fun buddy system as well – a few of my girlfriends are doing it to, so we can send each other words of encouragement.
Lastly, (and maybe my favorite), I have always been a bad sleeper so I LOVE the sleep section. There’s an entire silo of the app, all dedicated to sleep. Sleepcasts (think of these as someone reading you a bedtime story – the BEST), wind downs (meditations and breathing exercises to prepare you for sleep), Nighttime SOS (for when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep) and Sleep music (including non-stop 8 hour mixes of radio)), and Soundscapes to help you drift off.
My experience has been amazing so far.
I try to meditate at least once a day. Usually mid-day, when I will take a course or do an everyday Headspace meditation, and then often again at night to help me wind down before bed. I typically meditate at home. I stack two yoga bricks and will sit in Virasana. Or, before sleep I will lay flat on my bed on my back. I’ve done it on the go, though. I’m happy to say that I have also successfully meditated on the plane, in the back of a taxi, and even in the bathtub. (Honestly, I don’t really recommend the tub, I got too hot to be really still, but I wanted to give it a try.)
You might remember that my new years resolution / mantra has been to have a 2020 that is calm, cozy, and less self-absorbed. Headspace has helped with this… a LOT. I have noted an overall difference in my happiness and stress levels. I also feel better equipped to cope when stressful things happen. My focus has improved a lot, and that carries over to my yoga practice too – I’m a lot more present and focused vs. letting a million little thoughts and ruminations run through my head (something I’ve always struggled). It’s very grounding.
It isn’t always easy to motivate.
Sometimes I am busy or frankly just don’t want to do it. But those 15 minutes have become the most important part of my day, truly! It makes a HUGE difference.
Headspace Challenge
Headspace has a little challenge for us all this month! The brand is challenging us all to dedicate 10 consecutive days (and 10 minutes per day) to meditating. Headspace studies have shown that within just 10 days, Headspace can reduce stress, increase happiness (by 16%), and reduce irritability (by 27%). Pretty major, right? Of course these are just studies, there are no guarantees but I can vouch for this with my personal experience: ESPECIALLY on the irritability front!
You can download Headspace using this link, which will also give you a free 7 day trial. I cannot recommend it enough, and if you do it I would LOVE for you to share your experience. I’ve gotten so many happy DM’s over the past month! Even though I already use the app every day I’m starting my own 10 day challenge today and will be sharing a little update on Instagram over the next 10 days. Would love for you guys to do the same (if you do, tag me so that I can see it!!!!)
PS – I said this on Instagram but I love that Headspace is free for teachers!!!! So if you are a teacher; definitely take advantage of this. My cousin Emily is a teacher in Connecticut and uses the app with her students!
In partnership with Headspace. Photography by Carter Fish.
I seriously need to try Headspace! It sounds like you’re making great progress with it, Grace! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I hope you try it, Charmaine!
Hi Grace –
The link to the free trial isn’t working for me. Would you mind relinking?
Hey Kate! It is working! You will be taken to download the app, and once you download and sign up you will get a free trial at first! Let me know if you have any issues. Everyone gets a trial, it’s not just for my readers!
I love Headspace. It’s definitely hard for me to wind down sometimes and devote even just 10 minutes to meditating, but practice defintiely makes perfect.
Dana | The Champagne Edit
It really makes SUCH a difference! It can be hard to motivate for sure, but once I do it I always feel SO MUCH BETTER!!!
1. You look so cute in these photos! Especially love the lip color + bracelets + green outfit combination.
2. I’m so excited for this partnership. I’ve been a headspace member since 2017, and it’s such a great tool. This fits well with your brand, and I can’t wait to see what other wellness content 2020 holds!
Thank you so much Caroline! It’s such an amazing app, I was so excited to be chosen for the partnership!
I started doing Headspace again recently and have definitely noticed a difference!
I love the “noting” tip, I find myself doing that daily.
Yes!!! Me too!
Hi! Always following along with you and love so many of your recs. Where did you get this outfit?! Love the color
Thanks! It’s Naadam! I linked it in yesterday’s post!
Hi Grace!
Do you know if the student plan for headspace allows you to access all of the same material as the standard plan?
Let me check w/the brand!
Hey Jen!
Just heard back!
Answer from the brand: Yes! It’s just a reduced price 🙂
That’s great news, thanks!
I actually just downloaded Headspace on Tuesday because I’ve really struggled with sleep! I’ve down a wind down and sleep sounds every night and according to my Fitbit sleep tracking, I’ve slept better and stayed asleep each night! I am actually amazed. I want to start adding in a morning meditation, too, but I need to ease into adjusting my morning routine. Thanks so much for sharing!
OH GOOD! I sleep so much better when I do a wind down!
I downloaded the app, purchased a month for a friend for Christmas and received 40% off plus for the year. So I went all in for the year and I’m currently on a 10 day streak and LOVING it! The wind downs are great, the anxiety while I’m at work is lovely to pop on for a break and my 3 yo is using the “settling down” and loves Mr Andy’s voice 🙂 Thank you for talking about this and bringing to to my attention as it’s been a great add to my curated app collection!!