Kimonos (Again), Passion Projects, + a New Podcast Ep!

kimono // tee // jeans // bag // heels

Another day, another kimono. Last time around I wore a cool vintage one and felt a little bad as it’s obviously one of a kind. This one is fantastic and a great price (it’s only $68). I’ve already worn it so many times. Usually I style it over a dress or a slinky tank but it was cold out so I did a long sleeve tee – I really liked the combination. You really can wear a kimono over pretty much everything… they are my favorite thing right now!! (Also I was happy to see that these Ferragamo heels are still in stock as they are the best. The heel really is a miniature work of art and they are THE MOST COMFORTABLE.

Anyway, YAY because we have a new podcast episode up! As promised, each week we alternate between book talk and advice so today Becca and I are answering a bunch of your career questions. (If you have a question, you can comment below or email us at Today is our first advice episode. We took your questions and sorted them by topic so today we’re answering a bunch of career questions (as well as one wedding related question as it seemed a bit timely). I really hope you enjoy it!

Outfit Details: Michael Stars Kimono (c/o) // Gap T-Shirt // Re/Done Jeans // Ferragamo Heels // Palmgrens Bag (also love this, this, and this.) // Rachel Comey Acrylic Earrings

I’ve finally figured out how to embed the podcast here. So you can listen directly from the blog or over on iTunes!

Also – if you do enjoy the pod, it would mean the world if you’d subscribe and/or leave us a review in iTunes. It really makes a difference!

One of the questions I loved most from this week came from a reader who asked how you know whether it’s a good idea to make your passion/hobby into your career. The person who wrote in loves interior design so was pondering whether she should make that her career. I don’t want to give too much from the episode away, but it was really interesting as Becca and I had such differing advice for her. I was really pragmatic in my response whereas Becca raised something I hadn’t really thought of. She warned the person that once you make the hobby into your livelihood it can stop being fun.

Makes a ton of sense. It’s why my dad (a chef) never really cooked for us as kids (now that he’s retired he cooks for the family ALL the time). Or why a lot of things about blogging that once seemed fun feel more like work now. It’s a really interesting point. I wouldn’t change my situation at all but it did make me think of one other thing that I didn’t say in the podcast: If you do wind up turning your passion project/hobby into a business/livelihood, make sure that you get a new hobby/passion project! Blogging was my hobby for SO long that for a while when I turned it into my job, I didn’t have very many other hobbies! That really changed this year when I moved to Brooklyn. For hobbies, I got super into interior design as I decorated my new apartment. I also rediscovered my love of yoga. And for a passion project, now I have this podcast!

It has been so long since I’ve felt like a true beginner at something which is both nerve-wracking and exhilarating. Every time we record, edit, or hit “publish” on a new episode, both Becca and I feel a little bit terrified and a little bit clueless. But we are learning a brand new skill which has been a lot of fun and so exciting!

Besides being fun, the other upside is that having this new passion project has actually made me MORE inspired than ever, which has trickled over to the blog and helped me to (I hope) improve upon my blog content + social media. That’s kind of the opposite thing you’d expect, right? Technically I have MORE work on my plate, but I’m doing a better job with it as I feel way more motivated and inspired. And as ideas come to us for the pod, ideas come to me for the blog. It’s a good but very unexpected thing!

Anyway, I’m rambling now but the point is that IF you find yourself taking the leap from passion project/hobby to career, be sure to find something else to find that void. You might not feel like you have time (are there ever enough hours in the day!?!) but take it from me – it is 1,000% worth it and the extra “work” will actually be a really good thing.

photography by Trent Bailey.


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  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog:

    So nice to see the podcast up and running, and it’s so great that you’re answering reader questions, Grace! 🙂 always so helpful! ❤️

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you Charmaine! xx

      4.11.18 Reply
  2. Emily:

    Love these words of advice about finding a passion project/hobby that actually motivates and inspires you in other areas of your life – so true! Also, the kimono is gorgeous and feels like the perfect Spring wardrobe reset.

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Em! xx

      4.11.18 Reply
  3. Allie:

    I completely agree – having hobbies and side projects is so important. Congrats on finding a new one that you find so exciting! My new project is getting better at photography; it’s already brought such positive things into my life! Love the kimono, and the heels on those shoes are so cool! xAllie

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Love that!!! Thanks Allie – hope you’re having a great week!

      4.11.18 Reply
  4. Jenn Lake:

    Love this look on you, lady! Can’t wait to listen to the new episode!

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Jenn! Really appreciate your support. xoxo

      4.11.18 Reply
  5. sydnee:

    What an interesting point, about a hobby becoming less fun when you turn it into a career. Love the flowy kimono look btw!

    Design by Sydnee | life+style

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks Sydnee!

      4.11.18 Reply
  6. Marta:

    That’s a gorgeous kimono, I love the colours. And when it comes to making a hobby into a job, one of my biggest fears is that I’ll stop loving it. Everybody always mentions how fun it is and how happy they are when they do something they love but from past experiences I’ve noticed that I start to dislike jobs that in the beginning seemed fun to me and I think that might be one of the reasons why I can’t seem to keep a job, my bosses think I’m not motivated and the quality of my work isn’t as good as in the beginning. I’m learning to fight it and keep up the good work even if I don’t like what I’m doing but I love blogging so much I’m scared that if it ever turns into my job, I’ll start hating it.

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks for weighing in Marta!! I can totally relate. The thing is that with any job (even blogging) there’s a ton of not-fun stuff that comes with the territory. So once the initial love affair wears off things can start to feel tedious!

      4.11.18 Reply
  7. Maria Eugenia:

    Have yet to bring out my kimono since I saw you start styling this one but I’m going to very soon! Love the look!
    María Eugenia

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks so much Maria! Hope you are having a great week!!!

      4.11.18 Reply
  8. Kellie:

    It wasn’t a career but when I went to college to be a music major the stress of the competitiveness & just the overall environment took something that used to be my favorite thing in the world & just made it ….. not fun. When I was struggling my voice teacher actually pointed that out, that music was supposed to bring me joy & I needed to figure out if actually being a music major really was going to continue with that joy.

    It was a really amazing lesson- I changed majors but kept taking voice lessons until I graduated & it turned back into something I loved. I don’t know how you figure it out before you take the leap, but it’s definitely something to be aware of!

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      That IS an amazing lesson… thank you so much for sharing! x

      4.12.18 Reply
  9. Merritt Beck:

    That kimono is stunning, very spring!
    xx, Merritt
    The Style Scribe

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thanks friend! xx

      4.12.18 Reply
  10. Dana Mannarino:

    I absolutely LOVE this post and this look! Also, I LOVE what you said here, “If you do wind up turning your passion project/hobby into a business/livelihood, make sure that you get a new hobby/passion project!” SO TRUE, and a really interesting point.

    The Champagne Edit

    4.11.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Yay! Thanks so much Dana! xo

      4.12.18 Reply
  11. Alexandra:

    So cute! Would never think to buy something like a kimono, but it looks great elevating a more casual style. Also, you look super glowy and fit in these pics – your wellness routines are showing!

    The podcast has been great! Bad books are the best books, lol.

    4.12.18 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Thank you so much Alexandra!

      4.12.18 Reply