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It’s the perfect time of year to don blue and white. The combo is perfectly warm and inviting – and always reminds me of sunny days spent near the water. It always feels fresh, clean, and a bit nautical.
Try a pretty lacy dress with some blue & white striped espadrilles, a drop waist navy dress with an oversized tote, or a cool ($15!) sweatshirt and some striped shorts. You really can’t go wrong with this combo.
Personally, I’m really into this white dress… I tend to get a new one every summer and wear it to death, and I think that may be the one this year! It’d be perfect over swimsuits in the summer, or with a pretty blue necklace to casual lunches with friends. I know it’s a bit low-cut in the arms for me, so I’d probably pair it with a little cami underneath.
Have a great week!
Loved the white lace swing dress! so perfect for summer, so fresh & clean 🙂
So cute Kelly. Grace, you need to rock 12 with six and one of your cute crazy theme bags. Don’t you have pineapple or something?
Could wear each of these daily. That tassel necklace would make every outfit better.