Confession: I’m having anxiety because I may not qualify for Platinum status on American Airlines this year. Frequent flier miles were never a concern of mine, until I met the boyfriend. Now, I’m obsessive. I only fly American. I pack like a pro, sail through security, and have my AAdvantage number memorized. I know exactly how many miles I’ve flown, and exactly how many more I need to qualify. (Please don’t judge me, this is embarrassing. I can’t believe I just shared this with you all.)
1. Caudalie Beauty Elixir (get the little guy so that you can carry it on.) Keeps skin hydrated and plump… flying is mah-jorly dehydrating!
2. Burts Bees Chapstick. Because I get so parched.
3. My DKNY cozy. Have it in black and cobalt; wear so much that one is inevitably always at the dry cleaner.
4. Smart Water. Duh, but way more drinkable than regular water.
5. iPad. I would die without it. Die.
6. DANNIJO iPad case. Less geek, more chic.
7. A big soft scarf like this one. Doubles as a blanket if you get cold. If you can, splurge on cashmere. You’ll have it forever.
8. Comfy socks like these. Again, cashmere is nice but not necessary. Your feet expand during travel.. you don’t want them to be cold or get dirty.
Sidenote: I left two items out! I never go anywhere without my Stephanie Johnson bag and this eye mask. It’s awesome and doesn’t squish your face.