

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten // eleven // twelve // thirteen // fourteen // fifteen // sixteen // seventeen // eighteen // nineteen // twenty // twenty-one // twenty-two // twenty-three // twenty-four

Pineapples are nothing new. Yesterday they were e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. That being said, this year, they are back in an even bigger way… and I keep seeing more fun pineapple things that I love all over the place! This SEA dress is all out amazing (it helps that SEA is one of my all time fave designers), and I wear these slip on sneakers pretty much all day every day. Also: pineapple paper straws? A pineapple pool float? Yes please. I want to be on the float, drinking something fruity out of this tumbler with a pineapple straw sticking out of it. All of the #goals.

Also, you should know that I keep Tyrion’s kibble in this jar. We’re fancy like that.

And also, this wine pineapple. Best hostess gift idea ever?

Image sources: 1, 2, 3


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  1. Kristen:

    as a fellow lover of all things pineapple, I need to add that raft to my collection. how fun!

    4.28.16 Reply
  2. lily:

    Oh my god, I want them ALL!

    4.28.16 Reply
  3. teresa w.:

    Favorite. Collage. Ever.

    4.28.16 Reply
  4. kate:

    This round-up is SO great! Love!

    4.28.16 Reply
  5. Elizabeth M.:

    LOVE. Pineapples are just so fun! And, the symbol of hospitality!!!

    4.28.16 Reply
  6. Cy:

    The wine pineapple DIY is hilarious ! Love the float too

    4.29.16 Reply
  7. carrie:

    Ha! Great minds think alike. 😉

    I’m loving this trend…


    4.30.16 Reply