Winter Tabletop Favorites.

Winter Tabletop Favorites

For Christmas Eve, I went with a winter sort of garden type of vibe. First, this Cultiver linen tablecloth was a very good discovery. In every tabletop post I tend to whine about how hard it is to find really big tablecloths (yes, I know, I could probably make one… I guess I am a little bit lazy). Rather than source fabric and beg my mother for sewing help, I instead spend a lot of time scouring the internet for great BIG tablecloths that aren’t a million dollars. We can add this brand to the list.

I layered in my Limoges china. This is one of my most prized possessions… it’s over a hundred years old and has been passed down from my mother’s great great grandmother down the chain to my mom and to my sisters and I. I feel so lucky to have it, so special and delicate. I’m sometimes afraid of it and you can not put it in the dishwasher, but I love pulling it out for special occasions. I kept the rest of the table simple. My go-to Amazon hemstitch napkins, tortoise flatware (my set is from OKA but sold out!). Of course, fun party crackers were a must!

Winter Tabletop Favorites

It inspired today’s roundup. I love the idea of a winter garden vibe. Lots of green, a little white, and florals that aren’t overtly summer. Here are some personal favorites. Also! Zalto has resumed production of their perfect wine glasses. I replenished my collection (I’d broken a few) over the holidays. They are the most perfect wine glasses I’ve ever used but they are extremely fragile.

Winter Tabletop Favorites
Winter Tabletop Ideas
Winter Table design

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