This Week’s Good Things, 7.27.20.

This Weeks Good Things 7.27.20
tomatoes from my garden!

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good. I mentioned before that I’ve been feeling a bit down and just… sad and out of sorts? (I feel like everyone feels like that right now?) So I just gave myself a low pressure, “sleep in if you want to, have breakfast as dinner” lazy sort of weekend. My sister, brother-in-law, and niece came over for a visit on Saturday which was definitely the best part. My niece is 21 months old and we have definitely started to form a special bond… she calls me “Ghee” and asks for me and loves coming over and I just love spoiling her. We (the grown ups) had rosé and Zoe had basil from my Aerogarden. Basil is her favorite… it’s hilarious.

I also had dinner with Becca at Have & Meyer down the street and it was absolutely delicious. I can’t recommend it enough if you are in Williamsburg. (They have an extensive selection of natural wines, particularly orange wines… and the truffle gnocchi was heavenly. Also, the artichokes!)

Otherwise I just read a lot. I’ve been listening to When They Call You a Terrorist which is incredibly moving (and very sad), and read this totally crazy and wild (but amazing) thriller (I liked it so much that when I couldn’t sleep on Saturday night I woke back up at 4am and finished it off!). If you want that “hit over the head, holy shit” sort of twist a la Verity, make this your next book. Oh and I also did this puzzle, which was actual hell. It was so hard! It’s absolutely beautiful when finished but was absolute hell to complete! I absolutely DO NOT recommend it, unless it’s a gift for someone you hate. 😉 Kidding… sort of?!

This Week’s Good Things 7.27.20

This Weeks Good Things 7.27.20

Having a Crafternoon.

Last Sunday one of my girlfriends came over and we made these rainbow necklaces. It was so soothing, and also so fun! Stringing beads is just the project we all need right now: it’s mindless and easy, with very cute results. We used this kit, which has everything you need to make the necklaces. As an aside, I just love this little shop, they have so many great kits and really high quality supplies. Their instagram page has a lot more fun project inspiration. Given how relaxing this was, I am thinking I am going to be making more beaded jewelry this summer!

Bimble CBD drink

It’s no secret that I absolutely love CBD. Love it. And this sparkling CBD drink is so delicious. Drink it alone (I find it def takes the edge off a little) or add a little tequila (takes the edge off a lot). They sent me a few bottles to try and I am 1,000% ordering more. The grapefruit basil is my personal favorite but I love the blueberry lemon too. Of all the CBD drinks I have tried (I have tried and really liked Sweet Reason and Recess as well), this one is my favorite.

It’s also different from the others as it isn’t a seltzer. I keep wanting to call it a seltzer but it’s more of a sparkling drink as it’s sweet (made with sustainably sourced honey!) but not too sweet. Each bottle contains 25mg of hemp extract which I find to be the perfect dose. (That’s the same dosage as my Equilibria soft gels and also those Lord Jones gum drops I love so much.) The brand has a cool story, too. The founder was a trader on Wall Street who gave it all up to take up beekeeping. He and his wife founded the brand together and the rest was history.

Group Chat Realness Podcast

My friend Venita started a podcast with her friend Sophie (Gold)! It’s meant to “bring the group chat” to real life, which is how my favorite podcasts are… you feel like you’re chatting with your friends! The first episode dropped last week and it was excellent. I really enjoyed their conversation on dealing with both racism and sexism as Black women, what it’s like to be a Black influencer right now, and how it feels to be tokenized. I’d deem that episode a must-listen. As an aside, Venita is always so sweet and pretty and cute on her Instagram; it was fun getting to see her “real” personality come out. I highly recommend this one!!! (You can listen to it here in iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.)

Cinnamon Swirl Nut Pods

I talked about nut pods in another blog post and subsequently got a ton of messages recommending that I try the cinnamon swirl flavor. Holy moly. These are so good. You guys weren’t messing around. They turn my coffee into such a treat. I like that they make your coffee decadent and rich but not too sweet. And this flavor is far and away my favorite… though now I worry that since it is limited edition it will be discontinued! I may start hoarding it!!!

Tell me how your weekend was… and any cool recent discoveries?

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  1. Lisa Autumn:

    YAY happy new week x

    Lisa |

    7.27.20 Reply
  2. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    Glad you feel better now. A crafternoon sounds really fun! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    7.27.20 Reply
  3. Brianna Rooney:

    I have tried to stay pretty positive throughout all of this but man, right now is a low for sure. Slept in later than ever on Saturday then mid day, my fiance and I made guac and cocktails and played indoor drinking games to bring some excitement into the day! We need to start making some very real decisions about our wedding and it takes every ounce of energy out of me.

    I found my childhood string box at my parents over the holidays and brought it back and it’s SO soothing to sit and make bracelets since you can’t check you phone/ easily tune out.

    I also demolished Long Bright River this weekend and WOW, what an incredible book. It was almost 500 pages but I didn’t want it to end/ could have read another 500!

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That sounds like a great pandemic weekend, haha! I wish I had a s/o to play indoor drinking games with, mid-day… sounds truly pandemic perfect!

      And oh my gosh YES that book was fantastic! Especially since you are in Philly!!!!!!

      7.27.20 Reply
  4. Carter:

    Soooo glad some colorful beading gave you a relaxing afternoon. We have heard this same sentiment from so many customers throughout the pandemic. A little creative down time can be such a perfect reset.
    Thanks for the shoutout, I appreciate you and I’m loving all of the treasures you share. Nut Pods are def on my list now!
    Thank you Grace, stay well!❤️

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks so much Carter! Hope you had a great weekend! xx

      7.27.20 Reply
  5. Katie:

    My sauna blanket arrived and I love it! Thanks to you I found it.

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      OH yay I am so glad – enjoy it!!!!

      7.27.20 Reply
  6. Dana Mannarino:

    I had such a nice birthday weekend. My boyfriend took me to the Bronx Zoo – after living here my entire life…I HAD NEVER BEEN. I felt really safe because you have to have a certain time on your ticket in order to be allowed to enter, so it manages the amount of people around.

    PS: Need to try those nut pods in French Vanilla!

    Dana | It’s Casual Blog 

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I’m so glad you had a good birthday!!!!! And I actually haven’t been to the zoo either but that sounds SO fun! Good for you.

      Love the french vanilla flavor too!

      7.27.20 Reply
  7. Theodora:

    I actually discovered beading through an art therapy session, so there are legit mental health benefits to it 🙂 and I love it, too! I just bought letter beads to make cheesy name bracelets and am going to make them for my friends.

    Also I have NEVER SO QUICKLY clicked on one of your links as when you said that book had a twist like verity!!!!!!!!

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That’s amazing! And yess the book is great – ENJOY! xo

      7.27.20 Reply
  8. Christie:

    I tried the Nutpods because I saw them on your blog (or maybe Instagram? not sure) and I love the idea but it curdles in my coffee! Have you had any experience with that? I love the idea of flavored creamer but don’t like that most of them have five million grams of sugar and I was hoping these would be the solution.

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh no! I find that nut milks in general have a kind of curdled look to them but that’s totally normal and happens with most nut milks!

      7.27.20 Reply
  9. Jessica Camerata:

    Nut pods are my FAVORITE. I havne’t seen this flavor anywhere, may need to order it! I usually order a giant case of the pumpkin spice flavor. It’s SO good!

    xo Jessica
    My Style Vita

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oooooh that’s next on my list to try!!!

      7.27.20 Reply
  10. Jamie:

    Hi Grace! My weekend was pretty good. I got to spend time with my niece. 🙂 Question about the bracelets — I’m interested in that exact color pattern or something similar. Can you tell me what colors you ordered? Thanks!

    7.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I just asked for rainbow!!!! If you email or DM her she can help you!

      7.27.20 Reply
  11. Gayle:


    7.31.20 Reply