Those Madewell Shoes.


Do you guys remember when I posted about Madewell’s Denim line (refer to this post.)  The general consensus was that you loved the denim but really, really loved the shoes.  I agreed and was stalking the site every. single. day.  Alas, the shoes were not yet available… but now they are… right here.

I ordered mine this morning (in both colors… black for parties + dresses, cobalt for jeans.) and suggest that you do the same… these are not going to last!

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  1. nicole:

    thank-you Grace. I’ve been intermittenly checking on those bad boys! picked up the blue. i’ll be torturing my doorman until their arrival. 🙂

    11.5.13 Reply
  2. Androbel (@AndrobelBoutiq):

    pretty shoes! love the color blue.
    Belen new post 🙂

    11.5.13 Reply
  3. Alyssa Longobucco:

    Ohh, I’ve been on the hunt for cobalt heels. These are perfect!

    11.5.13 Reply
  4. topknotsandpolkadots:

    So into cobalt for fall! Great post!
    xx Chloe

    11.5.13 Reply
  5. wildeinthekitchen:

    Thanks for the heads up, those cobalt shoes are amazing!

    <3 Vicki

    11.5.13 Reply
  6. Chelsea:

    They’re SO GOOD! I love the cut of the toe. Great find Grace!

    Chelsea & The City

    11.5.13 Reply
  7. Annick:

    Those shoes are stunning – the angled toe box makes them so classy! I’m definitely eyeing the cobalt ones! Can you report back on how they run when you receive them?

    Bold Subtlety

    11.5.13 Reply
  8. Daisy // & Pretty Things:

    those cobalt ones are gorgeous!

    & Pretty Things

    11.5.13 Reply
  9. Baubles to Bubbles:

    Madewell always makes the cutest shoes! I need the cobalt pair in my life!

    11.5.13 Reply
  10. Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache:

    The cobalt color is amazing!

    11.5.13 Reply
  11. Sarah:

    Oh my gosh – when I saw Madewell’s launch of the denim I thought those were the Alice & Olivia Dina pumps. I didn’t realize they were Madewell! (I probably should have ha.) And they’re less expensive than the Dina! Score 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    11.5.13 Reply
  12. Chelsea Finn (@c_elizabeth93):

    Those are GORGEOUS! Im so jealous you got both!

    11.5.13 Reply
  13. Kayla D:

    Oh how I fell in love with these shoes when that photo first came out! I will have to get me a pair!

    Eat Play Dress

    11.5.13 Reply
  14. Boardwalks & Boulevards:

    They are perfect! And of course I love both colors!

    – Kaitlyn

    Boardwalks & Boulevards

    11.6.13 Reply
  15. Liz McAvoy (@lizmcavoy):

    Seriously the perfect pump!

    xo, Liz
    {What Dress Code?}

    11.6.13 Reply
  16. Andi:

    Love that you got both colors! 🙂

    11.6.13 Reply