Weekend Reading.


Hiiii from Cape Cod. On Tuesday the whole family descended upon my parents’ house. It’s been so nice having a whole week of family time. BBQs, yummy dinners at my family restaurant, and a fun night + day at The Wequassett. That being sad… what’s going on in the world has me so sad. I feel horrible. Mad, sad, disgusted… the full range of emotions. I worry for our country and our future generations. So much hate and aggression… it makes me sick.

I am not a politician. If we are being honest, I am not really even as plugged into the news + current events as I’d like to be. I write about fashion and beauty and travel here and like it to be a sunny little spot filled with pretty little things and happy messages for you. I want this to be somewhere you can come after a long day and read about a new beauty product or designer… or get a little bit of outfit inspiration. It’s shallow and fun and I love what I do but then things like this happen and I feel frivolous even talking about clothing and beauty products. So I don’t know what saying anything here does, but I had to say something and I did really love this article about things you can do in your city to help stop police brutality.

I don’t have very many links for you this week. I’ve been offline a lot with my family, and glued to the news when I am online. But here are some good things… little bright spots in a sad week.

The drugstore beauty products that celebrity makeup artists swear by.

Did you see the new Louboutin Lip Lacquers? I have to try one!!

Jenn looks so cute in her white lace dress!

The cutest off-the-shoulder dress at a really great price.

Merritt posted her Seattle City Guide and now I want to go!

The cutest (yellow!) striped sundress. Wannnnt.

Liz looks so cute in blue and white here… I love her top… and her pom pom clutch!

Love this simple necklace.

Blake Lively’s workout.

Another day, another embroidered dress… but this one is so good!

I loved reading Annie’s morning beauty routine – her blog is one of my favorites and she’s just as crazy about skincare as I am.

Navy, white, and pom poms? Looove this dress.

Do you subscribe to Aliza Licht’s newsletter, Blackboard? I subscribe to sooo many but hers is one that I never miss. It’s chock full of great tips (especially if you own your own business). This week’s was a good one.

Mackenzie’s Nantucket pics were so fun!

Beauty products that will help you beat the heat.

The sweetest little kitty coin case.


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  1. Thuy:

    Sending love to you in Cape Cod! I am also worried with all the things happening in the US right now..


    7.9.16 Reply
  2. Jenn:

    You are the best! What a great round-up of links, Grace. Have a wonderful weekend!

    7.9.16 Reply
  3. Regine Karpel:
    7.9.16 Reply