Rebel Rebel… + Our Community Page.

coat // scarf // bag // jeans // heels

I like these photos as I am kind of a hot mess. That might sound funny but it’s the truth. So often we (bloggers) pose for photos but we wind up looking like a glossy version of ourselves. And that’s fine + normal but the reason I like these is because they’re so “me.” My hair is kind of a mess, my scarf is falling off, but I am definitely me here. And I’m wearing my favorite things… my classic camel coat from last year (that you are probably sick of by now – trust me I am too, this week’s warmer weather has me reaching for lighter jackets which feels amazing), my Rebel Rebel embroidered tee (my favorite, because I am sooooo not a rebel), classic denim, and the best pumps. This is, more or less, my everyday uniform!

Today though, I wanted to chat a little bit about our community page. Do you use it? Do you like it? I’m really happy so many of you have joined. Originally I had started it as a place where likeminded readers could connect to start meet-ups and make friends in their cities. But I have loved seeing the conversations that pop up over there and I really want to encourage more of that. When I have a reader question I need an answer to, I’ll post it there. I want you guys to feel like you can use it in that way too… as a resource… to chat and share opinions, share articles you’re loving, ask questions, and so on and so forth. So let’s do that… use it to talk about our favorite books, beauty products, and all the other stuff. I love Instagram and DM’s but it’s so much easier to sit at a computer and be able to type out a more thoughtful response over there. So, if you haven’t already… request to join (everyone gets in, haha… I had to make it a closed group though) and let me know what you think of it! xoxo

Outfit Details: Vince Coat (from last year but this one is very similar and half off!) // Old Navy Scarf (similar) // Sezane Bag // Citizens for Humanity Jeans // Manolo Blahnik Pumps // Polaroid Sunglasses

These tees are the BEST. Highly recommend!

photography by Trent Bailey.


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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    Oh, I had no idea about your community page! It sounds awesome, checking it out now. 🙂 Also, really loving the simplicity of your outfit in this post, Grace! ❤️❤️

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw good! xx

      2.22.18 Reply
  2. Sarah:

    I didn’t know you had a community page! I’m a relatively new reader, so that might explain it 😉 I’ve just signed up!

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yay! And welcome!!!

      2.22.18 Reply
  3. dana:

    I’m loving these photos even if you think you look like a hot mess — perfectly unperfect! I need to join this Facebook group!

    The Champagne Edit

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw thank you Dana!!! xx

      2.22.18 Reply
  4. Emily:

    Love these more casual, every day looks so much!

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Em! xx

      2.22.18 Reply
  5. MarciaMarciaMarcia:

    I didn’t know about the community page either! I joined but since I give up FB every year for Lent (it’s the best reset!) I won’t be on there till April.

    I actually love you in this outfit. What you call a hot mess to me comes across as being happy and comfortable in your own skin and with your own style. No amount of obsessive styling or”gloss” can replace the light that comes from inside. 🙂

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh good! Welcome!!! (In April!) And thank you for the kind words 🙂 xx

      2.22.18 Reply
  6. Natali:

    I love how natural, real and relatable you are, from your outfits to the way you write and think, it’s really refreshing!

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks so much Natali, that is so kind of you to say!

      2.22.18 Reply
  7. Becky:

    I’d love to join, but I don’t have Facebook oh and I love these posts that feel more real and relatable!

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Becky!

      2.22.18 Reply
  8. Merritt Beck:

    Well, you look put together in this photo! Great outfit pairing!!
    xx, Merritt
    The Style Scribe

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Aw thank you so much Merritt!!!

      2.22.18 Reply
  9. Jada:
    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks, Jada!!!

      2.22.18 Reply
  10. Rebecca:

    You look so fresh and fit Grace, and I love you camel coat! 🙂 Been a faithful reader for a long time and finally created my own blog – feel free to check it out!

    2.21.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Rebecca! I’ll check it out!

      2.22.18 Reply
  11. Victoria:

    This is suuuuuper random but this past Sunday’s episode of Homeland was named “Rebel, Rebel.” You learn in the episode that it’s a reference to the dual ways you can pronounce the word: “rebel” as a noun and “rebel” as a verb. When I read your post title (and saw the shirt) that’s what I thought of! Maybe in these turbulent times, you subconsciously are a rebel rebelling, though in style of course 😉

    2.22.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Haha! That is so funny!!!!!

      2.22.18 Reply
  12. Bri:

    Love these more “real” pictures! Thanks for showing us this side of you. Xo

    2.25.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Glad you liked them! x

      2.25.18 Reply