This week’s fit files is a short one since I’m on vacation – I just wanted to pop in quickly to tell you about my second Barry’s Bootcamp class. You guys. I threw up afterward. So awful. {but in a weird way, kind of awesome, too.} Sprints on the treadmill, butt + legs… ouch. I feel sick just thinking about it. But I’m going back this coming Tuesday… does that make me a masochist? I think I’m just really, really out of running shape – and I want to get back into it. I know that if I keep at it, eventually it won’t be {quite} as hard, and that it will eventually ultimately get me into amazing shape. As hard as Barry’s is – and as terrible as I often feel afterwards, there is something to be said for it. Barry’s calls itself the best workout in the world and they might be right. 30 minutes of intense cardio, 30 minutes of tough, targeted weights… yeah.
Anyway, now I”m in Tulum and hoping to take a few yoga classes {perhaps on the beach?} So happy to be back here.
This week’s fitness resources
- Three reasons why women should lift!
- Live in NY? Sign up for Classpass! {Barry’s is on there which helps make my new habit a bit less expensive.}
- Why yoga makes you a nicer person.
I took a boot camp class once that was at a boxing school and the instructors yelled at you like drill sergeants. I puked by my car then cried in the car because they were mean. But I felt awesome-workout sore the next day, so it was kinda worth it.
Amazing post! Your try for getting shape is motivating me. I have put so much weight on last months, ı just hate it:(
I have done a few bootcamps but never Barry’s. I do like the idea of showing up and getting a good workout, I am a runner but sometimes it’s harder to get motivated to lace up and get out there.