My Favorite Cozy Sets.

My Favorite Cozy Sets

I am a major homebody, and have been one even more since moving into my house. I just love being at home. Especially with my boyfriend, a friend or two, and/or my family. Given the choice between a party or a night on the town and a movie night at mine, I’d always take the movie night. Or even just a quiet night alone with a good book.

After lockdown ended, along with all of these other things, I found myself unable to wear loungewear for a little bit. I sold or donated all of the tie-dye stuff (I still can’t look at tie-dye without thinking about being locked down in my Brooklyn one bedroom). I would go out of my way to get fully dressed every day. But things always tip back again to equilibrium, and I am back in my cozy sets. Not all the time, but a lot of the time. I also really love ending the work day by doing my skincare routine (we’re talking early dinner, and 7pm skincare here haha), and putting on a cozy set. The day is done, it’s time to read and sit with the quiet for a while.

My Favorite Cozy Sets

This time around I am favoring sleeker, monochromatic sets. No more tie-dye, lol. Nothing against tie-dye, it’s just still slightly triggering. Most of these pieces can be worn out of the home… just add a coat and sneakers! While less appropriate for out of the home (the pieces are slightly sheer) I am fully hooked on Negative Underwear (I’ll have a code again soon) – especially their slinky tees and leggings. And I’ve been loving everything Lunya makes (washable silk!). Other honorable mentions: this cashmere set from Kilte Collection is so sweet. And this mint set (top + bottom) is a fantastic price + comes in other great colors.


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  1. Marisa:

    Anyone have suggestions for petite? At 5′ struggle to find great loungewear bottoms. Lou&Grey had some great petite ones but are out of stock/discontinued 🙁

    2.9.23 Reply