What. A. Week! As you read this, I am en route to Miami, for one of my best friend’s bachelorette parties. The timing is sort of terrible – to be honest, when we planned it, I hadn’t even thought about fashion week. It’s the first year that I’ve been asked to attend the shows… and I’m missing seven of them (and all those parties!) C’est la vie. There will be many more fashion weeks, and friends come before fashion! Besides, I’m so excited for an amazing weekend away with just the girls.
This was a crazy week… and speaking at IFB on Wednesday was a definite highlight. I had been so nervous, but your comments + tweets and overall support made the day amazing. Thank you for that… you really know how to make a girl feel good!
To be honest, I’m way behind on blog reading… but… I did want to share a few things that caught my eye this week!
One of my blogging besties, Victoria, is launching her new business, Vivaleur! It’s a Lifestyle Services company and I have a little feeling that it’s going to be pretty major. Be sure to check it out!
If you’re up for the challenge of DIYing your own Valentines, these guys from Could I Have That are pretty amazing. Love the glitter!!
I loved Michelle Obama’s gorgeous tangerine coat – and Budget Babe managed to track down the exact one she was wearing! Love. Want. (And the price is j’amazing!)
Thanks to Shannon Darrough, I now know that Milly is collaborating with Sperry Topsider. Am going to need a pair of those adorable espadrilles… pronto!
Lastly, I just loved Alyson‘s post about “Chevron Overload.” I couldn’t agree more with her… just love them! The West Elm beding she found is incredible, as are those poufs! I need to figure out a way to work a bit more of this pattern into my own apartment.