Winter Classics + Shifting Perspective.

Hello, hello… how was your weekend? I had grand plans of doing all the things I really wanted to do… hitting a few of my favorite museums, getting a massage, going to yoga, seeing a few movies. And then on Friday night I felt a little bit funny. I went to bed early and woke up with a fever. Saturday was agony. The fever continued, along with a massive headache and I mostly just attempted to suck down Gatorade on my couch while watching the first season of Grace & Frankie and sweating under a blanket. It was awful. I don’t remember the last time I felt so terrible!! It felt like the worst hangover in the world plus a fever… vile. I forced myself to take a bath and go to bed early and luckily I woke up on Sunday feeling a lot better. So maybe it was just a weird 24 hour thing? UGH.

I did make it out of the apartment to do a Soundbath (it’s a 60 minute meditation) at MNDFL last night. It was maayyyyybe a little too long for my liking… given my very beginner status with meditation (the longest I’ve ever meditated for is 16 minutes!), it was LONG and my mind was drifting (and after laying on my back for an hour I felt very stiff)! I think maybe I’ll give it another try in a month or two once I’ve done it for longer (and/or have worked my way up to a few 30 minute sessions!!)

Today it’s back to work, work, work… though I plan on taking things easy (especially with the workouts) as I’m still not feeling 100%.

Outfit Details: Vince Camel Coat (old but love this, this, and this) // BP Turtleneck Sweater // Sanctuary Jeans (SO flattering) // Manolo Blahnik BB Pumps // Monica Vinader Earrings (favs!) // BP Sunglasses (old but these are identical!) // Chanel Purse

Something I was thinking about (on the treadmill again, haha) that I wanted to share has been how much easier it is to hit your goals when you shift your perspective and focus on the positive element of something, rather than the negative/annoying part. Here are a few examples… just some food for thought/something that’s made a big difference for me this month… I hope it’s helpful.

– With getting to bed earlier… I always would whine about it as I hate early mornings. When I started making bedtime a treat, it made it infinitely easier.

– With not drinking, or even having that second glass of wine… rather than thinking about what I’m missing, I focus on how I’m going to feel the next day… how I’ll sleep better and be more productive and not have a headache. Instantly, I don’t even want that glass of wine.

– With getting in a morning workout… rather than focusing on how annoying it is to get up an extra hour early, I think about how much better the rest of the day is. I’ll be able to shower and get ready for the whole day ahead, I’ll have the workout fully out of the way, and (hey, food always motivates me) I can have that delicious Peanut Butter Split smoothie from Juice Generation afterward!


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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    Looking beautiful, Grace ❤️ Wish you all the best in your quest for new perspectives. Don’t give up! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Charmaine!

      1.29.18 Reply
  2. Emily:

    Sorry you weren’t feeling well, but glad to hear that you are on the mend! Being sick is no fun at all. Love the look of these jeans.

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Emily. 🙂 xx

      1.29.18 Reply
  3. Erika:

    Hope you are feeling better in no time! Grace & Frankie is currently one of my favorites, and I find myself laughing out loud often – enjoy 🙂

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      It’s really funny! Thanks Erika! x

      1.29.18 Reply
  4. dana:

    Glad you’re feeling a bit better, Grace!
    Love these neutrals on you! xx

    The Champagne Edit

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Dana! It was a rough weekend!

      1.29.18 Reply
  5. Cy:

    Poor Grace! So sorry you were feeling badly. You did the right thing though, self care, rest! The flu this season is scary, I’ve been really cautious, especially since I work at the busiest hotel on the west coast. I’ll bet your dry month helped you too. I feel like when I overdue it with the alcohol ( which rarely happens these days) it’s so much easier to catch something. Your outfit is perfect! I love Nordie’s b.p. Line too ( and I’m old!) You can’t beat the prices. So glad you are on the mend.

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks so much Cy. Xx

      1.31.18 Reply
  6. Bri:

    Love all these ways to shift your mindset! So important for those early mornings. 🙂 Sorry it was a rough weekend but I’m glad you’re feeling better! xo

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you Bri! xx

      1.31.18 Reply
  7. MarciaMarciaMarcia:

    Glad you’re feeling better! I love your tip about shopping in the junior’s department. I do that at REI sometimes for outdoor gear – the larger sizes in boys and girls often fit really well (especially since I’m short waisted and the tops tend to be shorter) and can be significantly cheaper than the adult version.

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That’s so good to know, thanks!

      1.31.18 Reply
  8. Natali:

    These fantastic pair of shoes and a timeless coat are perfect! You are always looking flawless!

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You’re so sweet, thank you Natali!

      1.31.18 Reply
  9. Megan:

    I love your thoughts about changing perspective. Since starting the wellness challenge, I’ve really been trying to embrace my workouts as “me time”, where I have an hour of uninterrupted time where I can be alone with my thoughts and my music. I now look forward to that at the end of a day where I am so connected via e-email, skype, etc.

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Megan! xx

      1.31.18 Reply
  10. Roxanne:

    I like your perspective! So glad you’re feeling better.

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Roxanne 🙂 xo

      1.31.18 Reply
  11. caitie:

    your perspective is so refreshing! why is it SO easy to just focus on the negative? hah, i’m in a downward spiral in no time when i do that. i always try my best to focus on the positive or see the good in whatever situation i’m in. i feel like it helps me become more easy going and i’m able to roll with the punches. hope you have a good week ahead!

    1.29.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hahaha it really can be so easy to focus on the negative. I am feeling that way right now because I’ve been sick, but trying to focus on the positives… giving my body a rest. Xo

      1.31.18 Reply
  12. Julia Dzafic:

    Such a cute look on you, lady! So sorry you were sick! xo

    1.30.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much friend! xo

      1.31.18 Reply