Weekend Reading


Eeps. I can’t believe I’m just getting my weekend links up now. Life just keeps getting in the way — things have been intense at the day job and it was one of those busy weeks, socially speaking! Note – this is not a complaint… life is good. I thing Spring must be in the air because I’ve just been really happy. My mood definitely changes with the seasons and this time of year is when I’m at my happiest. The weather is warm, I can wear my skirts again, I had a good friend visit from San Francisco, got to see some of my best girlfriends this weekend… just a lot of little things adding up to a very good mood.

Before we dive in though I really think everyone should read this. Read it now and let me know what you think of it. It’s an incredible read and a good reminder to stay positive.

An easy smoky eye.

Viviana looks drop dead hot in this post.

I related a lot to this post about how to get a better night’s sleep.

Our cofounder got this dress and I got it too, after seeing it on her. A.L.C. just makes the best stuff.

When you get hit on at a bar, do you tell the creeps, “I have a boyfriend?” If so, this is some pretty good food for thought.

My friend Gabi made this body-positive video and I think it is pretty amazing.

I splurged on these shoes {in cobalt blue} and don’t regret it a bit… not very practical but somehow they go with everything I own!

I loved this feature on my close friend (and coworker) Jackie.

And Meghan’s outfit here is pretty perfect.

I want a pair of these huaraches for summer.

Stripes + lace = the perfect combination. {this, too!}


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  1. Caitlin:

    Hi Grace! Are you still doing Fit Files? I feel like I haven’t seen them for a few weeks (maybe I am wrong.) Regardless I LOVE your blog, but those were always a fun way to motivate myself for the coming week! 🙂 xo

    5.11.14 Reply
    • Grace Atwood:

      Hey Caitlin! Yes I am! I missed the past two weeks. Honestly, I’ve just been swamped at my day job + went to Dallas for a weekend which threw things off because I write most of my posts over the weekend. it’s been a struggle finding the time to post my regular content! Also I pulled my hip, so was not able to work out last week… s

      I’m so happy you love the fit files – I will try my best to have one up for you next Sunday 🙂

      5.12.14 Reply
  2. Meghan:

    Thank you so much for including me love! Great roundup as usual! XO

    5.12.14 Reply
  3. viv - fashion truffles:

    Grace! You’re so sweet! Thanks for including in this fab round-up 🙂
    And when am I seeing you?!

    5.18.14 Reply