Sister Sister


As you might have seen yesterday (on Honestly WTF, Design Sponge, and Note to Self amongst other places) my sister just launched her {incredible} new line of textiles + prints.  I couldn’t be more excited or proud of her.  The pieces are beyond stunning, and I’m really looking forward to adding a few of her pieces to my own apartment.

But more than the craftsmanship of her pieces, more than her artistic talent, I admire the fact that she was able to take such a huge and monumental risk.  She’s had an amazing career thus far, designing textiles for Anthropologie and then Ny-lon (a company that specializes in private label pieces for big name retailers).  She’s spent months and months working on this project… it’s been really incredible watching it come into fruition.  Every little bit of attention to detail shows, and the pieces are just so very her.


IMG_5920In anticipation of her big launch (and knowing that just about every blog I read would soon be covering her incredible line). I ambushed her apartment to give you a little behind the scenes look at how she live and works…  I’m also going to tell you some fun little facts about us growing up… read on!

IMG_5965{I love that we both use our old Dyptique candle jars to hold our DIY supplies.  We both have a serious weakness for nice candles, burn them sparingly, and then obviously save the jars.  I think we got this from our mom, as I remember using old candle jars for water glasses when we were young.}


IMG_5905{If you knew my sister, you’d see these fabrics and think… “those are just so her.”  Her style is unfussy yet feminine, and I feel like because of that, she was able to churn out a line of pieces that girls are going to want to purchase – and husbands/boyfriends will love just as much.  They’re artistic and lovely, but appeal to men and women alike.  In my opinion, this is so hard to do.. but she did it flawlessly.}

IMG_5916{Growing up, lavender was always important to us.  That’s an odd statement to make, but my mom grew it, harvested it, and loved her French lavender toiletries.  When I close my eyes and imagine my mom, I smell lavender.  Besides the fact that the herb is soothing, it relaxes me even further because it makes me think of home.  I think that’s why Becca is incorporating it into her packaging.}


IMG_5951{Some little vignettes taken around Becca’s apartment… lots of gold, and lots of blue.}

IMG_5963{This photo cracks me up.  As children, it was always made abundantly clear to us that some scissors were for fabric, and others were for paper.  This was always a very obvious thing to me… and then my boyfriend made a joke about his mom and her strictness about the scissors.  I (of course) immediately defended his mom’s point of view.  Seeing these clearly labeled scissors in my sister’s studios enforced so many things and brought me back to when we were crafting as kids!}




 Congrats, sister… I couldn’t be more proud of you!

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  1. Chelsea:

    The line is stunning. And what bravery! To have what many would consider dream jobs, and make a leap like that is just inspiring. What creative and talented sisters!
    My husband has seen the wrath that follows using paper scissors on plastic packaging. Oh, scissor labeling is important! The anecdote you shared made me smile. xo

    3.26.13 Reply
  2. Chelsea:

    Congratulations to your sister! It looks like her big risk is paying off in a big way. Thanks for sharing.

    Chelsea & The City

    3.26.13 Reply
  3. Mandy - Other Shoes in the Sea:

    Congrats to your sister! Such beautiful pieces!

    3.26.13 Reply
  4. Lauren:

    Your sister’s stuff is amazing- I was very impressed when I checked out her site yesterday. Wishing her only the best! She has true talent!

    3.26.13 Reply
  5. Gaby:

    I’m seriously over the moon with her pieces, they are stunning! Just saw her art pieces too and love them! Loved this personal post on both of you 😉

    3.26.13 Reply
  6. Jess:

    I’ve been eyeing your sister’s gorgeous textiles but sadly the one I was lusting after has already sold out! I’m so impressed with the colors and patterns, and I love that everything is made in the USA. Thanks for sharing a fun behind the scenes look at her home – and some neat facts about the two of you! You know how much we readers adore stuff like that. 🙂

    3.26.13 Reply
    • rita:

      oops, sorry jess! the sold out pillow would have been me! 🙂 for all of the same reasons that you shared!

      grace (and rebecca!) – i adore the story behind the launch and your behind the scenes viewpoint… thank you!

      3.26.13 Reply
    • Rebecca:

      Hi Jess! I’d love to know which pillow you were interested in as I am making more of designs that people love the most. I’d love to hear your feedback. Thank you so much!

      3.27.13 Reply
  7. Raiana:

    I got teary eyed reading about your mom and lavender. We had lavender everywhere, its always been my moms favourite scent, and growing up I would always find pieces of lavender everywhere – pillow cases, shoes, sheets, cupboards…as well as little lavender mist spray bottles in every room. Thank for reminding me of those sweet memories!

    Your sisters site is gorgeous, and her textiles even more so. What a wonderfully talented and creative family you have!!

    3.26.13 Reply
  8. viv:

    So amazing! You come from one talented family, girl! xo

    3.26.13 Reply
  9. Stacey @ Likes to Smile:

    Congratulations to your sister!! I love the pillows! And the behind the scenes tour!

    3.26.13 Reply
  10. alyson:

    So amazing… not to sound cheese, but your parents must be so proud! Her attention to detail is incredible and I love that it’s nothing I’ve seen before.

    3.26.13 Reply
  11. Drew @ Catfish & Caviar:

    How exciting! Congrats to her!

    3.26.13 Reply
  12. Emily @ so anthro:

    Amazing! Congratulations to her, and thanks for sharing this little behind-the-scenes Grace!

    3.26.13 Reply
  13. Smash:

    How exciting, you are obviously so incredibly proud! What a talented family! xo

    3.26.13 Reply
  14. Emma Finlayson:

    Adore! The prints are amazing!

    3.26.13 Reply
  15. Becca:

    Thanks Grace! You know it’s funny I hadn’t thought about some of the things I do that are because of Mom…but it’s so true. Thank you so much for all your encouraging words as I’ve gotten ready to launch the line – I really appreciate it!! xoxo

    3.26.13 Reply
  16. Monique:

    Your sister’s work is beautiful! Such a talented family. Loving her little studio as well!

    3.26.13 Reply
  17. Denise Atwood, Dennis MA:

    I love this Grace, you captured so much in your words. It made me a little teary to see all the Mom references, what a lucky Mom I am! I love you- xox Mom

    3.26.13 Reply
  18. Meredith:

    I love this Grace! And I’m so proud of both you and Becca! I love the anecdotes about Mom and growing up… It makes me smile that the three of us are all so different but you can find a common thread in the little things we do and find comfort in (the scissors, the candle jars, the familiar scent of lavender). I also love that Becca’s collection includes the names of home: Blauvelt, Cold Storage, Paines Creek, Sandy Neck, etc. XOX

    PS Someday you might have to do a blog feature on wetland conservation and amphibians 😉

    3.26.13 Reply
  19. Denysia Yu:

    Wow, this is just amazing! 🙂

    3.26.13 Reply
  20. Julie Leah:

    How sweet of you to do this wonderful feature on your sis!! You Atwood girls got some serious talent! 😉

    3.26.13 Reply
  21. Kelly | Fabulous K:

    You are two talented sisters! I love her Storms #3 and Sandy Neck Patchwork pillows. Her entire line is beyond gorgeous!

    3.26.13 Reply
    • Rebecca:

      Hi Kelly – thank you for sharing which pillows are your favorites. I love hearing this kind of feedback!

      3.27.13 Reply
  22. Erica // cupcakes+coffee breaks:

    This is such a cute post. As a sister, I love how much thought you put into this, and how proud you are of your sis. It made me miss my little sister so much (she’s all the way across the world 🙁 ). Congrats to her, and really great post! Also I love the comment from your mom above… too cute.

    3.26.13 Reply
  23. Beth Salonen:

    Such a sweet tribute to your Sister!! With the support (and most important) LOVE of a Sister backing you, success – no matter how you define it, is sure to be yours!!!!! Congratulations to you both!!! PS – Happy Easter too 😉

    3.26.13 Reply
  24. Quinn Cooper:

    Read about this line yesterday on Honestly WTF and then visited her site and the pillow I wanted was already sold out. Pretty awesome. Her aesthetic is really great, you are completely right in saying she straddles the line between feminine and masculine in the way that her line appeals to both. Can’t wait to purchase my first piece.
    xo Quinn
    Quinn Cooper Style

    3.27.13 Reply
    • Rebecca:

      Hi Quinn – which pillow did you want to purchase? I will be making more of the pieces that people love the most. Thank you so much for your support!

      3.27.13 Reply
  25. Heidi {Dooley Noted Style}:

    I love the gold zipper detail on the pillows, went on the site & everything I loved was sold out – congrats!

    3.27.13 Reply
    • Rebecca:

      Hi Heidi, I’d love to know which pieces you wanted to purchase. I will be making more of items that people love the most.

      3.27.13 Reply
  26. Amber - Real Girl Glam:

    You must be such a proud sister! Her pieces are so beautiful & it’s obvious she creates them with love!

    3.27.13 Reply
  27. Jordan - Queen of LA:

    this is so sweet grace. i love my sister the way you so obviously love yours and i am so impressed by her talent!

    3.29.13 Reply
  28. Aly:

    Oh I don’t know how I missed this! Such an exciting venture for Becca and what a beautiful post Grace x

    4.3.13 Reply