January Inspiration.

Inspiration 1

One of the things I aspire to do more of here, in the New Year, is to do a better job using this blog to catalog the things that inspire me every month.  Of course there is Pinterest for that, but I often pin things and then forget all about them.  So I want to be better about curating these things, and actually taking action where applicable (like buying a green beanie and pairing it with a gray coat… the above look is just so good!)   So here goes… my first “inspiration post…” these are the things that are inspiring me this month.


I really want to inject my wardrobe with a few preppier pieces this winter… kind of like combining home (Cape Cod) with my more urban lifestyle now.  On my list right now…  a great Barbour jacket (this one is my top choice right now), some fitted boy shirts, and some argyle socks.  I love the idea of pairing the jacket with leather leggings or over a girly dress, and wearing the boy shirts with my A-line minis and statement necklaces… and the socks, well, come on… argyle socks just go with everything, right?

nars red square

My red lip obsession won’t be going away anytime soon.  I’m at a point where I feel weird if I don’t have it on.  I know I go on and on about NARS Red Square but it’s really just the best.  The above shot is from the Creatures of the Wind SS14 show.  Thicker brows, a little mascara, flawless skin, and NARS Red Square – it’s all you need!


These two.  Just so chic and cool without caring in the slightest.  I want to be them on weekends.  A great coat, printed pants, low boots… hair tied up into a messy ponytail… love everything about it.


You know by now that I have an obsession with piercing my ears… I really, really want to add a new one this month – either my cartilage, or one of those little guys at the top of the ear.  I just think it’s really beautiful and cool.

Images:  one // two // three // four // five

Scroll through to shop the inspiration:

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  1. Jessica Rose:

    Happy New Year and here’s to a wonderful 2014. x


    1.2.14 Reply
  2. Jessica:

    I pierced my cartilage in college and still haven’t let it close up, despite not wearing an earring there for years. It might be fun to try a dainty stud there again.

    1.2.14 Reply
  3. Rachelle:

    I think I want a new piercing as well. I already have one in my left cartilage, we’ll see.


    1.2.14 Reply
  4. Christina Storm:

    Great photos! Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

    1.2.14 Reply
  5. jillian:

    oo i really want a barbour coat too, but i think i’ll wait til they have some lighter ones in for spring! xo jillian

    1.2.14 Reply
  6. scompiseno:

    You’re way braver than I am when it comes to the ear piercing! I’m AOK with my one boring piercing. I’m definitely more of a risk taker when it comes to lips though. I agree, those NARS reds are EVERYTHING! Happy 2014!!!
    XOXO, Stella

    1.2.14 Reply
  7. Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache:

    Those tiny forward helix earrings are super cute. I’m just about ready to change mine and that’s a great option!

    Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache

    1.2.14 Reply
  8. Androbel (@AndrobelBoutiq):

    wow! love the earrings!

    1.2.14 Reply
  9. chelsie | hellogirl:

    pierce away – i’m planning on adding a couple myself 🙂 ps: looving all your inspo, grace!

    1.2.14 Reply
  10. leydijonjon:

    love the earings! inspiration posts every monday is a routine for me and is a very important part in my blog. Hope you can keep on sharing your inspirations as you are inspiring to me too 🙂

    1.2.14 Reply
  11. Jordan {Queen of LA}:

    i am so MAD that my cartilige piercing closed up 🙁 i felt so bad-ass when i had it. haha. i think after my wedding i am going to pierce my nose! do you think thats crazy?!

    1.2.14 Reply
  12. Rita:

    i’ve never seen the top of the ear pierced like that! i’m obsessed – i already have 3 holes in each ear, what’s a few more?!

    1.2.14 Reply