The Best (and easiest) Ice Cream Cake, Ever.

ice cream pie

So, obviously this is not a food blog.  I mean guys, I can barely cook.  But then my sister made this amazing ice cream cake while I was home last week.  I instagrammed a picture of it and a few of you asked me for the recipe, so I asked her.  She laughed and said it doesn’t even have a recipe because it is so easy to make.  She was right.  Even I could make it.  And I probably will… and when I do I will eat the whole thing by myself because really, it is just so good!

  1. Blend one package of oreos + 2 tbsp vegetable oil in the food processor.
  2. Press 1/2  of the mixture to the bottom of a Springform pan.  Put pan in freezer for 1/2 hour or until mixture has hardened.
  3. Take out ice cream of choice (she used Peppermint) out of the freezer, and allow to soften.
  4. Heat up fudge sauce (can be any kind) in the microwave so that it becomes more viscous; spread a layer on top of oreo mixture.
  5. When fudge is hard + icecream is soft, fill pan halfway up with ice cream.
  6. Place another layer of fudge on top of ice cream mixture, and then another layer of oreos (about 1/3 of mixture, leaving just a little bit of
  7. Freeze again (for about 1/2 hour)
  8. Add more softened ice cream (fill to top)
  9. Top pie with more oreos (rest of mixture) and crumbled candy canes or Peppermint Bark if you have it, or drizzle with fudge to decorate the top.
  10. Freeze and serve!

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  1. akaleistar:

    Love ice cream cake!

    12.30.13 Reply
  2. Androbel (@AndrobelBoutiq):

    love ice cream cake!!! I always had it when I was a little girl.
    Belen new posts 🙂

    12.30.13 Reply
  3. Ehhte:

    Ummm yum! See it is a recipe!!!! Yum thanks

    12.30.13 Reply
  4. bclaire:

    Ummm yum! I love delicious and easy dessert recipes! And ice cream cake.

    12.30.13 Reply
  5. bernadette:

    I have made a version of this that is a family fave….just add some cool whip to the layers and some carmel….just too good…..

    12.30.13 Reply
  6. Lauren Martin:


    12.31.13 Reply
  7. Jen @ Marshmallows and Margaritas:

    I made a peppermint ice cream cake for Christmas (I baked two layers of devil’s food cake for the cake layers, though I think Oreos would have been just as good and much less work), but I poured hot fudge over the top of the ice cream when the fudge was still hot, and it melted some of the ice cream and slid right off the top of the cake onto the counter! (I had been cooking for about 48 hours at that point, so I wasn’t thinking clearly) Still tasted great, but make sure you don’t put TOO hot of fudge on the cake, especially before cutting it!

    12.31.13 Reply
  8. Neha:


    1.1.14 Reply
  9. leydijonjon:

    I love icecream so every reason to eat it is acceptable to me:) it looks yummy!

    1.2.14 Reply
  10. Rachel @ Rachel//In//Flight:

    I have to try this! As someone who loves ice cream & cake – this is a must. Thanks for the recipe!

    8.29.14 Reply