Hello! Since I am away (and wasn’t sure what the wifi would be like before I left!), we are skipping weekend reads this week in favor of a post I wrote before I left. All the blogs I check every day, (if not… every week)! We’ll be back to regular programming this coming week!
Everywhere I look I keep seeing articles about how blogging is coming back. There’s this article, and also Carly’s post. As a blogger (I still spend more of my actual time creating blog content vs. social), I hope that is the case but I think it’s nuanced. The introduction of quippy video content has shortened our attention span. Some people are leaning into this (I will regularly hear “I don’t read blogs, I just can’t be bothered to leave instagram!”) and others are frustrated by it, making themselves spend less time on the app and seeking out longer form content elsewhere in the form of newsletters and blogs. So things are tipping back. I’ve noticed my own blog traffic increasing again, which is good to see.
That being said, I think bloggers have to invest and put in real effort to continue to grow. Things like SEO, creating content that feels personal and unique to what is already on social media, building a community in the comments section… it takes work! I don’t know. I am interested to see where it all goes.
The Sites I Read Every Week
Jen Shoop // The Fashion Magpie.
Jen is one of my favorites. Her writing is always so intelligent and smart, the shopping finds are always on point, its a truly wonderful website. I love her redesign too. I wish there were more sites that incorporated the frivolous and the (at least semi) serious/intellectual the way that she does.
Carly is a good friend of mine from early days of blogging/when I lived in New York. Even though our style (and lives) are quite different, I always love checking her site as it feels like checking in with a friend. I especially love her book recommendations and posts about blogging and life. And I identify with her a lot in that we are both homebodies and introverts (who are dating/married to extroverts!).
All the Charleston gals.
Sorry for looping ’em all together. Blogging is definitely not dead down here. So many of my girlfriends here still blog every day, or at the very least, a few times a week! I love Liz’s family fun + shopping finds, Chassity finds the best stuff (especially dresses), Julia’s site is dreamy with so much gorgeous aspirational shopping and home decor, Megan has the most stunning home and really good shopping finds (especially Amazon), but also Jillian, Kristin, and Monica!
Le Catch
I have been reading Marlien’s site for years and years now and always marvel at how she manages to toe the line between affordable and aspirational SO well. She truly has the best shopping finds. I always learn about a new brand or some fun shopping find or deal every time I visit. Her site is dangerous!
Damsel in Dior
Jacey has amazing taste, whether she’s showing you a new Johanna Ortiz dress or a really wonderful Amazon find. I have gotten so many of my favorite recommendations from her!
Brooklyn Blonde
Helena is another old blogging friend from New York. I love her style but I really love her beauty recommendations. We are the exact same age (I’m one day older) and she takes her skincare as seriously as I do!
Alicia Lund
I feel like Alicia wasn’t blogging much and then recently started back up again which makes me so happy (she was one of my first follows and blogging friends back when we lived in New York!). Her eye is impeccable and her site feels like reading a really beautifully curated magazine.
Bradley Agather
Bradley’s site is a little cup of shopping happiness. I love her taste, I love her graphics… it’s just all really well done. The Punch List is my favorite column of hers but I also love her table decor and book recommendationsz!
Cup of Jo
Joanna’s site was one of the first sites I read and I still check it out weekly. Our lives are extremely different but there is something really relaxing about reading her site (and the comments!).
Also: my favorite newsletters! This post needs a little refresh but it’s got loads of good ones.
What are your favorite blogs? How about newsletters?
Grace, I love this post!! I’m fully in the blog-reading camp, ever since it became popular in the early aughts. Yours is one I check daily, bookmarked in my toolbar 🙂 I’m so happy to hear of the return of blogging (and the increase traffic here, love that for you!). I really enjoy the long form and reading people’s musings, etc.
Anyway, I wanted to say I really appreciate how you’ve kept up the daily posts whilst being on vacation, although you certainly deserve to take the time off! But it’s been fun to “stay in touch” while you’re vacationing, I know you work hard to make this possible.
And lastly, I’d love to see this list of your fav blogs perhaps as a yearly post? The rec’s are very fun to see. Happy weekend!
thank you!!! And noted, I will do that next year (if they change!)
I can’t see myself getting into blogs much more. I feel Instagram has a much more diverse group of people that I can learn from – women of all colors, sizes and identities. I totally appreciate everything you do Grace but I see every blogger listed is a thin white woman. As a size 12+ Indian woman, it is hard to find a blogger remotely like me but there are thankfully lots of mid size women of all backgrounds on Instagram. Food for thought on why not all of us can get on board with a blogging revival
Maureen, I felt the same reading this list, but as a blogger who is white, but not thin, I can tell you there is just as varied a community in the blogosphere as there is on Instagram. It’s not as easy to find due to the lack of hashtags and tagging, but I enjoy the mix of perspectives and the mix of writing with imagery on well-crafted blogs. SEO/Google helps, search the keywords you are interested in with the word blog and you’ll see a lot of really great blogging content out there from a broad range of individuals!
Love this!! I’ve been blogging since 2012 and it will always be my favorite over Instagram or social media. I have a full-time day job and the last couple years have gotten busy in other parts of life, so I only blog about once a week versus multiple days a week now. But I don’t think I’ll ever quit, I love it too much!!
As far as ones I enjoy reading each week: Carolina Charm, Heather Bien (I think you’d love Heather’s blog if you don’t already read it!), A Touch of Teal, Amy Littleson, The Thrifty Pineapple, Chronicles of Frivolity, The Thrifty Pineapple and Amy Littleson. And your blog of course!
http://www.southernbelleintraining (shameless self promotion! 🙂 )
I have so many of the same favorites! I’m definitely Team Blog (I mean, I still have a framed poster that reads “I love you, blogs and coffee” hanging in my office)! I often find myself overstimulated and under-inspired on Insta these days, so I definitely appreciate those who still maintain a strong presence on their blogs!
Oh, Elizabeth this poster is excellent!
Definitely a +1 for reading blogs every day. For me, it’s the digital version of reading the newspaper and brings routine and a soothing, repetition to my life. It’s my favourite way of catching up with people who feel like ‘friends’.
I will add The Stripe to the TOP of this list! Love you Grace. I also enjoy A Thing or Two Newsletter and What Should I Read Next. Your fan, Molly
I definitely prefer blogs over Social Media. Somehow it feels less like a race and “quieter” in terms of not being thrown at with everything under the sun… By reading blogs I can choose the content and people I actually want to see.
Thanks for sharing — I’ll have to check out these sites, some are new to me.
Em @ BloomingMagnoliasBlog.com
That’s how I feel too!