Make It Happen.

Saint James Striped Tee

I’ve been watching the show Suits a lot lately. I always loved it but forgot about it only to realize I had nearly three seasons of catching up to do. And like most of you, Harvey is my favorite character. (I mean, I’d kill for Rachel’s wardrobe but Harvey is still my fave.) Besides the fact that he’s a total dreamboat, I admire his practicality and work ethic. I’ve always admired people who get out there and make things happen and get the job done, rather than sitting around and talking about it.

In one episode, he says (ever so simply), “I don’t have dreams. I have goals.” This. (Ironically, this resonated with me as I was laying on my couch eating an egg & cheese sandwich.) And so I started thinking a bit more about my own goals, which I thought I would share with you today. (Before I get into my own goals… Skintimate is having a pretty major contest – where you can win $5,000 to put towards making your own dreams come true. More information at the bottom of this post!)

ASOS Shorts

1. I want to live a more simple life. Right now I feel like I’m always going. But I am happiest when I have nights off to myself, regularly making it to yoga + barre class, or am able to spend an hour or two curled up with a book, and am not always going, going, going. Summer is always hard – I’ve had friends in from out of town, events that I actually want to go to, and countless goodbye parties (it feels like all of my friends are leaving Manhattan.) Time to take back my calendar.

2. I want to be that girl who connects good people. I read The Tipping Point years ago and while I remember very little of it now, one thing that resonated with me was the types of people. I’ve always been a connector. In a way, I guess I “collect” smart, creative, good people in my life and nothing makes me happier than connecting these types of people and watching them make magic. Whether it’s other bloggers, like-minded brands, smart friends… etc. I love helping. I joke that my “third” job should be a career placement firm or networking agency and I take my relationships very seriously.

3. I want to grow in my career. My career has been very amorphous thus far (from retail buying to brand management to social media with a hefty dose of blogging on the side ) but I feel like I’ve really found my niche with social media and influencer marketing. It’s great when you can find a job that comes more intuitively… but I need to make sure I’m constantly learning and growing… reading Mashable and TechCrunch every day, testing new platforms, experimenting with different social strategies, meeting the right people and staying current.

Saint James Stripe Tee

4. I want to grow this blog. Four years and eight months in, this blog is still my passion project. Sure, there are nights when I don’t really feel like posting, or days where it feels hard. But it’s my baby and I treat it like a second full time job. I want to create more travel + lifestyle content for you, write more, improve upon my writing skills, and go beyond the outfit posts. I want you guys to feel like you are actually getting something out of visiting here.

5. But I don’t want to be defined by my blog. Here’s a very real confession for you. I cringe when people refer to me as a blogger. I don’t like it at all. I don’t know what it is about the word blogger, but I have a very hard time with it.

6. I want to be healthier. Ugh. You guys. Summer. It killed me! Waayyyy too much going on and I hate it. I need to get back to basics… cooking more from my favorite healthy cookbook, getting to yoga + barre class, and moving more. Sometimes goals #2, #3, and #4 make this goal a little bit harder but I need to find the time. Period. Even if it means sleeping a little bit less.

7. I want to do more product collaborations. I’m nervous to say it, because a part of me is terrified it won’t happen, but I’m putting it out there anyway. I love getting to determine how a product is designed. The highlight of my blogging career thus far was my partnership with Matt Bernson, and getting to design a collection for BaubleBar. I dipped my toe in the water and now I want more!

So there you have it. Those are my big goals right now. What are yours?

ASOS Linen Shorts

Shop the Post: Saint James T-Shirt // ASOS Linen Shorts // Gucci Soho Disco Bag {also here, and here in a nice neutral} // Charles by Charles David Heels {my absolute favorites… I wear these almost every day!!} // BB x SS Mayflower Rope Links  // BB x SS Antique Boucher Links // BB x SS Single Cape Knot Bracelet  // BB x SS Crystal Mason Ring  // BB x SS Crystal Christine Ring

More fun shorts from ASOS…

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

And, as promised… a little more information about Skintimate’s contest – and how you could win $5,000 to put towards making your own dreams come true (plus a year supply of Skintimate!).

  1. Upload a photo or short video that best represents your aspirations, dreams + goals here.
  2. There are three categories for submissions: school/career, personal passion and good deeds; and each category will have one photo winner and one video winner. Visit for more inspiration!
  3. The contest runs from August 6th to September 9th – the six winners will be announced the week of September 22! Official contest rules are here.

photography by Lydia Hudgens.

This blog is sponsored by Skintimate, who provided their products to me free. I only recommend products I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising

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  1. Gabriela:

    Awesome goals. I can absolutely relate to #1…I’m a total extrovert, but I thrive on low-key interactions instead of constant events and commitments. Looking forward to seeing what you do with #7!

    8.22.14 Reply
  2. Ash Bear:

    I love being a connector as well! Also, this outfit, is amazing! It may be one of my new favorites!

    8.22.14 Reply
  3. kimberly:

    My husband & I are obsessed with Suits – such a great show! And I love this outfit with the cheery yellow shorts! 🙂

    8.22.14 Reply
  4. Christina Storm:

    Love this look!
    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

    8.22.14 Reply
  5. Shannon at

    That’s a fantastic quote and surprising just how true it is. I really don’t think you should cringe at being defined as a blogger at all! There’s a reason I love coming back here – you do blogging so well and it’s something I’m sure a lot of us would love to emulate (with our own twists of course).

    8.22.14 Reply
  6. Jess Zimlich:

    Hands down the best post I’ve ever read from you. I love hearing about the goals others have set for themselves! p/s I started my third month of bar method and it’s been AMAZING.

    8.22.14 Reply
  7. Ellen:

    I’m watching Suits right now as I write this comment! How can so many good looking, well-dressed people be on one show? Makes me want to be a lawyer!

    Great style as always!

    Ellen | A Pop of Pink

    8.22.14 Reply
  8. asparklefactor:

    What a great post! Goal setting is so important, because you can’t get where you want to go if you can’t visualize what you’re working towards. Thanks for sharing your goals, it’s very brave! I totally know what you mean about cringing at being referred to as a “blogger”. It happens to me too. I almost feel like it has a negative connotation, because a lot of bloggers don’t take it seriously and do it for the wrong reasons, act out, etc. But then there are girls like you out there who are amazing and kind of “right the ship.” LOL! So excited to see how you get to where you’ve planned… you deserve it!
    x Stephanie

    8.22.14 Reply
  9. Michele Tattoli:

    Great post! As a new blogger it’s great hearing that even with such a successful blog you still have days that are hard and you still want to grow and build it! Good luck with all your goals and aspirations! And.. thanks for the inspiration!!


    8.22.14 Reply
  10. Sarah @ Her Pursuit of Sunshine:

    Really love your goal about connecting people – it really makes the world a better place. If you’re up for a similiar book with the same sort of goal, I totally recommend Never Eat Alone. I read it almost every year to help myself get in the mindset of connecting others.

    Good luck with the rest of your goals – hopefully it will help me work on much of the same!

    8.22.14 Reply
  11. Franziska:

    I love that you kept it real and were honest with your goals – I think they’re so admirable and totally reachable! Best of luck to you girlie, keep us updated!

    8.22.14 Reply
  12. Megan // @fyeahblog:

    I loved reading about your goals, Grace. As for mine, there are many, but here’s my top 3:

    1. Make a career change. I’ve been a practicing attorney for 6 years, and that’s long enough to know I don’t enjoy it nor will I ever. I’m trying to transition in to a field that’s more creative / business-oriented (I have an MBA, too.), but it’s proven difficult. I’m giving myself a deadline so that I don’t let another year pass me by.

    2. Grow my blog, F Yeah! Like you, it’s my passion project, and though I’ve learned a lot over the past year, there’s still so much room for growth. I’m going to continue following inspirational people/blogs, reading every blogging tip and trick I can find on Pinterest and trying to be a trend setter rather than a follower.

    3. Get healthy. I’ve neglected my fitness for way too long while I focused on my career. It’s time to stop making excuses and start seeing results. Wow, I sound like Jillian Michaels, huh?

    8.22.14 Reply
  13. Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache:

    Love Suits! I’d kill for Rachel’s closet and Donna’s body. Goals are so hard to define right now for me so I bow down to you for being able to clearly articulate not just A goal, but 7.

    8.22.14 Reply
  14. ninarand:

    This was a great inspiration this morning and it’s so good to get goals down on paper (or screen), I definitely need to do the same thing and get to work! xo Nina

    8.23.14 Reply
  15. Theodora:

    So much yes on so much of this post. Especially being defined as a blogger. I like that when I’m introduced now in professional circles that it’s more about my job than my blog. But mostly so much #1.

    8.23.14 Reply
  16. Karen S. Chow:

    I’ve been a lurker here for awhile, and I have to say this is the post that made me want to comment! I don’t watch Suits, but I love that line! I’m a goal-oriented person, and I think everyone should “put it out there” like you have. Thanks for being awesome!

    8.24.14 Reply
  17. Erin:

    Grace – I read Stripes and Sequins nearly every day, and what keeps me coming back are not just the amazing outfit posts, but the kind of openness and honestly displayed in this post. I am at the same point in my career and life, where I am setting multi-year personal and professional goals, and it’s kind of scary (for me) to actually put them out there. Thank you for being gutsy, inspiring, and real 🙂

    8.25.14 Reply
  18. A Girl, A Style:

    Grace, this post is so inspiring (and resonates so well with how I’ve been feeling lately). When I turned 30 I had some kind of third-life existential crisis (“who am I and what is the purpose of all of this?!”) towards every aspect of my life, and since I’ve grown up and got over that (seriously, worrying about everything is such a waste of energy) I’ve been really thinking hard about my goals and career and relationships and people I admire (I firmly include you in that category!) and what I want to achieve. You’ve hit the nail on the head!

    Thank you for always being such an inspiration on here!

    B xx

    8.26.14 Reply
  19. Soumya:

    Brilliant post, Grace! My husband and I love Suits! And as you guessed, Harvey is my favorite! He’s got style and by that I don’t mean just his $5000 tailored suit. He has this ‘I’m in charge and you can trust me to get things done. I kick ass.’ kinda air about him that is spellbinding. Like him, I want to be professional, purposeful and polished in everything I do. I’ve started blogging casually recently as a way to let my thoughts flow and to take a break once in a while from my regular PhD student life. I’m enjoying it so far. We’ll see what I make of it. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration with this post and everything else you do (I have two pieces from your Baublebar collection. I love them! :)) I’ll make my list too.

    8.29.14 Reply