Saying Hi.
I thought it would be nice to just take a beat, chat, and say hi. Everything has felt so rushed and frantic, it feels nice to just sit down and write. I had a calm and cozy weekend. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel of unpacking and sorting and putting things away. And I can’t believe I’ve been in the house for a full week; the past week and a half has been a complete whirlwind. I had been anticipating it with a mix of excitement (new house, yay!) and dread (ugh moving is horrible, I just did this 18 months ago!) but mostly excitement. And now that the hardest part is mostly over, it is just so nice to be here.
I am so happy.
I am obviously not the first person to buy a home (lol) but truly, everything is so exciting and magical. It is such a good feeling. I didn’t expect the peace I would feel in being here. Even though there is so much to do, I feel such a wonderful sense of calm. I think that is a combination of the house itself being so quiet and peaceful, and the relief that comes when the thing you are really dreaded doing (moving) is complete.
I really love my neighborhood. It’s safe and cozy and a little bit sleepy compared to everywhere else I’ve ever lived. It is truly wonderful to be able to go for walks at night and it’s so close to one of my favorite coffee shops. As for the house itself, every day I find something new to delight in. Either something gets fixed, hung up, or installed which feels like Christmas (the shelves went up in the kitchen on Friday night: pure JOY!), or I discover something fun like how the old owner had electric outlets installed under the sink (completely brilliant!). Little micro-joys.
Other micro-joys:
Doing my workouts outside in the courtyard (the perfect hybrid of not having to go far or pay for a gym membership, but not being cooped up inside). There is a single palm tree back there and I was stretching on the ground. I looked up to see the sun peeking through its leaves and smiled and thought to myself, “that’s my palm tree!” The fountain. I love the fountain. The old owners had installed one and it the sound of the water is so blissfully calming. I can hear it as I’m falling asleep. I can hear it from the screen porch in the morning as I work and let Tyrion roam. Fountains rule.
There is also just this feeling of being a badass. Or maybe just an adult, not a badass. Silly things like changing my air filters (and setting a monthly reminder to do so). Hanging up art. Feeling like, “I bought this myself and I can do anything.” After twenty years of renting (24 if you count dorm life!) it feels great to put down roots and have something that feels a little more permanent.
On the other side of the coin I am terribly behind on work and emails and have barely started my gift guides (launching next week), but I’m doing my best. It will all get done, bit by bit.
Everything is overwhelming but everything is also wonderful.
I am so happy to be here and getting settled. Today, a handyman is coming over to hang my mirrors and move some furniture. The HVAC is also getting fixed (praise be: it’s still in the eighties here in Charleston so the top floor has been toasty!) I’ve had a few friends over for casual drinks and tonight my family is coming over for my sister’s birthday dinner. I am really excited to have them over. I bought some nice cheeses and am making a big salad. (My dad handled the main course: homemade lasagna!).
I am so happy for you and the joy and pride you feel in purchasing your home. Taking big steps on our own is so empowering. Hope we can see some pictures once you are settled in. Looking forward to your upcoming gift guides.
Thank you so much!
Love this for you! Always look for the micro joys in home ownership, especially when things are less than ideal 🙂 we’ve been in our home 10 years and this is the first year we are getting Christmas lights installed, which has been silly life goal of mine, but I’m so excited!!
Oooh that IS exciting!!!!
Congratulations on making it through the move and finding the joy! Just an appreciation post for your positive appreciation of the situation.
thank you!!!
Congratulations on your new home, Grace! I love reading your updates and are glad you’re getting settled in. ♥️
*am glad
Thank you so much 🙂
Congratulations. We’ve been in our house 13 years and the micro joys still happen with each new update or improvement. Enjoy! Sidenote: this unseasonable heat is getting us all in the south. I slept with an icepack wrapped in a towel because I refused to turn the a/c on in November. It helps!
Oh my gosh MARY, that is smart!!!! I was so hot last night. The HVAC guys are here right now fixing my system, I have no problem turning mine on but you are so right… it feels extra hot this year compared to others?
Congratulations on your new home! So happy for you and SO JEALOUS that you have your own palm tree I love the little porch we’ve seen and of course all the green, from a fellow green lover
Oh thank you!!! I am really happy here!!!!
I just love how exciting it all is to be in a new place. I haven’t moved in AGES and I am craving a change. Seeing your experience has me eager to want to live it all over again soon, ha! I can’t wait to see more looks into your home and how it all comes together. Such a fun and exciting process even to watch on the sidelines!
xo Jessica
an indigo day
You should definitely do it, it’s so much fun! Well, except the moving part – that part was v v stressful!!!!
I bought my first house earlier this year and this post resonates so much! I’m back to a pretty hectic travel shedule again and the way I feel coming home to MY HOUSE is truly the best. Congrats, Grace! So so happy for you. Have an awesome family dinner 🙂
Ahhhh I love that! I am heading to LA in a few days and am already looking forward to coming home. I just love it here so much!
I am just SO HAPPY for you!!! Congratulations on this huge accomplishment! And I LOVE all the house content – keep it coming : )
Congratulations on the new home and I love your excitement! My husband and I moved and bought our first home a few months ago. You described the mixture of peace/freedom/joy/adultness/everything that I’ve been feeling too. Somehow, the fact that a home is one’s own truly changes how it feels to walk in the door and just be. Very impressed that you got so much done in just a week, and I wish you many more micro-joys and proud, peaceful moments to come!
I think it’s BADASS, that you’ve purchased a home and all that it comes with that. I hope you own it!
Congratulations!! So happy for you and you’re definitely bad ass ! Xo
This was such a lovely post to read. Any time I read about someone finding tiny joys in their life, it reminds me to do the same. Congrats on your new home, you earned it!
Congratulations on home ownership. You have worked hard and earned it. There is no better feeling than to come home after a business trip or a day working outside of the home, turning the corner, and seeing your sanctuary.
Congratulations on the new house! I remember the feeling well of being a new homeowner- the excitement & the terror in equal measure, lol. I just realized while reading this that I missed my 13th home-iversary (on 10/30) for the first time. Also, I know this was not the point of your post, but you reminded me to change my AC filter, so thank you for that!
I love this post. It’s so nice to hear your thoughts, connect with you and celebrate your accomplishments with you! So excited for you and your new house! From what we can see I think you deserve a medal for how many boxes you’ve unpacked in just a week. Loved that you took a moment to slow down and just be!
Huge Congratulations to you. It’s such a delight to follow you along this journey, and I think this is what influencing should be about. Inspiring others to live the life they want by showing your readers you’re living the life you’ve dreamed for yourself. Cheers to you!
Just wanted to pop in and say congratulations on your beautiful new home. Your joy is contagious so thank you for sharing it with us. 🙂