Dr. Singha’s Mustard Seed Bath Detox Review.

upclose shot of Dr. Singha's Mustard Seed Bath Detox product

This post was originally posted last fall but I’ve updated it as it’s still one of my absolute favorite soaks!

Ahhhhh you guys I am SO excited about today’s post as this was a really fun (and inexpensive) beauty discovery.

I was actually researching DIY bath ideas when I stumbled upon Dr. Singha’s Mustard Seed Bath Detox. I had never heard of it, but when I featured it on my Instagram story a few weeks ago so many people came out of the woodwork to tell me how much they love this product.

I feel like this soak is one of those secret products that a lot of people maybe use but for some reason aren’t talking about? Dr. Shyam Singha was one of the most sought after doctors and healers of the 20th Century, using holistic medicine to diagnose treat cure a whole list of ailments. He was a pioneer in both the spiritual and wellness spaces and is the one who formulated the bath. The brand doesn’t advertise, but with a bit of research, I learned that it has quite a following. Gwyneth Paltrow is a fan, as is Olympic swimmer Natalie Coughlin and makeup artist Gucci Westman.

But you know how much I love a bath. And this one is absolutely perfect when to treat cure or prevent getting sick; especially after a flight. I try to do this when I get home from a trip (especially after flying).

Mustard Seed Bath Detox

Bathing in mustard sounded a little gross at first! Would I smell like a hotdog? (The answer is NO – this mustard bath is packed with essential oils so it actually smells really good). I was a little weirded out until it came in the mail and I smelled it and realized it was just like any of the other bath soaks I already knew and loved. It definitely smells a little bit spicy but the essential oils make it smell more like a conventional bath. It does make a bit of a mess though, so I recommend wiping down your tub immediately after!

It’s the best, especially if you have sore muscles or are in the need of a good old fashioned detox. Mustard is known for its stimulating, cleansing, and rejuvenating qualities. The bath contains certified organic mustard seed powder, eucalyptus, rosemary, wintergreen & thyme essential oils, and gum benzoin in a base of sodium carbonate.

DrSingha‘s Mustard Bath

According to Dr. Singha himself, “Mustard Baths have been traditionally used for detoxification and purification. In many parts of the world Mustard is well-known for its therapeutic value when used in a bath, helping to increase circulation, oxygenation and the elimination of toxins. The outward application contributes to general well-being by activating the largest organ of elimination in the body: THE SKIN and helping to reduce the toxic load stored in tissues throughout the body.

Sounds pretty good, right? You can take a full-on detox bath (my favorite) OR just do your feet (also pretty nice.)

Benefits of Soaking in Mustard Seed

This soak will make you SWEAT. A lot. It’s the best when you are feeling a little run down, like maybe you are getting sick, or you just had a big weekend of eating/drinking/overindulging. All you need is two ounces (about two heaping tablespoons). The $10 size is eight ounces, so you’ll get 4 baths out if it, which is a pretty good value if you ask me. Add to a tub full of warm water, soak for 20 minutes, and let the bath work its magic. You definitely want to keep the bath warm for the best results.

There are a lot of benefits of soaking in mustard seed. Athletes swear by it for sore muscles and mustard baths are used in Ayurvedic medicine and are also a traditional remedy in England – used for the treatment of colds, stress, achy muscles, and even fever and congestion.

Mustard stimulates the sweat glands. It opens the pores and gets you sweating (drawing out toxins)… while also improving circulation, pain, and congestion.

Foot Soak

You can use the bath as just a foot soak. Start with a bucket (or large bowl) of water. To make the foot bath dissolve 1 large tablespoon of the formula in a bowl, let the foot bath dissolve, and soak! Leave your feet in for 20 minutes and let them relax in a bowl of hot water and then finish with a short cold soak. I did this while watching TV and it was super relaxing.

Mustard Bath Results

I was really impressed by the bath. The soak itself is a yellowy powder and it has a slightly spicy scent. I actually thought it smells really good (the soak also contains a blend of eucalyptus, wintergreen, rosemary, and thyme essential oils). It made me sweat a LOT. I’ve tried a lot of detox baths and this one probably made me sweat the most.

The best way to do it is to soak in the tub full of warm water (fully submerged up to your neck the whole time if possible) and relax in the water for a full twenty minutes. Afterward, rinse off and finish with a cold shower. It’s definitely a shock to the system! After the cold shower dry off. Then, massage your body all over with a scratchy cotton towel (kind of like dry brushing). I didn’t make up these instructions, they’re stated on the back of the tub – the rough towel is important. When you dry with a rough towel, you exfoliate and further boost circulation.

I found it hard to manage the whole twenty minutes submerged but managed to do it. I recommend bringing a giant bottle of water with you. And I definitely recommend doing it before bedtime – sleep under a heavy blanket or two and you will continue to sweat and detox… and you will sleep like an angel! GO BUY THIS SOAK – it will be the best $10 you spend!

Dr. Singha's Mustard Seed Bath Detox Review. Dr. Singha's Mustard Seed Bath Detox - The Stripe, Mustard Seed Bath Detox

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    The mustard bath sounds heavenly! Wish I had a bathtub, haha! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    11.2.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Haha! I love my bathtub. Thanks Charmaine, have a great weekend.

      11.2.18 Reply
  2. MarciaMarciaMarcia:

    I LOVE this stuff. My acupuncturist recommended Dr. Singha’s mustard bath to me years ago when I wasn’t feeling well, and ever since it’s one of the first things I reach for if I’m not feeling well. Sooooo good. Thanks as always for the great recommendations Grace!

    11.2.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Is it weird that I’m looking forward (a little?) to cold and flu season just to use this more? Ha!

      11.3.18 Reply
      • MarciaMarciaMarcia:

        Since we’re updating, this year I also discovered Dr. Singha’s Travel Tonic, which is intended to help prevent and deal with jet lag. You just put a bunch of drops in a water bottle and drink up! I often forget to actually use it on the plane, but I do think it really helps me adjust once I arrive, especially in helping my sleep pattern and digestive system. I went to Portugal and Scotland this summer, and it was amazing on both ends of the trips!

        8.8.19 Reply
        • grace at the stripe:

          Oh wow that sounds amazing!!! Thanks for letting me know about that.

          8.9.19 Reply
  3. Jessica Camerata:

    This is wild, so you just sat there for 20 minutes and sweat?! So crazy! Never even heard of this stuff!

    xo Jessica
    My Style Vita

    11.2.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yes!!! Crazy but amazing!!!!

      11.3.18 Reply
  4. Megan:

    This product looks very interesting.

    11.2.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      It’s amazing!

      11.3.18 Reply
  5. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I wish I had a bathtub at home to enjoy this! It sounds like a divine treatment! ❤️

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    8.8.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Charmaine!

      8.9.19 Reply
  6. Betsy:

    Good enough for Gucci Westman?! Good enough for me!

    8.8.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:


      8.9.19 Reply
  7. Alana:

    Hi Grace! How often do you use it? Does it stain your tub at all?

    8.9.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey Alana,
      I don’t have a set routine – maybe a couple times a month! It doesn’t, but as I mentioned in the post it’s messy so I always rinse out the tub right away (the cold shower afterward helps with that!!)

      8.9.19 Reply
  8. Meg:

    This sounds incredible! I’ve got to give this a try!

    8.9.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You must! Let me know how you like it!

      8.9.19 Reply
  9. Caroline:

    Bought this after reading half a paragraph and seeing it on your insta stories saying it’d make you sweat & then sleep. So excited to try it!

    8.10.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yesssss! Let me know how you like!

      8.11.19 Reply
      • Sheva:

        it’s really work…really make you sweat. I am a person that normally don’t sweat, but the water was coming down like a little rain. I had my best sleep in about 5 years after the detox mustard bath. I took a warm shower after and felt great

        7.8.22 Reply
  10. LS:

    I truly enjoy the release of toxins through foot soaks, so I immediately ordered this! I cannot wait to take in all the benefits. Thank you for this comprehensive review!

    9.26.21 Reply
  11. mary ann T:

    I used it now for two days in a row. It has most definitely helped with sinus problems and body aches. It is my new go to!

    1.24.24 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      It’s honestly so wonderful!

      1.25.24 Reply