My New Secret Weapon – Phyto 7 Daily Hydrating Botanical Cream

I have a lot of hair. It’s thick, it’s long, and it’s wavy. All through high school I was the girl that didn’t know how to manage her hair, so I walked around with a ponytail full of frizz. (The bangs really did not help things.. it’s no wonder that I didn’t have a boyfriend until Senior year.) 

A mixture between straight and curly, with drier tendencies, it hasn’t been the easiest thing to manage.

Sometimes I blow it out straight… but since it’s so long, that takes me a good hour and it’s just not practical. For a treat, I’ll get it blown out… but that gets expensive.  And besides, blow-outs are so damaging!

So, most days, I just wear it wavy.  I’ve found the best way to keep it looking good is minimal shampooing and lots of conditioning.  Styling creams and leave-in conditioners are a godsend.  I wrote about my favorite drugstore combo and it works really well… but sometimes leaves my hair a little bit “crispy.”  Ick.

Then, via Birchbox, I discovered Phyto 7’s Daily Hydrating Botanical Cream. It contains 7 plant extracts to deeply hydrate your hair. Upon using, my hair dried soft and wavy, without any of that crispy-ness. No frizz, whatsoever… just soft, silky waves.
I reordered immediately.  I keep the small tube from Birchbox at the boyfriend’s apt, and the full-size product at my apartment, so I’m never without it.
It’s also worth noting that Phyto’s products are super high-tech, but at the same time, all natural and never tested on animals.  I love this concept. 

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