Weekend Reading, 10.31.20.

Weekend Reading 10.31.20

Happy Halloween. I was watching someone’s stories (maybe it was Carly?) and they were saying how it feels like this weekend is Thanksgiving and not Halloween and I could not relate more. What. even. is time? This week I have been thinking a lot about the idea of joy. I am reading this book and am really enjoying it so far. I talked a little bit about bringing joy back on my instagram. And this article “What Was Fun” really resonated and also cracked me up. I miss having fun. I want to have fun this weekend. Are puzzles and audiobooks “fun?” Seeing my niece is always fun. I want more real happiness and joy and it can be hard to find that right now, but I’m certainly trying.

I’m rambling now but this photo cracks me up. Carter and I were shooting some other stuff and Tyrion was just being so sweet and lovey and so she took advantage of this (rare) sweet moment from him. He can be such a nice cat… some of the time. Also! Don’t forget about the Sephora sale… best time to stock up on beauty.

Weekend Reading, 10.31.20

The best mysteries and thrillers, coming out in November and December.

I love this henley so much that I also ordered the army green. Perfect cozy lounge top and love the longer length!

Mackenzie rounded up some really pretty notepads.

The rules of ballot selfies!

I’ve seen so much hype around micro-needling… I ordered this kit from the Sephora sale and will keep you posted!

How to take care of your sweaters.

This is a great (and very affordable) fair isle cardigan. Would be so cute tucked into jeans.

When will we know who won the election?

Modern dating indeed: “I broke up with my boyfriend because he refused to wear a mask.”

This sherpa pullover came shrink wrapped so I was skeptical… but once it expanded, it’s LOVELY. So cozy.

How dreamy is this upstate farmhouse? Love the decor.

Very into these green earrings from Rachel Comey. Love the chunkier shape.

Eight election podcasts!

My friend Jess rebranded her blog and it looks BEAUTIFUL. Meet An Indigo Day.

My fav candle ever.

(Ordered 4 during the Sephora Sale!)

OK you know I am not super into Christmas movies but The Holidate looks fun.

Check out these Black-owned lifestyle brands on Amazon.

How to get your friends to stop treating you like a therapist.

Such a pretty green maxi dress. I’d add a chunky belt and/or a tailored blazer.

Oh I looove Phillip Picardi’s LA home.

How fun is this rainbow check cardigan!?

Julia had a really beautiful roundup of jewelry boxes and trays. She has such great taste!

How to deepen communication in your friendships.

How cute is this pink leopard sweatshirt?

Loved this profile of AOC.

Okay, these earrings are so festive and fun (without being tacky, ha ha!).

Easy breakfast ideas.

On getting used to having nowhere to be.

Love the looks of this oversized “cloud” scarf. Looks so soft.

Really loved this roundup of small businesses from Jacey.

What to do when imposter syndrome sets in.

H&M has so many great sweaters right now. I love this oversized v-neck.

This new hotel looks beyond.

Loved this heartfelt post from Jess.


photography by Carter Fish.

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  1. Jessica Camerata:

    Thank you SO much for including an indigo day in your round up today. You are just the sweetest! xoxo

    xo Jessica
    an indigo day

    10.31.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      So thrilled for you – and impressed… the site is beautiful!

      10.31.20 Reply
  2. Maggie:

    I was excited to see your IG story the other day about shooting photos for your holiday gift guides! In non-pandemic years I don’t purchase many gifts b/c I have a small family, no kids & don’t usually exchange gifts with many friends. But this year I plan to embrace gift giving as a way of spreading joy and I hope to support some small & black owned business in the process.

    10.31.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw so glad! I’ve put a tonnnn of work into this year’s guides so hopefully you like them!

      10.31.20 Reply
  3. Danielle:

    I am loving the easy breakfast ideas, that is what I am here for!

    Danielle xx

    10.31.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:


      10.31.20 Reply
  4. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I always seem to do a huge shopping haul BEFORE a sale… I’m so dumb, haha. Have a great weekend, Grace! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    10.31.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You too!

      10.31.20 Reply
  5. Theodora:

    Particularly great links this week, especially the friendship ones! The piece on how to get your friends to stop treating you like a therapist hits hard since I am in school to *become* a therapist. There’s def some people—both in my life AND randos on IG (?!)—who expect/act like this. I am not *their* therapist, nor am I even licensed yet, and even if I were, that would be a huge conflict of interest. My therapist warned me this would happen 🙂 Boundaries: so important.

    10.31.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh thank you!!!! I liked this week’s links a lot too, the Internet was great this week!

      And god yes to boundaries – still working so hard at that in so many areas of my life… friendships, work, all of it!

      10.31.20 Reply
  6. Kelly:

    Grace, I’ve been thinking about your instagram post about joy since I saw it yesterday. I’m so thankful you articulated a feeling I didn’t know I was having. I miss joy. I am going through very similar feelings where I just feel like I need to survive and get through the day, and I should be thankful for that. I remembered that an easy way for me to feel joy is to give it to others- offering to help a young Mom get her groceries in the car, paying for the toll behind me, sending flowers to my cousin, etc. Your post reminded me that I need to do this.

    11.2.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I love that! Thank you for sharing.

      11.2.20 Reply
  7. Graham Kemp:

    Thank you for sharing the article about ‘Getting used to having nowhere to be’, I just moved during the pandemic from NYC to Charleston and this is something that I have really struggled with. It has made me re-think constantly being on the go and lending myself some more grace when it comes to not having 5000 places on my to-do list.
    Still an adjustment period–as all moving is–but really gave me some comfort!

    11.2.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I am so happy to hear that!

      11.2.20 Reply