Goals for 2025
I’m moving slowly and am only just now setting my goals for the year ahead. I’ve decided that the first two weeks of January didn’t count; maybe we’ll add another week to that with the inauguration! It’s been a really rough start to the year. Regardless, ever the eldest daughter/wanna-be Virgo, goal setting is an exercise I really enjoy. Sitting down, being strategic, and thinking about what I want my year to look like.
I always break things down between business and persona, but I also added some Q1 specific goals, as well as some quantifiable numbers.
PS – My goals for 2024. I would say I actually did pretty well with them!
Q1 goals
Habit Tracking
At my Instagram audience’s recommendation, I downloaded the Habits app (it’s the pink one with the checkmark), and I really like it. Simple and straightforward. You track daily and weekly habits. Mine are:
- Daily walks
- Daily yoga and/or stretching (even just ten minutes)
- Get dressed every day, even just jeans and a tee
- More alcohol-free days than alcohol days
- Using my LED mask daily
- Bedtime skincare
- Bedtime magnesium drink
- Weekly: whiten teeth
Take 3 group fitness classes per week.
I am good about walking and taking little at-home classes, but I push myself harder in group fitness classes. I am really focused on getting stronger and more flexible, so taking weight training + yoga classes is the goal. I want to get STRONG!
A winter glow-up.
This is superficial, but I’m going to be a little bit vulnerable and say that I have been feeling so blah about how I look. I want to age gracefully, but I also want to be my best self, and I do not feel like my best self right now. I caved and got Botox (after a 2 year break) last week. Honestly, I am so happy I did. She was conservative, and for me it is less about the fine lines (I like having a few fine lines!) and more about picking my eyebrows.
I would like to tone up and lose inches around my middle (the hardest, at this age!). I’m really focused on eating protein, working out hard a few days a week, and cutting out booze/sugar/carbs. That being said, I will always love a bagel, a glass of red wine, pasta. Moderation + lots of movement.
Besides Botox and improving my diet, I want to try micro-needling this year. I also want to remember two of the easiest quick fixes: self-tanning and teeth-whitening. These are two tiny fixes whenever I feel blah. And using my sauna blanket. The best!
Buy myself flowers every week (or week-ish!)
Flowers are my favorite treat. More than any shopping thing, more than any beauty product. They make the house feel so beautiful. My friend Lily opened up a beautiful flower shop. My favorite afternoon treat is to take a walk over there and pick up a pretty little bundle.
Personal Goals
Cook + Entertain more.
I love cooking. It took me til my forties (and honestly, living in a non-New York kitchen/having a dishwasher and space!) but I love it. I want to do more of it. I want to cook beautiful meals for myself and my boyfriend, and have people over more. I do a lot of family dinners but I want to cook for my friends more. I love setting a pretty table, planning out a menu, and–the thrill of trying something new (and ideally, succeeding at it).
Lower my screen time
This is where I feel like my job is at odds with how I want to live my life (and one of the reasons I’ve taken to Substack). I do not like feeling tethered to my phone, and I do not like feeling “always on,” hyper-connected. I am actively working at finding a balance between doing my job and minimizing my screen time. Easier said than done.
I am generally a pretty good saver but was badly behaved at the end of the year (shopping-wise). I need to buckle down on spending. I will never be a no-spend kind of gal, that’s just not realistic for my business and I love shopping BUT I was being a little bit reckless at the end of 2024. I had my best month of work every month in November, but I also spent a lot of money, and I wish I had saved more. I never ever regret saving and making my money work for me, whereas I have plenty of purchase I’ve regretted.
Read at least one challenging book per month.
Last year, my goal was to read more non-fiction. I did that! I am in a good groove with non-fiction, really thanks to Audible. But I’d like to read more literary classics, more “important” books . . . yeah, I know that may sound cringe, but they are considered “important” for a reason! I’d like to continue chipping away at this list. Reading is generally how I unplug and unwind and my book lists will always skew more contemporary fiction and thrillers but I’m setting a goal to read at least one more challenging book every month. Even if that means reading less–I’m cool with it!
Professional goals
For the first time ever, I am prioritizing something over the blog. (The blog is still important, don’t worry!) and that is Substack. Substack is my number one priority this year, business-wise (aside from my semi-embarrassing goal of “doing something big.” Why? Because it is harder and harder to get people to type in www.thestripe.com every day. It’s better to be in someone’s inbox. When I send an email out, it goes to 53,000 people. When I post to the blog, I’m lucky if 10,000 people read a post. It’s about the numbers. Plus, Substack’s tools make it easier to grow. While yes, this is technically another platform I don’t own, I do back up my email list every month so I do own those email addresses and migrate to another platform if things went wrong.
Reunite with my ambition.
I can’t think of a more eloquent way to say this. I work a lot, and I’ve been working harder at my craft (working with an editor for my writing, etc) but I haven’t been very strategic. I want to be more thoughtful. Maybe shake things up a little bit. I work a lot, but I could be working smarter.
I want to be (a little) better at networking. One thing I loved about the podcast was the networking element, not by attending a networking event but by interviewing guests. I am thinking about ways to do something similar on my Substack. I’d also like to grow my audiences on Instagram and Substack. Substack will be my biggest priority this year, work-wise.
Do something (or at least start something) “big.”
I want to do–or start–something “big” this year. I’m sorry this goal is so vague. I promise it’s not because I’m keeping a secret; I just have this urge to do something new and exciting (and no idea what that will be!). Outside of my usual blog/Substack/social media stuff — I’m just not sure what. Maybe a book? Maybe something else? IDK! I have a million ideas for books I’d love to write, but I am all ideas and no action. Over the past few years, I’ve gotten really clear on my priorities and what I don’t like (and don’t like) doing. I’ve made the space. Now, what?
I know what I don’t want to do. I don’t want to be a podcaster or do live events (I tried those, but it’s not my thing). I don’t want to host brand events or do product collaborations with brands (also not for me, as these things are too stressful and/or draining). I just have to figure out what this is. And maybe that’s the goal for the year. Just figuring out that “big” thing and starting on it in a serious way.
Be more intentional.
This was a goal last year as well. Someone once told me, “If it doesn’t bring you joy, pay the bills, or teach you something new… why bother?” I try to think about this little checklist when saying yes to anything I do, be it accepting something new or continuing with something I am no longer enjoying. I am ruthless with my time and energy, and I really take a critical look at everything!
Quantifiable goals.
Because numbers are nice.
- 65,000 followers on Substack. I am at 53,000. This means about 1k new subs per month; this goal feels scary but I think I can do it!
- 200,000 followers on Instagram. I’m at 198k right now but it feels like an uphill battle to grow. I want to hit this number by the end of Q1 (end of March). I do not care that much about growing my account (I’d rather have the “right” followers than a lot of followers) but I have been so close to this number for so long; it’s killing me a little!).
- Lift weights at least 2 days a week + take at least one other exercise class.
- Read 90 books. I read 102 books in 2024 but usually average around 85. I think 90 is a good number.
What do you want to do this year? Would love to hear your goals in the comments section. <3
After reading this I double checked and realized I didn’t follow you on Instagram, so you just got one more follower. I appreciate this old-school blog because I’m a reader, but am happy to have a scroll on Instagram, too. Happy new year!
Aw thank you!
1. Become more politically active in small ways. A good friend is putting together a group to start now to help with upcoming elections.
2. Be kinder to myself both in my thoughts and actions.
3. To cut back on alcohol. No more nightly ritual of a glass or two of wine.
4. Continue with Reformer Pilates (I started in Fall of 2023 and LOVE it so much) and add some weight training to my schedule.
5. Be thoughtful in purchases and buy what I LOVE and can afford and enjoy those purchases, not save them.
Question- which magnesium drink do you like? I have such a diff. time with sleep and have tried magnesium supplement but not sure it is doing alot. Thanks.
Love these goals!
I love Moon Juice’s Magnesi-om but have been trying a new one from Sakara!
I was feeling blah the other day and made a vision board after writing out some goals I would like to do for the year. It was great to visualize what I want to do with this year and honestly it makes me really happy to look at the board on my computer desktop. A few of my goals for the year are:
*Keep up a simple but effective skincare routine
*Play more tennis and refine my skills (I love it but don’t play as often as I would like!)
*Read 48 books (I read 41 last year)
*Finish a workout challenge in Jan/early Feb
*Host 4 dinner parties
*Prioritize myself!
I love these! Thanks for sharing.
I love this blog so much! I think my most exciting goals are:
1. Knit my first sweater. I’ve been knitting on and off for fifteen years and I really want to up my game and commit to this as a real hobby. I’m so much happier when I’m doing something with my hands.
2. Cook something new each week! It’s so easy to get stuck in the weeknight rotation and I get so excited when I cook something new even if it’s not as good as the things I rely on.
3. Host more events! I love to gather and host a successful annual cookie swap and I want to do more things like that year round!
I love these goals! Thanks for sharing.
Oh I am HERE for a Grace book!
I have always liked nice l clothes and makeup and also jeans and tees. I love to write but never wrote a book. Now I’ve had to put all of those things aside to try to provide for my close family members who are ill. It is a full time job every day. Sometimes we never know what positions life puts us in because nothing is ever promised . I do my best but I’m scared. I am so proud of you Grace for what you have achieved in your life ❤️
I worked really hard for the past year or so to course correct and achieve some health and financial goals. In 2025 I want to stay committed to newly formed, healthy habits but relax a bit and appreciate my accomplishments. I’ve cleaned up some messes I’ve made and it feels good to make space for new things.
I love these goals and nothing feels better than cleaning up those messes and course correcting!
Thank you Lynn <3
I always enjoy reading your goals, and how you break down your business year. It’s inspiring!
My goals:
Play more tennis this year
Start a weight lifting routine
Put my phone away in the evenings (and during the day when possible)
Play more board/card games with my kids in the evenings
Drink less
Complete a few house projects
I love these goals! Thank you for sharing!
Really appreciated this post! I know not everyone feels this way – but long form content is still QUEEN for me. I enjoy well written blogs (like yours) more than bit sized or overly visual content.
Also love the sentiment – If it doesn’t bring you joy, pay the bills, or teach you something new… why bother?
I wrote it down to remember in the future when making decisions. Time really is our most precious commodity!
I couldn’t agree more re: long form content 🙂
Can’t open the list of important books- behind the NYT paywall
I felt a little reckless with spending q4 2024 too, was it cosmic?! I also set my book goal as 90 this year. Always love your book recommendations
Maybe it was!!!! Cheers to turning that around, and reading 90 books!
How do you manage to read so many books? Trying to read more this year!
There’s a post for that! https://thestripe.com/how-to-read-more/
One potentially big thing you can do is one of those blogger trips with your readers. That could also satisfy your networking goal!
That would be this introvert’s worst nightmare but i love how other influencers do them!
Thanks for being vulnerable! I love following you because you’re my age and talk about things that are real to women our age.
Aw thank you — so nice of you to say that!
Thanks for sharing your goals with us.
Everyone is talking about Substack but I have yet to get onboard. It is hard to put so much time into something you don’t own. LTK, Instagram, TikTok, and Substack are all outside platforms. With the looming TikTok ban and the shorter attention spans of the average person, it feels like the creator economy is going to have a big shift.
I too am on a journey to figure out what “big” thing to do next. I have no clue at this point, but I just know I have to do something. Hopefully, you figure out what your thing is. I’m interested to hear what you come up with.
I kind of touched on that in the post– you do own the emails so you can take them anywhere else!