I don’t know how I missed Everlane’s gorgeous leather bags {they originally launched in October} but somehow I did. Oh my. They are perfect. Only 1,000 were made {and in six colors… my favorite being the cognac up top} While $365 is nothing to sneeze at, Everlane estimates that if this same bag were made under a designer label, it would have a $1300 pricetag. Ouch. Personally, I love this bag for its understated luxury – it’s the sort of bag that people will stop you on the street to ask you where you bought it {as opposed to slapping you in the face with logos or more recognizable brand elements.} It looks like you went to Italy and bought it directly from some artisan there… which is something I personally really like.
I love the navy color!
xo, Scarlett
I heard Everlane and these bags are tote perfection!
xo Emma
mmm, love the grey!
so simple but it looks overquality! I love it!
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