My Favorite Funny Phone Cases.

Funny Phone Cases

When I upgraded my phone to the newest model (I cannot keep track of which phone I have, I just know it isn’t the really big one, but I have the one with the good camera – 11? 11 Pro!? Who knows!) it was time for new cases. This is something that is simultaneously fun but also heartbreaking, as I hate having to get rid of my phone cases every time Apple comes out with a new one!!!! I always pass my old cases onto a friend who is happy to receive them but man – it bums me out… I wish Apple could just stick to one universal size!

This go ’round, I decided to have a bit of fun with it. I was inspired by my friend Katie, who always has the best, crazy/hilarious phone cases. And honestly, I’m glad I did! When I bought these back in January, I had no idea what the next few months would bring. Who knew the whole world was about to implode!? I am being dramatic of course, but every time I look at one of these funny phone cases, it makes me smile just a little. They are just so silly and outlandish. I feel like a big toddler carrying around a toy and that just makes me laugh!

I stand behind each of these crazy purchases. Hell, we’re on our phones enough – you might as well get a good laugh every time you reach for it!

The Unicorn

My niece screams when she sees this one. We aren’t sure if the unicorn is asleep or not. Honestly, does it matter? But it’s just such a fun case. This is probably my personal favorite, if only because my niece (and any child for that matter) loses her mind when she sees it!

The Old School Phone

This one is sadly mostly sold out (I have the pink one!) but the black is great too. It transforms your sleek cell phone into a cumbersome looking phone from the 90’s. Totally goes against the whole rationale for buying said sleek iPhone, but again, makes me LOL. Update: looks like a few different Amazon sellers have it in pink! I cannot personally vouch for them but they look pretty identical to mine.

The Big Pink Bear

Everyone always laughs at this one. And I laugh too! This phone case looks alarmingly like the cartoons I grew up watching. I can’t for the life of me remember which ones, but it carries a very nostalgic feeling.

PS – these are all linked in my Amazon Shop, under Tech! Lots of other good stuff linked there, too!

Funny Phone Cases

Photography by Carter Fish.

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  1. S Graves:

    The bear is Lotso Bear from Toy Story 3! Cute!

    6.26.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      OMG you are right!

      6.28.20 Reply
  2. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    These are cute! I love your unicorn phone case! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    6.26.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Charmaine!

      6.28.20 Reply
  3. Alexandra:

    The pink bear reminds me of Care Bears that I grew up watching!

    6.26.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That is what I was thinking too! A few people said Toy Story and I think they’re right!

      6.28.20 Reply
  4. Caitlyn:

    That bear definitely looks like the one in Toy Story 3, I think!

    6.26.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I think you’re right!

      6.28.20 Reply