Rahua Dry Shampoo + Hairspray.


If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, then you know that I’m a devoted fan of Rahua. (More on that over here…) A few months ago I had the opportunity to meet the founder of the brand and became even more enamored with what they’re doing and their mission. The brand’s foundation is really about helping the women of the Amazon, and then creating a great product, which is something I love… but the products are so great that it’s easy to forget that.

Recently, the brand launched two new (exciting!) products. It’s exciting as they are both at least 90% natural, and it’s actually incredibly hard to find a quality natural dry shampoo and hairspray. I’ve been testing both for quite a while and am excited to tell you about them today.


First, let’s talk about the Voluminous Dry Shampoo. It’s all the things: gluten-free, vegan, all-natural, and organic… but what I found particularly interesting is that it’s aerosal-free. The bottle is (of course) fully recyclable, but uses an eco-squeeze technology. You shake the bottle and squeeze… and the the product magically puffs out. To be honest, it took me a few tries to fully get the hang of it, but once you do, it’s awesome.


The second product is the Defining Hair Spray (also non-aerosol). Interesting to note, this one is only 90% natural, but it’s the most natural hairspray on the market. The key ingredient here is the organic sugar cane alcohol which helps provide medium hold (that is still touchable). It dries quickly and adds shine to the hair. The spray is non-tacky and brushable, but it still provides great hold. The brand spent years researching and developing the formula to create the most natural hairspray on the market.

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1 Comment

  1. Laura Kathleen:

    As a dry shampoo addict I will certainly be picking this up to give it a try! I love their mission to help women in the Amazon!



    10.7.15 Reply