Lash Extensions: A Guide

Since writing about my Fall Beauty Routine (here) I have gotten so many questions from you about eyelash extensions.  I’ve had them for about five weeks now, and I’ve gotta say… I’m obsessed.  Here are the things you should know if you are considering taking the plunge.

  • Go to a reputable place.  I’ve had them before and it was a horrible experience.  My eyes hurt, the glue was not properly applied… a nightmare.  Do your research and find a good place, or go to mine.  It’s expensive, but if you look at it as an investment  and plan on keeping them in for a long time (fills are so much less expensive) it isn’t all that bad.  It’s really important to find someone good.
  • Get these drops for afterward.  My aesthetician recommended them and it really helped.  Your eyes will be a little bit shocked at first and go from being watery to being dry.
  • Get a brush (I use this one) and brush your lashes every day.  As they get longer, they become more prone to tangling.
  • A lash serum (my aesthetician recommends this) will help make the extensions last longer.  It conditions your real lashes and strengthens them so that they can better support the extension.
  • Once a week, massage the tiniest bit of olive oil into your lashes to keep them soft and conditioned.  (If you get lash extensions that use Novalash glue, which is what I get, oil is okay.  Glycol however, is not.. so avoid using products with glycol on your lashes as it isn’t good for the glue.)
New Yorkers:  My aesthetician, Linda Howard of Uptown Girl, has offered all S&S a discount!  New clients get 20% off the Fabulash full set of extensions when mentioning S&S, and 10% off all touch-ups.  The phone # to make an appointment is 1-888-455-0271.  Ask for Linda… she is the best.


Note:  I did not receive complimentary services or payment for writing about Uptown Girl.  I just really like the service.

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  1. erin (@erincg):

    i just got some done as well (it was a media service, so i did not pay) and was planning on doing a post about this too! i didn’t know about the olive oil trick – thought that removed them. great insider tips, grace!

    11.8.12 Reply
  2. Rachel:

    I’ve wanted to get lash extensions for forever- but it’s just out of my price range. Someday I’ll spoil myself and get them!

    Life Unsweetened

    11.8.12 Reply
  3. Erica | cupcakes + coffee breaks:

    I’ve kind of wanted eyelash extensions for a while, but don’t think I could ever justify them unless it was a really special occasion. But these are really good tips, and I’d never thought about something like eyelash tangles (I mean really though, who would unless you’ve experienced it!). Cool post though, and it definitely adds a little something to the decision-making process!

    11.8.12 Reply
  4. Catfish & Caviar:

    I used to always get eyelash extensions from a place in Chicago near my apt. You DEF have to go to a reputable place even if it is more expensive. Your eye area is so delicate so only a professional should be able to apply them! Love this post!

    11.9.12 Reply
  5. Jess:

    Hey Grace, quick question. Do you know how long Linda is willing to offer the discount? I’m debating about getting mine done over Thanksgiving or when I’m in town in February.

    11.9.12 Reply
    • Grace Atwood:

      Hi Jess! I don’t know but I am sure she can be flexible!! I would call to make an appointment and ask then.. I have a feeling it will be fine. I hope it works out… I love her services!

      11.9.12 Reply
  6. Shanna:

    I have a great place that charges about 95-105 the first time and every two weeks if you go is about 55-65 depending on what type you get. I’ve been going for years. I don’t want to post anything without your permission so if you would like to know contact me and then you could post it on your site.

    11.14.12 Reply