Kelly’s Chic Under $100: Blue & White.

kellys chic blue and white

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten //eleven // twelve // thirteen // fourteen // fifteen

It’s the perfect time of year to don blue and white. The combo is perfectly warm and inviting – and always reminds me of sunny days spent near the water. It always feels fresh, clean, and a bit nautical.

Try a pretty lacy dress with some blue & white striped espadrilles, a drop waist navy dress with an oversized tote, or a cool ($15!) sweatshirt and some striped shorts. You really can’t go wrong with this combo.

Personally, I’m really into this white dress… I tend to get a new one every summer and wear it to death, and I think that may be the one this year! It’d be perfect over swimsuits in the summer, or with a pretty blue necklace to casual lunches with friends. I know it’s a bit low-cut in the arms for me, so I’d probably pair it with a little cami underneath.

Have a great week!



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  1. sarah:

    Loved the white lace swing dress! so perfect for summer, so fresh & clean 🙂

    5.17.16 Reply
  2. Regine Karpel:
    5.17.16 Reply
  3. Cy:

    So cute Kelly. Grace, you need to rock 12 with six and one of your cute crazy theme bags. Don’t you have pineapple or something?

    5.17.16 Reply
  4. alyson:

    Could wear each of these daily. That tassel necklace would make every outfit better.


    5.18.16 Reply