My Favorite Affordable Retinol.

Olay Retinol24 Review

Created in partnership with Olay.

We talked a LOT about retinol in these parts. A lot. In my opinion it’s the best thing you can do for your skin in terms of anti-aging. I actually didn’t add retinol to my routine until a little over a year ago. Frankly, it sounded so clinical and a little bit intimidating, but once I tried it I was hooked.

Retinol is the number one most searched ingredient on google, and since 2016 more than 5,000 new retinol products have launched. (I’m not surprised by that – as a blogger, I see a LOT!) Today’s post is about  Olay’s new Retinol24 collection. If you are an avid blog reader you have probably seen this line everywhere… I know I have! I have spent the past month testing these products and am going to report back on the line as a whole, as well as each of the individual products themselves!

Olay Retinol24 Review

Before we dive in to my experience and product specifics – I was REALLY excited when Olay approached me about this opportunity. As you likely know from reading here I am into high-tech skincare. And I fully realize that some of the products I recommend are very pricy. I have been really wanting to find a more accessible retinol that I could share with you guys and have on hand to recommend when I’m asked.

Olay is one of those companies that puts so much research into everything they do. (I worked at P&G and was always blown away by the teams of scientists and researchers dedicated to every single product launch – it’s amazing!) Olay created this particular line because of an interesting statistic: more than half of women who try retinol quit within a month. Crazy, right? The reasons these women listed: too expensive, they experienced irritation, and/or they didn’t see results.

So Olay created the Retinol 24 collection. The promise? Visible improvements in fine lines & wrinkles, smoothness, brightness, firming, dark spots, and pores.  The formula contains a combination of B3 + Olay’s most transformative Retinoid Complex, which includes two types of retinol. It provides 24 hour hydration, and it’s affordably priced. Lastly, it’s not irritating. In a study conducted by the brand 96% of users experienced zero irritation.

I’m going to share my experience below!

Olay Retinol24 Review

My experience using the Olay Retinol24 Collection

A few notes about me before we dive in, as context is important. I am 38 years old. My skin is pretty dry and my biggest concerns right now are dehydration + fine lines around my eyes. And of course, preventing aging as best I can. I have never tried Botox or done fillers; but I was already using retinol 1-2x a week. I have found with other retinol products that I do experience irritation, so 1-2x a week has always been enough for me! I began testing these products on October 6th and finished writing my review on November 8th.

The collection as a whole.

First of all, I love that these products are fragrance-free. A lot of drugstore skincare (and department store too!) products are fragranced and this drives me bonkers… whyyy!? I can do subtle fragrance but much prefer fragrance-free. These have absolutely zero fragrance which I love. And they’re incredibly hydrating. The testing window is right around the change of seasons – my skin gets even dryer than usual this time of year. Add to the fact that I was also traveling a lot which can also be extremely drying and dehydrating – these products came with me to all of our live shows.

Retinol Benefits: Short Term

Upon using the collection at night the first time I noticed that my skin definitely looked much brighter and it was VERY hydrated. As I mentioned above, my skin does get very, very dry this time of year. It was soft and hydrated the next day and also very bright – I had a little glow going! And it’s not irritating. I am a big believer in listening to your skin and giving it what it needs and there were a few nights where my skin did feel a little bit tight so I took a night off but I was able to use these products 5 nights a week without irritation which is a first (as I mentioned above, with other retinol products I could only use them 1-2x a week.)

Retinol Benefits: Long Term

It’s with longer term use that you really see a difference; especially when it comes to your skin’s texture. I don’t have very many fine lines but I have a few on my forehead and around my eyes and I definitely noticed a reduction in the appearance. Retinol is not Botox; you won’t see this immediate elimination in fine lines but you will see a softening. Besides the blur in fine lines, my skin was noticeably smoother overall, and I also noticed that my skin tone was more even.

Retinol Serum vs. Moisturizer.

A few of you asked me if I had to choose between the retinol serum and the retinol moisturizer, which one it would be. This is tricky. These are the best retinol serum and best retinol cream I’ve tried at this price. I ended up asking the brand for an extra week of time to test the serum separately from the moisturizer so that I could properly answer this question. If I had to choose between them, I’d probably pick the serum. BUT if hydration is your biggest focus, get the cream!

That Retinol Eye Cream!!!!

I have to gush about the eye cream. I love all of the products but if I had to pick one, this would be it. It’s really hard to find a good retinol eye cream – I want those benefits for my eye area (as I noted above, my area is probably the biggest area of concern) but my eyes are pretty sensitive – a lot of other anti-aging eye creams I’ve tried have made my eyes watery and red. Not the case with this one – it is FANTASTIC. I am so, so impressed by it and I use it every night. I noticed a definite immediate difference in my under eye area (brighter, smoother, more hydrated) upon using it and with time, the area has gotten a lot smoother.

Olay Retinol24 Review

Olay Retinol24 Review

Olay Retinol24 Review Olay Retinol24 Review Affordable Retinol Affordable Retinol

Created in partnership with Olay // Photography by Carter Fish.

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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    I need to get my hands on this! I wonder if I could get it in Hong Kong though, I know retinol products aren’t really popular here! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh wow that’s so surprising! Retinol is big here! Interesting how different ingredients are popular in different places.

      11.14.19 Reply
      • Susan Neal:

        I have tried so many products. Over the counter brands, celebrity brands, etc.
        I have thought about about the new Olay products. With your recommendation I will check them out. Wish me great results. Thanks

        11.15.19 Reply
      • Mmoni Gaabue:

        Good day. What can you recommend for a pigment skin . Does retinol has a touch of organic strength. What will best treat a black skin .

        11.16.19 Reply
    • Katie:

      I am so excited to try this, have been waiting for this review!! I think I’m going to start with the serum then get the eye cream later. If they have a Black Friday sale maybe I’ll just pick up both! Thank you so much grace for providing this affordable option.

      11.14.19 Reply
      • grace at the stripe:

        The serum is the perfect place to start!!

        11.14.19 Reply
  2. Christine:

    I have been on the fence about trying retinol, but your review and my general life-long trust of Olay products (and, well, the fact that I just turned 41- yikes!) have convinced me to take the plunge on this collection.

    Could you please maybe give instructions or a tutorial on how you apply them and in what order?


    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      41 does not need a yikes!!!

      I suggest reading this post about product order!

      It’s always serum before moisturizer. Eye cream can go on whenever but I usually do it first.

      11.14.19 Reply
      • Christine:

        Thanks so much, Grace! This is exactly what I needed!

        11.14.19 Reply
        • grace at the stripe:

          So glad to hear that!!!

          11.15.19 Reply
          • Anne Mcintyre:

            If using olay retinol 24 is it ok to use an olsy whip in daytime eont be too much

  3. Megan:

    I was really anticipating this review! I use The Ordinary retinol a few times a week but honestly can’t tell if it’s making a difference, so I’m really excited to try these!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Awesome! Keep me posted on if you try them and how you like it!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  4. Christine:

    I love Retinol products! Will definitely be trying these ones! Especially the eye cream! 🙂

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yay! Let me know how you like it!!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  5. Heather:

    I have been waiting on your review of these products to see if I should grab them. I’m excited to finally have an affordable retinol product on the market! Thanks for reviewing all the things for us!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh GOOD! I’m so glad. Keep me posted on if you like them!

      11.14.19 Reply
  6. Caroline:

    Your skin looks great in these photos!!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • Jennifer:

      I’ve been so excited for your review since you mentioned that you were testing the products last month! I’ve started to dabble in retinol products and it’s great that someone who is willing to splurge on skincare products is also willing to give a good review to something more affordable! You’re in a league of your own, Grace! Keep it up!!

      11.14.19 Reply
      • grace at the stripe:

        That is so nice to hear!!! Definitely give the serum a try!

        11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you!!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  7. Zoe:

    So glad to hear that the eye cream didn’t irritate. I will definitely try it for my fine lines. Do you think the brightening aspect will help dark circles as well?

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey Zoe! I’m copying what I wrote to another commenter (sorry to be lazy it’s just a longer response re: dark circles!!!)

      It doesn’t help w/dark circles. Retinol will brighten up your face as a whole (it renews cell turnover resulting in more radiant skin) but dark circles are their own sad issue. It’s great with fine lines and texture, though!

      Unfortunately as much as marketers would like us to believe there is no topical treatment for dark circles that will have lasting results (plenty have light reflecting particles in them like the Ole Henriksen one, which definitely brightens things up, but once you wash them off you wash off the brightening effect).

      I have dark circles and my formula is… this eye cream at night to help with lines and texture and then in the morning I use the Ole Henriksen eye cream and then the Ilia concealer. I find that the combination of a retinol eye cream (which helps with texture!) at night, and then a brightening eye cream in the morning with a good concealer is the holy trifecta. The retinol is a key part of this as it keeps the area smoother, so concealer goes on better!

      Probably not the answer you were wanting but it’s an honest one and what has worked for me!!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
    • Sarah:

      I’m excited to try out the eye cream and serum! I’ve been noticing my fine lines under my eyes more than usual lately and was trying to find a product to try out, so this came at the perfect time!

      11.15.19 Reply
      • grace at the stripe:

        Awesome! Let me know how you like it!!!

        11.15.19 Reply
    • Anne Mcintyre:

      I use olay regenerist micro sculpting moisturiser with spf 30 in day is it ok to use olay reyinol at night

      3.10.20 Reply
  8. Kaitlyn:

    I’m excited to try this eye cream! I agree that soo many are just too irritating.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      It’s such a problem for me!!! Most irritate me so when I find one that doesn’t irritate (this, the Tatcha, the Ole Henriksen), I lean in big time!

      11.14.19 Reply
  9. Rebecca:

    Grace. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. I like your scientific method of research. . Compare And contrast. Ordering the eye m now.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I’m so glad!!!! Hope you LOVE the eye cream!

      11.14.19 Reply
  10. Molly:

    I am so intimidated by retinol and the potential irritation/side effects, but I love Olay’s face lotion and this is such a good price point that makes it easier to try. Thanks for the review!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh good, I’m so glad. This is a great place to start. It’s effective without the irritation. If you’re nervous I would recommend starting with the serum and doing it every other night to see if you have any side effects (I don’t think you will as these are super gentle!) but just in case!

      11.14.19 Reply
  11. Nicci:

    I have been influenced! Just bought the eye cream and can’t wait to see how it works on the fine lines around my eyes. I’m 32 and have recently started taking my skincare more seriously thanks to you!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      YAY for serious skincare!!! Keep me posted on how you like it!

      11.14.19 Reply
  12. Jessica:

    I bought the eye cream because of you and now will go ahead and buy the others. Thanks Grace!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh GOOD!!!! Please keep me posted on how you like it!

      11.14.19 Reply
  13. Amanda:

    Thank you for featuring such an affordable product! I think these will be my first foray into anti-aging products.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      YAY – keep me posted on how you like them!

      11.14.19 Reply
  14. Lucy:

    Excited to try these! Thanks for your thoughtful review.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You’re so welcome!!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  15. Molly:

    I love how scientifically you approach product testing, even for sponsored content! I can’t wait give these a try. Thanks for sharing!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh good! I take product reviews really seriously, so I’m happy you appreciate it!

      11.14.19 Reply
  16. Karen:

    Thank you for this review. I’ve been wanting to try retinol, and like you mentioned the price point is just too steep.
    I’m 43yo and have a good skincare routine. However, I noticed the fine lines on my forehead for some time now. Willing to try this out and see if it works well on me as it did on you.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Awesome!!! I would recommend starting with the serum! Keep me posted, I hope it works for you!

      11.14.19 Reply
      • Karen:

        Yes, I purchased the serum and added the eye cream. I don’t have a good night eye cream.
        Purchased from their website and products are discounted 25%

        11.14.19 Reply
        • grace at the stripe:

          Awesome! I hope you love!

          11.14.19 Reply
  17. Helen Morton:

    Does retinol make eye dark circles darker, lighter, or have no effect. I have dark circles without retinol. Thank you.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      It doesn’t. It’s great with fine lines and texture, though!

      Unfortunately as much as marketers would like us to believe there is no topical treatment for dark circles that will have lasting results (plenty have light reflecting particles in them like the Ole Henriksen one, which definitely brightens things up, but once you wash them off you wash off the brightening effect).

      I have dark circles and my formula is… this eye cream at night to help with lines and texture and then in the morning I use the Ole Henriksen eye cream and then the Ilia concealer. I find that the combination of a retinol eye cream (which helps with texture!) at night, and then a brightening eye cream in the morning with a good concealer is the holy trifecta. The retinol is a key part of this as it keeps the area smoother, so concealer goes on better!

      Probably not the answer you were wanting but it’s an honest one and what has worked for me!!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  18. Michelle:

    Hi Grace! I saw that you use the eye cream every night, is it only recommended to use at night? Sometimes I get paranoid that my eye mask is rubbing off my creams and such so I use eye products in the morning.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yes, only at night!!!!

      During the day I use the Ole Henriksen one. Retinol should only be used at night though. Maybe try doing your skincare an hour or so before bed so that it can properly absorb?

      11.14.19 Reply
  19. Jill:

    Really appreciate this review! I have used just the olay regular spf moisturizer that costs like $8 at target as my day moisturizer for years, but I have been using pricier products at night (sunday Riley tidal). I am intrigued and may rotate this in as a night moisturizer. Thanks!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Awesome!!! Let me know how you end up liking it!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  20. Chrissy:

    Grace – Any idea when/if this product will come to Canada? I’d love to try it.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I have no idea! I will put in a note with the brand.

      11.14.19 Reply
  21. Suzanne:

    Hi Grace! I have been waiting for this review! I am turning 40 in 2 weeks and I need to start an anti-aging skincare routine and I think I will start with this. Thank you so much! Also, love that the price is manageable 🙂

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh GOOD! I hope you try – and love them!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  22. raq:

    I have been waiting for this post! I have super dry skin and olay complete is the only lotion that is hydrating enough for me. I was hoping you would recommend this new line so I could confidently try it. Already purchased through your link!! Thank you Grace!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      amazing, i am so happy to hear it!!!!

      11.14.19 Reply
  23. Susan Stein:

    I do love Olay products, but I had to stop using Olay because they they test their products on laboratory animals. So I stopped using Olay.

    11.14.19 Reply
  24. Erin Butler:

    Hi Grace,
    How “clean” are these? After listening to your podcast, it’s something I’m more cognizant of. Thanks!!


    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey Erin!
      Not very – retinol isn’t clean. If you’re looking for a clean retinol, try Bakuchiol!
      I try to live 80/20 with my beauty routine… 80% clean products, and 20% not – Retinol falls into my 20%!

      11.14.19 Reply
      • Emily:

        I was curious about how “clean” these products were as well. In the last couple months I’ve switched almost all of my skincare products over to clean alternatives and I’ve found that even that has my skin looking so much better. I’d be curious to know if bakuchiol has really worked long term.

        11.14.19 Reply
        • grace at the stripe:

          They’re not clean. Retinol is unfortunately not clean. I strive to be 80/20 in my beauty routine and retinol is one of the products I make an exception for. Bakuchiol is great but I prefer retinol. If you are a stickler about using only clean, it’s a great alternative!

          11.15.19 Reply
  25. Jean Mason:

    Grace I love that you tried the products out for a good amount of time not just saying you loved it without using it. I am 58 and have never used retinol. I think this is a good product for me to start. Thanks again for doing the due diligence!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much! I think you should definitely give it a try!

      11.15.19 Reply
  26. Mimi:

    Excited to try it all, starting with the eye cream! Looks like Olay /Proctor and Gamble is doing a $15 rebate if you buy at least $50 of products; no better reason to stock up! See and scroll down!

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing!!!

      11.15.19 Reply
  27. Joyce:

    Thanks so much for sharing Grace! I really trust your reviews. Out of curiosity – what was the regimen/way in which you applied these 3 products? I would have no idea where to start!

    11.14.19 Reply
  28. Linda Ackerman:

    Y0u definately look fresh and glowy, I use some the ordinary retinols but I would love to try these too.

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      THanks Linda!

      11.15.19 Reply
  29. Linda Ackerman:

    I really love retinol products from Roc and the ordinary, have been using them awhile now, I would definately love to try olay retinol products too. I use olay spf 15 and 30 every day and love them..

    11.14.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You should give these a try!!! Maybe start with the serum under your existing cream.

      11.15.19 Reply
  30. Leah:

    Thank you for this. Will definitely try these after I finish my first ever batch of retinol products.

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yay! Keep me posted, and let me know how you like them!

      11.15.19 Reply
  31. Patricia Wallis:

    Thanks for reviewing this brand. I was wondering the same thing, something not so harsh that I could use every night. Olay, here I come!

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Let me know how you like it!

      11.15.19 Reply
  32. Jt:

    Retinol in jar packaging is useless as it degrades as soon as you open the jar.

    11.15.19 Reply
  33. Alma Davis:

    Can’t wait to try it

    11.15.19 Reply
  34. Anne-Marie Brown:

    Please can you tell me of the new retinol olay is cruelty free.
    Thank you

    11.15.19 Reply
  35. Barbara Moras:

    Why is it a 38 year old and not a 58 or 68 year old who tests the products?

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Because a 38 year old runs this blog!

      11.15.19 Reply
  36. Ellen Davis:

    Does Olay have a body moisturer with retinol?

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I don’t think so! That would be a great idea!!!

      11.15.19 Reply
  37. Raquel Fancher:

    I prefer plant based like from rose hip seed oil. Retinol and other chemicals irritate my skin. There is a lot of anti-aging and anti-oxidant power in purely plant based products. Would you talk about that?

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey Raquel,
      I’ve talked about Bakuchiol which you might really like! Just search the site for it in the nav bar.

      11.15.19 Reply
  38. Heather:

    I like Olay prices and they often have proven ingredients, but they often include very unhealthy ingredients. I am grateful to hear about this line. I will have a look at the ingredients for this set and may very well buy it.

    11.15.19 Reply
  39. Elsa devHaiger:

    I live in Gauteng South Africa
    Could you please tell me if it is available in our country,
    if not how can I get hold of the product

    Thank you


    11.15.19 Reply
  40. Grace:

    Hey Grace! Thankful for your reviews as always. Not sure if you can answer this, but would I be okay to use the serum if I also use the retinoid Differin daily? All the skincare layering gets confusing to me.

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey! I am not sure. I’ve never used Differin. I’m guessing probably not. I’ve asked the brand and will report back when I hear from them.

      11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey! I heard back from the brand!

      Differin contains a synthetic retinoid called adapalene and has been FDA approved to treat acne. Olay Retinol24 contains a blend of two natural retinoids and is designed to improve skin’s smoothness and brightness. If she is using the Differin to treat acne, we wouldn’t recommend to also use Retinol24 daily without talking to her dermatologist.

      11.18.19 Reply
      • Grace:

        Thank you so much! I appreciate you checking.

        11.18.19 Reply
  41. Lisa:

    I always love your honest reviews, and I love how much integrity you always have with your product reviews! I was going to try out the eye cream, but I saw someone comment that retinol breaks down in a jar. And, so I did some research and that does seem to be the case! There’s even a quote that I found from the NY Times about it which states, “We know that retinol is very oxygen sensitive and degrades,” Dr. Neuser said. “We certainly wouldn’t put an Olay product with retinol into a jar because we want our product to be just as efficacious and great at the end as it was at the very first.” Soooo maybe you can ask Olay why it’s different now. I’m sure they’ve worked on the formulation to maybe make it more stable? I’m curious!

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hi Lisa!
      I have an email in with the brand. P&G is so tech focused that I find it hard to believe they’d allow something unstable to go to market. I will report back with what I find. In the meantime highly recommend the serum!

      11.15.19 Reply
      • Lisa:

        I agree!!! I never even knew that about retinol btw ‍♀️

        11.15.19 Reply
        • Lisa:

          That was a weird, and creepy, symbol that came up when I tried to use a bitmoji! Sorry!

          11.15.19 Reply
          • grace at the stripe:

            Hi! I heard back from the brand – see below!!

            This interview is about 5 years old and does indeed reflect the state of retinol science at the time. Understanding that most of our consumers prefer facial moisturizers (and eye cream) to come in jars, the Olay team invested a lot of research into coming up with a formulation that would keep the retinol stable and potent without special air-tight packaging. It’s taken us a few years and required several inventions, but with Olay Retinol24 we have developed a unique micro-droplet oil-in-water emulsion that keeps our retinol blend stable even in jar packaging.

  42. Ro frome:

    Here’s my comment. You didnt say how much it costs.

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey! That’s only because the price changes (it’s on sale right now). It’s usually around $30-40 per item.

      11.15.19 Reply
  43. Beverly Kraczkowski:

    I too am using all three of the products, but only for a 2 week period. I have already noticed that my under eye area to be smoother and brighter. My skin is usually very sensitive so I have been careful with the serum. I alternate the serum and moisturizer. So far, I am very pleased with the products. I tried a prescription of retinol in the past and found it very harsh, so I terminated usage after a very short period of time.

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I’m so glad to hear that!

      11.15.19 Reply
  44. Susan Neal:

    I have tried so many products. Over the counter brands, celebrity brands, etc.
    I have thought about about the new Okay products. With your recommendation I will check them out. Wish me great results. Thanks

    11.15.19 Reply
  45. huda:

    i use olay antiaging for long time and i have pigmentation which are still there i would like to try this product on my pigmentstion and see results which will be very challenging .

    11.15.19 Reply
  46. Karen Senecal:

    I love play and have leaned toward them since i started with the pink bottle… My only issue is that I prefer face products that are not in a jar where you have to use your fingers. Each time you open the jar your exposing it you air borne contaminants and no matter how clean your hands, I just don’t think its healthy poking your finger in and then sealing it right up…. Thus I go for the squeeze tubes, viles, stoppers…Any thing not in a jar.

    11.15.19 Reply


      11.15.19 Reply
    • Allegra:

      I totally agree. P&G is quoted as saying its customers prefer jars; I have a really difficult time believing that! I avoid jars like the plague so I guess I’ll be missing out a bit.

      11.19.19 Reply
  47. Kimberly Cooper:

    I used a face wash cloths are generous whips the retinol 24 cream and serum face spray clay mask the charcoal and the gray and can you use the retinol 24 serum and cream together that’s what I’ve been doing

    11.15.19 Reply


    11.15.19 Reply
  49. Sara:

    Hi! Do you have a favorite super moisturizing/affordable night cream you recommend using on the off retinol evenings? I just started using a low dose retinol product and am already needing more moisture!

    11.15.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yes! Weleda Skin Food is my favorite affordable night cream! It’s amazing!!!

      11.16.19 Reply
  50. Betty:

    I have been an OLAY enthusiast for years. I just turned 63 and no one believes that is my true age. I fervently believe OLAY has contributed to my skins appearance. I will definitely try their Retinol 24 product and have no doubt it will be another product I’ll swear by from OLAY.

    11.16.19 Reply
  51. Roz Henson:

    So tempted – always enjoyed Oil of Olay when I was younger….. ROZ

    11.16.19 Reply
  52. Jan Schueler:

    We will try this sounds too good to be true would I know it is cuz I use Olay Regenerist

    11.16.19 Reply
  53. Mmoni Gaabue:

    Good day. Will it get rid of pigments(black skin) . Does it have reasonable amount of organic strength.

    11.16.19 Reply
  54. Anne Bermingham:

    I am 59 and fave been using retinol products for a while, but boy are they expensive, will give this a try

    11.16.19 Reply
  55. Annette M White:

    What perecentage of Retinol is in the product example •05 or •1 this would be helpful as most Retinol which is non prescription is no higher than •05.

    11.16.19 Reply
  56. Ting:

    I love this information you shared! Been using prescription Retin A for ages …

    And Olay regenerist as part of my regimen

    Glad to know they have these products in the market.

    Thank You

    11.16.19 Reply
  57. James A. Carrington:

    What about the peptide serums? I have found that these products work wonders! I also use a retinol serum, but it’s been the combination of the two that has erased nearly 15 years off of my face.

    11.16.19 Reply
  58. Terri:

    I have used a retinoid for years but I choose a prescription source. First of all it’s covered, so way more affordable. Secondly, the active ingredient is superior both in terms of quality and percentage. You never get the same same efficacy from drug store brands, there’s just not enough of the active ingredient in there. Thirdly, I trust my Dr.’s take on it–anx she swears by the presciption product.

    11.16.19 Reply
  59. Barbara Balaam:

    That’s great but I’ve just looked online and unfortunately we can’t get it in UK!!

    11.17.19 Reply
  60. Cara:

    You make this post about the best “affordable” creams, but do not mention the actual price. Sigh. I guess I’ll just have to look things up on my own.

    11.17.19 Reply
  61. Olukemi Valerie Odukoya:

    Thanks for sharing.

    11.18.19 Reply
  62. Alka Kapoor:

    Please let me know the price and delivery

    11.19.19 Reply
  63. Rhonda:

    This product is very hard to find. Even though CVS has a sales promotion going, it is impossible to find.

    11.19.19 Reply
  64. Carien:

    What is the Retinol percentages in these products?

    11.19.19 Reply
  65. Michele Clairmont:

    I’m 68 yrs young and I’ve been using oil of okay for over 35 yrs. I tried the new Olay Retinol.. I’m sorry to say after the first few days my skin started to itch and burn. I kept using it but eventually had to go back to my normal routine of Olay in the red and tan jars and now my skin is feeling great.

    11.19.19 Reply
  66. Anne Jenns:

    Why is it that it is only your age group that gets to try these products? At 38 you are hardly getting old.. I have applied to test these type of products and despite the fact that I look after my skin.. Don’t get a chance because at 65 are considered too old.
    It would be more believable if they actually tried out age products on people who are an actual aged person.

    11.19.19 Reply
  67. Henrietta:

    Olay is not a cruelty- free product.

    11.20.19 Reply
  68. Terrence:

    I really wanted to thank you for honest review. I use meaningful beauty but have been dying to try it. I am on a fixed income so trying anything new is doable but if l don’t like it then I’m out 100 bucks . I’m also in my late 30s and am happy with meaningful beauty except for the day cream. Maybe I’ll splurge on myself one of these days but not today. Unless by any chance Olay has given you products to give out to deserving charities I’d like to take some of that if that’s the case. Have a great day. Sincerely Terrence….

    11.20.19 Reply
  69. db:

    Hi Grace- Thanks for this review! Curious if you can share any information from Olay about the safety of the eye cream? I’m very interested in trying it out but am curious about any research they’ve done regarding the safety of using retinol near the eyes. Any info you or their team could share would be awesome and much appreciated! x

    11.20.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey! I had no issues, but I asked the brand and here’s what they said: “We ran multiple clinical studies in which the Retinol24 formulations were used and evaluated around the eye area, with no safety concerns.”

      11.22.19 Reply
  70. Kelly:

    Sooo I was influenced by this post and am starting with the serum and eye cream. If I didn’t go for the moisturizer, are there any ingredients you’d avoid layering on top of these? I feel I need more moisture but don’t want to mix anything that might reaction poorly with the retinol ingredients.

    11.26.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hi Kelly,
      That’s a great question! After retinol (or any serum for that matter) you def need more moisture. I would stick to something gentle. Two favs that I like over this serum are Weleda Skin Food (or Skin Food Light), or Tatcha’s Dewy Skin Cream. Both have tons of moisture which will a) lock in the retinol to let it do it’s best work and b) HYDRATE, which is so important when using retinol products!

      Keep me posted on how you like them!

      11.27.19 Reply
  71. Lydia:

    I just bought the Holiday Olay kit that contains the retinal products. I was looking for an honest review. I’m looking forward to using it. I also purchased their Illuminating set for my uneven skin tone.

    12.4.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh GOOD! Keep me posted on how you like it!!

      12.4.19 Reply
  72. Sara:

    Hi Grace,
    This is a great review- thanks! I’m curious about how you use other products when also using a retinoid product. For example, I use a liquid exfoliant and occasionally an overnight resurfacing peel. I am assuming I’d still use the exfoliant under the serum and then moisturizer, but for the peel- would you do that alone, or layer things as well?

    12.9.19 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Hey Sara,
      I would probably alternate them – wouldn’t recommend using an exfoliant AND retinol, or even a peel. I tend to do them all separately.

      12.9.19 Reply
  73. Jessie:

    Do you still need to use an exfoliator like Drunk Elephants’s TLC Sukari Babyfacial to remove dead skin cells when increasing the cell turnover?

    1.8.20 Reply
  74. Anne Mcintyre:

    Hows does it work for 24 hours if you wash it off in the morning

    2.20.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      I think the idea is that it’s a claim that it could work for 24 hours, if you chose not to wash your face!

      2.20.20 Reply
  75. Ann Coole:

    How much retinol is in this product. How am I supposed to kno if the product doesn’t say on the packaging.

    2.28.20 Reply
  76. Colette Dillingham:

    I’ve just purchased all 3 on Thursday so this is my 3rd night of using… I must be honest my skin feels amazing .. So let’s see what happens.. I do spend lots of money on skin care so I could be saving money ..

    2.29.20 Reply
  77. Anne Mcintyre:

    I use olay regenerist micro sculpting moisturiser with spf 30 on daytime is it ok yo use olay retinol at night

    3.10.20 Reply
  78. Anne Mcintyre:

    I use olay regenerist micro sculpting with spf 30 in daytime is it ok yo use olay retinol at night

    3.10.20 Reply
  79. Beverly:

    I am turning 70 this year. I’ve always used a daily moisturizer my favorite was MaryKay but with all the hype about retinol I thought I’d give Olay a try. I used olay as a teen, so why not? I kept my usual daily moisturizer but I added Olay Retinol 24 as my night time serious business. Within a week friends were asking me what I was using. It clearly made my skin brighter and smoother and yes, I could see a marked difference in fine lines on my forehead and outside corners of my eyes and on my neck. This stuff works!

    3.16.20 Reply
  80. Betty:

    I’ve been using this cream for a little over a month. The first night I used it my skin was so silky and smooth feeling. I have never used a cream that does everything that it’s advertised to do. And I’m not just saying that. My skin is clearer and brighter and this is the cream that I will be using from now on.

    3.26.20 Reply
  81. Vanita:

    H I’m 58 had a good skin but this two I got very dark circles and pigment on forehead and around my cheeks my skin is dry
    .and very thin will thus help in these area.. or regiment something else for the pigment especially thx

    4.17.20 Reply
  82. Danielle:

    What is the percentage of retinol in these products? I want to start retinol, but I have to start at a low dosage with being new to it and also having sensitive skin. Also, if you use all three products, would that be too much retinol for some people to handle or would it probably be ok? I’m having a hard time finding this info. Thanks

    4.30.20 Reply
  83. Bronwen:

    Hi There. Where can I buy these products in South Africa? I live in Cape Town. Thanks! Bronwen

    5.6.20 Reply
  84. Pat:

    Is this product good for all skin takes and complexions? Olay products?

    9.9.20 Reply