
Majesty by Katharine McGee

I am so excited to share this month’s Bad on Paper book club pick! (If you are newer here, Bad on Paper is the podcast I host with my friend Becca.)

This month’s book selection is probably no surprise… it’s Majesty, by Katharine McGee.

Majesty, by Katharine McGee

You know I’m a huge Katharine McGee fan. Actually more of a STAN at this point? I love everything she writes. I loved The Thousandth Floor trilogy and I ADORED American Royals, which imagined what the US would look like if George Washington had become king as opposed to president. Her books are technically YA books, but I call them YA for adults as the characters and relationships are complex.

This one picks up where American Royals left us (so DEF order both books and be prepared for a major treat if you haven’t already read it)…  A terrible tragedy has taken place and Beatrice finds herself the queen of America. But nothing is as it should be. She can’t be with the man she loves (her guard, Connor), she is betrothed to the man her sister kissed (Teddy), and her sister hates her for it. This one was really calm and almost soothing to read for the first two thirds of the book.

There are surprise love interests for everyone (Sam especially), and it’s not at all what I had predicted. The villain (Daphne) had a bit of a redemption (or at least we felt badly for her/came to better understand her plight, there were a few different romantic surprises, and it felt like I was catching up with old friends.

But then of course, all hell breaks loose in the last third of the book and it is so juicy and fun.

And surprisingly (well not surprisingly, if you know Katie/Katharine) feminist! I really, really loved that about it. And I couldn’t put this book down. I wanted to cry when it ended because I already miss the characters. She didn’t really set it up for a third (just that there is no big dramatic cliffhanger) but I’d be so happy if she decided to continue the story. Katie is my friend so I feel a little biased giving it an A+ but it’s an A+. I loved it so much. I can’t wait to discuss it!

You can order it here, and peruse previous Bad on Paper book club picks here!

Be sure to tune into this month’s book club episode: we talk about The Comeback, by Ella Berman.

Lastly on the books front, check out my recently updated book Book Club page – it’s the perfect way to find your next book. I’ve recently added a filter for my favorite books by Black authors. Everything I’ve read in the past 5-6 years is there. And you can sort by grade AND genre. I’m really proud of it… along with the beauty hub. I think it’s my favorite part of the site!

Majesty by Katharine McGee

Disclosure: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I only feature things I truly love here. Thank you for your support!

Photo by Allie Provost.

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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    Love your book recs! Thanks for sharing! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    8.27.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Charmaine!

      8.27.20 Reply
  2. The Career Edit:

    I literally walked to the bookstore right after checking out your book recommendations last weekend, wanting to pick up “The Boys Club”. They did not have it in store so I picked up “American Royals” and a couple other books instead. Finished it in two days and what a good timing given that “Majesty” is coming out next. Looking forward to seeing how the story unravels! Thank you so much for all of the detailed book reviews you are doing, I keep coming back for them!

    The Career Edit

    8.29.20 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Oh you’re in for such a treat!!!!! Enjoy!

      8.29.20 Reply
  3. Lisa Autumn:

    Not gonna lie, the cover sold me!

    Lisa |

    8.30.20 Reply