So we took a little break from fit files the past few weekends. Sorry for that. I’ve had a hard time with the weekend posts as I’ve been slammed with my day job, so it has been a struggle to get my regular weekday content up. Coupled with work, I’ve hurt my hip {at yoga two weeks ago} which really sucks as I cannot do any of the workouts I like. Also, it really hurts, a lot. Walking is totally fine but sitting and laying down are the worst. I thought it would just get better on its own if I stretched, used a heating pad, and took it easy. It started to feel a little bit better, so I went to one yoga class this week which only made things worse. So now its been two weeks of really no exercise and I feel pretty gross/am going a little bit crazy without the calming effects of yoga! But on the upside, I am seeing an osteopath this week so hopefully she’ll fix me and I’ll be back in the swing of regular yoga and telling you about all sorts of amazing new classes.
But before I got hurt, I did try aerial yoga, so I thought I would tell you about that today. My friend Elanah and I decided to try it out at Om Factory two Saturdays ago and we’ll just say… this was an interesting experience. I’d never tried aerial yoga before so wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. You walk into the studio and you grab a mat — as always, but you also have a silk hammock. The instructor came around and fitted us each to our hammocks, making sure that the bottom lined up properly with our hips.
We started out in our hammocks, all swaddled up and cozy. There was a lot of swinging, a lot of stretching, and it was really fun being inside the hammock. You feel so cozy and nice. The class was not very challenging –with the exception of inversions. Being the class clown, I found myself upside down hanging from my hammock with my legs in the air – and suddenly unable to pull myself back up. The instructor was not so impressed with my antics… she got a little annoyed with me, which I felt bad about. It probably didn’t help that Elanah and i were both laughing hysterically… part out of being nervous, part because we’re very silly people. But laughter is frowned upon at yoga {and probably for good reason… um, like, people go there to relax!} So I won’t be going back. Mostly because I am too much of a clown {maybe I’ll try clown school or trapeze classes next?} but also because its not the greatest workout in the world. It was relaxing and fun but I didn’t break a sweat. Oh and also, Elanah got really nauseous. So if you get motion sickness, do not try this!!! Or maybe do try it, but take Dramamine first? But still, it was fun – if you have an hour to kill on a weekend, give it a try.
This week’s fitness resources:
- If this is true, I am going to start adding more HIT workouts into my routine!
- I’m a little obsessed with this tank.
- This book promises to reset your eating habits in just three days. I ordered it immediately, natch.
- Earlier in the week I rounded up some of my favorite workout gear.
- I follow The Blonde Vegan on instagram but only just started reading her blog. It’s a good one.
Tank is gorgeous!
Great post.
Thanks for the review! I don’t think I could see myself doing aerial yoga! I’ve been into power yoga and its such a good workout I’ll stick with it! Thanks for the book review, just ordered it as well haha!
I admire your will to work out 🙂 This never works for me-I don’t have enough time. Or this is my perfect excuse.
Glad the fitness files are back 🙂 I hope your hip gets better! I hurt my sciatica nerve during pure barre last year and I wasn’t back to normal for a month it was horrible!
That sucks about your injury 🙁 I recommend getting checked out… I had an injury last year that I thought would cure on it’s own and it didn’t… better to be safe and go to a dr! Hope you feel better soon.
Aww, thanks so much for the love! And so cool that you tried aerial yoga at the Om Factory — what did you think?! PS, I’m in NYC too. We should hang out before I move back to California in July! Xo