July’s Amazon Favorites.

Julys Amazon Favorites

And we are back with a new month of Amazon favorites! I have a lot of really good stuff to share with you this month, so buckle up!

July’s Amazon Favorites

First of all, I have talked about this little white kaftan from Amazon a few times now but wanted to shine a light on it as it has probably been my most work beach coverup. It’s just so pretty! It was sold out for a bit but now it’s back.

This is also a really great coverup. It’s really, really soft! I bought the pale blue. Runs true to size.

You know I love an organized kitchen. I did some stories about my egg drawer a while back and got some questions about it in my DMs. It is so easy to install (fine for renters, it snaps in without any fancy installation: I can easily take this to the new house), and a great way to stay organized. I really like mine. Also amazing on the organization front: this “crazy Susan” for your pantry or under the sink. I love that it has compartments and higher walls.

Also: a really fantastic vegetable slicer. I was influenced by one of my favorite cooking newsletters on this one.

Summer kaftan
i love this kaftan

This set is everything. It’s so comfortable and a great price. The top runs a little oversized but you want it that way. I started with the army green and ordered two more colors. I will warn you that it does take a little while (2-3 weeks?) to come but it is worth the wait!

The epilator that Courtney Grow recommended is probably my favorite purchase from Prime Day.

Holy moly. It is so effective. The first time you use it you will want to scream a little bit but it gets easier. And leaves legs like silk. Way better than paying for waxing or dealing with shaving stubble. I’ll have a longer review up in a few weeks.

I also just love this carpet/upholstery cleaner. Great if you have pets who prefer to barf on your nice rugs.

A kind of random thing is these tins of smoked oysters. My boyfriend’s parents always have them as an appetizer when we go over, and I copied. They’re so yummy, and I like anything that you can keep on hand to have in a pinch when people come over.

If you’re on desktop, scroll over each item to see why I love it!

Matching set July's Amazon Favorites
This Set!

Disclosure: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I only feature things I truly love here. Thanks for your support.


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  1. LC:

    Hi Grace – the link to your “Best Travel Case” (the black all clear one) is not the right link. Excited to check that one out!

    7.29.22 Reply
  2. Danielle:

    So many cute items!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

    7.29.22 Reply
  3. Carrie:

    I need more info on the smoked oysters! Ha! How do they serve them as an appetizer? with what? Are they in a bowl next to a cheese plate or something? I like tin fish and I like oysters but I am perplexed here… help! I want to copy as this sounds fancy and delicious!

    7.29.22 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      Usually right out of the tin with toothpicks and crackers. Don’t overstress it!

      7.29.22 Reply
  4. Cy:

    so tempted and scared about buying the epilator. I actually have a high pain tolerance, but the old ones were so scary I thing us older woman may be freaked for life! LOL The reviews are amazing . I have a beautiful Caraa toiletries bag my sister gave me for Christmas, but I love the function (and the hanger ) on yours. I grew up with smoked oysters in the house because my mother loved them. I always have a can in the pantry for a quick snack or lunch. My mom would sometimes make smoked oyster stuffing for Thanksgiving. Really yummy. Another great round up!

    7.29.22 Reply
    • grace at the stripe:

      You can do it! It’s AMAZING!

      7.29.22 Reply