Summer Lingerie Essentials


With summer in full swing, I’m pretty much living in white dresses, camisoles, and silky little things. It’s great… but it definitely requires a few important undergarments… so today I thought I’d share my essentials.

    1. Pretty, lacy bralettes.  The ones above are from Free People {here} and I really love them because the racer back adds a fun detail. You can wear them under racer back dresses + tanks… or just let the straps peek out for a flirty look. I also really love this one and this one {that last one is extra supportive and the neon color makes it really fun.}
    2. The Nu-bra. This thing is gross. It’s sticky and yucky but it will save your life. If you don’t already have one, consider it. Buying this bra means you will be able to wear anything you want {within reason} all summer long. Backless, strapless, everything. It’s a game changer. A good strapless bra is important too. One of my girlfriends obsessed over this one, so I bought it on her recommendation. It’s perfect. Stays up, supportive, doesn’t smoosh your boobs.
    3. A great t-shirt bra. Emily from Cupcakes & Cashmere wrote about these a week or two ago and I love it too… the lace details make it prettier than the average t-shirt bra, it provides great coverage and support, and the nude hue means you don’t have to worry about whatever you are wearing on top being too sheer, etc.
    4. Nude boyshorts. Buy them in bulk. My favorite are these {pictured above} but these are really cute too. Embarrassing story – earlier this week I wore a white skirt… and a coworker noticed that I had on blue underwear. Mortifying. Don’t be like me. Buy lots of these and save yourself from being ridiculed.
    5. Something fun. I am really into both yellow and hot pink right now so this bra is a favorite. Summer is when you can be a little bit more playful with your lingerie and show off fun pretty details and colors under tanks and lacy dresses. Just don’t overdo it. {This and this are really fun, too!}
    6. A slip. I’m going to sound like the ultimate grandma here, but my best friend got me hooked on slips. I don’t advocate the shapewear kind… but more a lightweight slip that skips the body. You’ll ensure your silkier dresses don’t get stuck between your legs on hot days and just create a more fluid silhouette. I have both this half slip and this full slip… both are summer saviors!

Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post.

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  1. jillian:

    great picks! i want to buy a few bralettes this summer! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

    6.6.14 Reply
  2. kat (@awwkitten):

    Yep! Love a good basic tank in the summer, especially during the week on lazy evenings. The lacy bralettes are so perfect for those, and you can mix and match colors if they do peek out 🙂 great picks. And a good reminder that I should get a half slip this year.

    6.6.14 Reply
  3. comfortablyychic:

    Great post! I was just thinking about how I really need to venture out from VS and buy some more “grown up” but subtlety sexy undergarments.


    6.6.14 Reply
  4. mayfieldkayleigh:

    those sticky bras are serious life savers! I bought one from Target months and months ago and wear it all the time. It has stayed sticky since then, too!

    6.6.14 Reply
  5. Andrea Jaramillo:

    I”m with you on the slips! Jean over at Extra Petite got me into slips and recommended a couple from Target. Life savers!!!


    6.6.14 Reply
  6. Sexy Lingerie:

    very basic but great! Although there are a few sexy lingerie pieces that would incorporate into summer nicely as well

    6.7.14 Reply
  7. fashionsbit:

    amazing picks! Love the yellow one 🙂

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    6.8.14 Reply
  8. Lindsay:

    I agree with you on the slips and they’ve made a comeback so they’re not so grandma anymore. In fact, my friend Shelton has an awesome line of slips & undergarments that you should check out.
    It includes a undergarment romper which they lovingly call the “paparazzi protector” . . . brilliant!

    6.9.14 Reply
  9. Accademia di Moda (@AccdiModa):

    Who doesn’t love a great Bralette for summer! It’s an absolute must-have! We picked up a few at Victoria’s Secret and we can’t take them off! ou can throw them in your beach bag and have something adorable to slip into after a day spent playing in the surf and soaking up the sun!

    6.9.14 Reply