Yesterday was more amazingness. It started out on a not so great note – I could barely get out of bed because my back hurt so much. After breakfast and a bit of lounging, we decided that we would go to the St. Regis in Deer Valley to do some celeb-spotting and mid-day drinking. I got a massage at the hotel, which was hugely helpful. I also discovered Bio-Freeze (pure heaven for sore muscles.) I left with a roll-on of it and have been using it obsessively. The therapist seemed to think I sprained the left side, and said to take it easy and that it will feel better in a week. (ahhh, such impeccable timing…)
Now back to the amazingness. The St. Regis is SO cool. It’s all high ceilings, wooden beams, etc…. typical mountain-chic style. You walk in to a small building, where you actually have to take a gondola up the mountain to get to the main part of the hotel.
The hotel bar was extremely fun (their bloody mary with wasabi foam is truly to die for… it even comes with a little squeeze-y thing filled with hot sauce so that you can control how spicy your drink gets,) and it turned out that we were on the list for an Eddie Bauer event at the hotel. At the event, we indulged in mini-burgers, delicious fries, and more cocktails. They also had a S’More station. (I’m really going to need to hit the gym hard when I get home.)
At the end of the event, we took home an Eddie Bauer backpack, filled with all sorts of outdoorsy goodies. As far as celebs went, we saw Eliza Dushku, Rick Fox, and Emile Hirsch. Nothing too big time, but still extremely exciting to me!
As usual, here’s what I wore. Joe Zee (Elle’s creative director) tweeted today that Sorel boots are the new Uggs, and I couldn’t agree more. They’re comfy, water proof, and still stylish!
The Striped T is J.Crew (still available – and on sale – so comfy that you’ll want to get it in both colors,) and the sweater is Old Navy (also on sale now!) As for the Sorels, you can get ’em here. I like to think that the red soles make them the Christian Louboutin of snow boots.