LWD Overload.

sea cotton eyelet dress 2

I can be a little boring when it comes to my shopping choices. I say this a lot, but it’s very true. (A little inside joke for you… I told all my girlfriends that my new blog name was going to be “A Little Bit Boring” when I rebranded to The Stripe.) But yeah, I’m boring when I shop… especially when it comes to those tried & true classic pieces. I live in my Burberry trench coat so much that the cost per wear is practically in the pennies range at this point. And last year I bought this SEA dress… but this Spring I went for this one. I mean, really? How many little white dresses does one need? They don’t look that different online but in person they’re actually quite different… and I love the oversized eyelet on this one. But suffice to say, I’ve got a bad LWD problem.

To keep things feeling fresh and interesting I love adding in a fun pattern scarf (Virginia Johnson is a new fave) or a bold necklace/bright clutch. Rule to live by: as you add interesting pops of color here and there, no one will ever know how boring you actually are.

Shop the Post: Burberry Kensington Trench Coat (more Burberry options here, budget friendly options here + here) // SEA Embroidered Cotton Dress (new fave!) // Daniel Wellington Watch (take 15% off through April 15th with code graceatwood) // Valentino Rockstud Pumps // Virginia Johnson Scarf (c/o) // Saint Laurent Sac de Jour

saint laurent sac de jour

People call me a cat lady but I’m a dog lady too. Really, an animal lady. I just love all of the animals. This dog basically laid down on me and I almost died of happiness. He was such a sweetie!

burberry trench coat

sea cotton eyelet dress

valentino rockstud pumps white

daniel wellington watch

And these Samantha Wills earrings are much cooler than they look in this photo. So chic + effortless… I love the thread-through look.

burberry trench

photography by Lydia Hudgens.

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  1. andréa:

    I love the hem of the dress and can’t wait to see how you style it in warmer weather. great look!


    A.Viza Style

    4.1.15 Reply
  2. Christina Storm:

    Such a gorgeous look! Love that dress!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

    4.1.15 Reply
  3. Kiara King:

    I’m boring too! I always end up with classic basics, which I don’t see as a bad thing at all. It means I wear most of the things I buy over and over again.

    In saying that though, I’m trying to force myself to buy more standout pieces.


    4.1.15 Reply
  4. The Preppy Vegan:

    You can NEVER have enough LWD. And that outfit is far from boring! Bring on summer, bring on the LWD (and cute pups).

    4.1.15 Reply
  5. Alexandra:

    Such a sweet pup! Love your outfit – boring is good!

    Warm Regards,

    4.1.15 Reply
  6. Cathleen:

    I love the neutrals with the bright accent scarf. That is a great looking watch, and I need that trench! <3 the doggie!

    4.1.15 Reply
  7. rebecca:

    So true about the pops of colour! Love the dress ❤

    4.1.15 Reply
  8. Natali:

    Fantastic outfit, you look so pretty!
    I like your trench and shoes very much and that scarf adds a nice pop of colour to this whole look. 🙂


    4.1.15 Reply
  9. jillian:

    love the details on this dress!

    4.1.15 Reply
  10. Hes:

    you look beautiful! happy spring!

    4.1.15 Reply
  11. Ellen:

    I love this look, especially with the printed scarf. One day I’ll be able to afford a Burberry trench. And if you’re calling your sense of style boring, then I want to be boring too!

    Ellen | A Pop of Pink

    4.1.15 Reply
  12. Lindsay Ava:

    Love how beautiful and feminine a little white dress can look and it´s absolutely perfect for the season. Haven´t seen it paired with a trench before but it looks amazing and basically allows you to break it out sooner. The detailing on the hem is gorgeous 🙂

    4.1.15 Reply
  13. Kat Smith:

    So sweet! The puppy goes perfectly with your outfit too 🙂


    4.1.15 Reply
  14. Jeanne:

    I love your scarf!

    4.2.15 Reply
  15. Jillian:

    I’m with you Grace! The more basic staples the better! I love your little white dress on you!

    XO, Jillian

    4.2.15 Reply
  16. Gloria:

    Lovely LWD. And calling yourself boring is never excused! You have amazing styles:) And don’t we all need basics in our wardrobes to reach out for when in despair?! xxxx


    4.4.15 Reply