Weekend Reading.


This week was an interesting one. I was still pretty sick for the beginning of the week, so the snow day was pretty welcome for me… getting to work from home in my sweatpants on Tuesday definitely helped to speed up my recovery. The actual snow storm was a bit of a disappointment, though… not quite the blizzard we were all expecting + preparing for! This weekend I have Hitha’s baby shower, tea with a few of my girlfriends, and some dinners with friends. Also, it’s the Superbowl… which means absolutely nothing to me – ha! Whatever you’re up to, I hope it’s wonderful. Stay warm, friends!

Favorite things from this week…

* Ummm… I think we can all agree… Linda Rodin is the coolest.

* Love these superimposed photos combining old photos with present day street scenes.

* This little white party dress just went on sale and I absolutely love it. Also on sale? These amazing Stuart Weitzman boots. I’m set in the boots department, but they’re perfect!

* I was so flattered + excited that my career profile on The Everygirl made their Top Ten list!

* How cool is this DKNY-inspired DIY lace skirt?

* For outfit inspiration this week, I loved this look from Brooklyn Blonde (she’s making me want a pair of white pumps!) I also loved Alicia’s comfy laid back style in this post.

* Going on vacation? Buy this dress. And this swimsuit. (And pack me in your suitcase, pretty please!)

* Kendi’s list of 10 Spring Must-Haves was pretty on point.

* The sleekest, cool-girl choker. Want.

* The selfless girl’s guide to self-care.

* These animated storm photos are SO cool.

* You know I love my stripes… this duster coat is so chic… and not a bad price, either.

* Why you NEED to be using eye cream. (Couldn’t agree more! My faves are this organic one from One Love Organics during the day, and this super luxe treatment at night.)

* Also on the beauty front… how cool are these negative space manicures? I’m not so into nail art, but these I can definitely get behind.

* Would you carry a clutch that looks like a lunchbag? I totally would.


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  1. Elizabeth:

    Love all this! Feel better. I’m going to share the Selfless Girl’s Guide to Self-Care with like ten different people. So great!

    1.31.15 Reply
  2. Lindsay Ava:

    Glad there’s someone else who knows nothing about the superbowl. I have heard soo much about it though so I’m quite curious to hear about it. Congratulations on being in the top 10! The naked nails is interesting, but can’t say I’m an immediate fan haha.

    1.31.15 Reply
  3. Eden:

    Love your leather jacket and pumps! Have a nice weekend.


    1.31.15 Reply
  4. Comfy Cozy Couture:

    Have a lovely weekend! I’m so horrible about remembering eye cream…I guess I better get to it! Hope you’re feeling better! XO

    1.31.15 Reply
  5. Hildi:

    Have a great weekend! Great links! Those storm photo’s! X

    1.31.15 Reply
  6. Jen - comfortably chic:

    Just discovered She’s In The Glow via this post. Thanks for sharing Grace!

    Hope you are feeling better!

    xo, Jen

    1.31.15 Reply
  7. Chelsea:

    I just snagged those semis last week and I am in love-such great boots. Also couldn’t agree more on the eye cream front-it is insane to me how many people neglect regular use!

    2.1.15 Reply
  8. Ash Diamond:

    I love these 10 Spring basics! Thanks for sharing!!

    2.1.15 Reply
  9. Histered:

    all black! So cool!

    2.1.15 Reply
  10. Prudence Yeo:

    Really chic all-black look in a cool leather jacket! Great links too and now I am considering getting myself a pair of white pumps too!


    2.1.15 Reply
  11. Laura:

    I had no idea that the woman behind my most favorite beauty product {Rodin Olio Lusso Face Oil} is so cool. Totally want to be her when I grow up!

    Surf & Hydrangeas

    2.2.15 Reply