This post was published last December, but I thought it would be relevant to update it again for this year as the holidays can be such a stressful time of year.
This is the time of year can be a little crazy. Those who know me well know that for the last two weeks of November and first week or two of December, I turn into a monster that we refer to as “holiday Grace.” With cyber week and all of the gift guides I get suuuuuuper focused on work and glued to my desk/phone working. It’s a part of the job (anyone who works in retail lives the same sort of life this time of year) and something I’m used to by now!
I’ve run into a bunch of my blogger girlfriends over the past few weeks and everyone’s in the same boat. It’s reassuring to see this (makes me feel less crazy!) Like I said though, this isn’t just a blogger thing. The holidays are just plain hard! I remember when I had a desk job and I would be sprinting out during lunch breaks and after work to attempt to buy gifts. My apartment was always a wreck and it always felt like every evening was some can’t miss dinner/event/etc. That hasn’t changed with working for myself but I do remind myself every day that I am lucky in that I set my own schedule and if I need to do something in the middle of the day, I can do it. That’s not the case when you have a boss!
The downside of being self-employed is the uncertainty. When you work for yourself, you have to work really, really hard during your busy times (the holidays, in my case) because you don’t really know what the next month will be like. So you wind up just a bit spread thin. I feel like there isn’t enough of me to go around, that I’m letting friends + family down, and that I am always.at.my.desk. Having girlfriends over to laugh, commiserate a little bit, and drink some wine really helped… but in the meantime I wanted to share the little things I have been doing for myself that have made a big difference. Self care is so so important, especially during stressful times like the holidays. So here it is… my holiday self-care plan!
Outfit Details: by Malene Birger Sweater // Re/Done Jeans // Gucci Jordaan Loafers // Chanel Bag // Celine Sunglasses // Borrowed Omega Watch
Holiday Self-Care:
one //
Get up 30-60 minutes earlier, and start the day off on the right note. I make my coffee, do a ten minute meditation (I’ve gotten obsessed with Headspace – Andy is the greatest) and then I will foam roll and do my stretches. Yes, my stretches, I have a bad back and all of this sitting at my desk is not helping!
two //
Spend one minute dry brushing prior to showering. Dry brushing is SO good for you – it’s great for your skin, your circulation, and it helps flush away toxins.
three //
When possible (sometimes I have too much going on) I go for an hour long walk and put on a podcast. Here are a few of my favorite uplifting podcasts…this is something I really look forward to – I always feel better afterward.
four //
Take a bath most nights. A bath is such a nice way to end the day, and it’s a basically free way that you can pamper yourself. I LOVE baths and the small act of ending every night with a bath has been so helpful!
five //
Pamper myself with citrusy-y essential oils and energizing body products. This ginger body cream always puts a pep in my step, as does this energy-inducing shower gel. It’s such a small detail but fragrance really has an amazing impact on your mood.
six //
Cut out the negativity. I refuse to gossip and add to any negativity. It can be tempting and fun, but why? It is bad for your energy so just DON’T DO IT. I first realized this a while back with an old job – everyone would get together and vent. I always ended up just feeling bad afterward so I stopped doing it. Gossip and complaining may feel good at the time but it’s never helpful. I promise you that. Just be better than that. Change the subject, leave, or just tell the other person you don’t want to gossip.
On the other side of it, if something makes you feel bad, cut it out (where you can). A lot of people on my social media feeds like to insult bloggers and what we do for a living. I unfollowed. I left a few group text messages. If something doesn’t leave you feeling good, if you are able to, eliminate it. It may be hard to do, but I promise you – it makes such a difference in your happiness.
seven //
Talk to a friend about it. When I’m really stressed I tend to hole up, away from the world, and just hunker down on work. I won’t tell anyone about it or see my friends for days because I just get so focused. This isn’t the healthiest of habits. Having a friend or neighbor over for a glass of wine at the end of a long day is nice… we’ve also been doing Sunday movie/TV nights which is a fun way to wind down the weekend. Even taking 30 minutes to sit and chill and catch up with a friend will help you feel better (and also help you to be a lot more productive.)
eight //
This is such a silly one but play with the cat every day! I always feel guilty for not playing with him enough, and it’s so relaxing (and fun to see how excited he gets, chasing his little toys. Spending ten minutes playing with him every day brightens up my day and makes him a happier, more active cat.
photography by Trent Bailey.
This is so full of super important reminders! Also, I love your outfit – basically my daily uniform!
Mine too! Thanks, Em!!
I tend to hole up when I’m stressed too, and it’s so important to let it out!!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Totally agree, Charmaine! Hope you can relax a bit.
such a great post! this time of the year is so so crazy & taking care of yourself is always something that seems to go to the wayside. prioritizing yourself should be a priority & i love your plan! also, love that you added playing with your cat! whenever i take the time to play with my pup it always makes me happier and instantly in a better mood!
Thanks Shannon. It definitely falls to the wayside and is something we all need to be better about!
Love love love this post, Grace! Such great reminders, and important ones too. I definitely need to be better about taking care of myself, and this post was a great place to start. Also looking into this dry brushing…so interesting!
Pink Champagne Problems
Thank you so much Dana!!!
Thank you for sharing these! This is a hard time of year during a pretty hard year–I was thrilled and amazed by how much royal wedding news boosted my spirits. 🙂
Gossip is for sure a tricky one. While socially I 100% agree it can be toxic (e.g., “Her boyfriend got a DUI”), professionally it’s REALLY helped me learn how things work (e.g., “Sally and Wally are cousins,” or, “She plans to leave the company after she gets her bonus”).
I like Adam Grant’s take in this article:
Here’s to a swift few weeks–the solstice is so close! At least then we get a little more daylight.
OMG I know I felt the same way about the royal wedding!
Totally hear you on the different types of gossip – guess I was referring to the negative kind, not learning the ins and outs/useful information. 🙂
Thanks for sharing that article, can’t wait to read! xx
Such a great reminder! I tend to forget to do nice things to myself sometimes. I am a night owl, but I’m trying to shift into an early bird. Easier said than done.
I am in the same boat!!! I am such a night owl (and love sleeping in) but getting up earlier makes such a big difference!
The holidays can be such a stressful time for anyone, so I’m glad you’ve found a routine that helps you manage it all. I really like your tip on taking baths most nights. I’ve started taking warm baths in the evening more often, and it’s made all the difference! It’s so relaxing!
It’s such a relaxing ritual… it feels so indulgent but it’s really just 15-20 minutes out of my day that makes such a huge difference!
I have to be careful to have my quiet alone time during this month because there’s always so many social obligations and events. All fun but exhausting for us introverts! Also as a teacher and a mom that quiet time is much needed since a normal day involves a lot of people wanting things from me 🙂
I totally agree. I am definitely an extroverted introvert – and a yes person – so I always say yes to so much… and then wind up overwhelmed!!! I can’t imagine it as a teacher… I am home alone most days which is how I recharge!!! Thanks for commenting and good luck staying sane, Kellie! xoxo
Love this post, Grace! It really is a hectic time of year to say the least!
Thanks so much Jenn. Hang in there!!!!
love these tips, love Tyrion got included!
Obviousssly!!! 😉 xoxo
I love these tips! As you said, the holidays can be rough. And this year seems more like it than usual! Thanks for sharing.
xx Chelsea
Agreed – it’s worse this year!!! Good luck with everything, Chelsea!! xx
I love the no complaining/gossiping rule and it’s so true that it takes a lot of energy to do both!
It really does make such a difference!!
love your bagso much!
Miki x
Thanks Miki! x
Love this! I tend to have two modes when I’m stressed out – freaking out and trying to do everything at once, or curling up under a blanket for an hours-long netflix binge where I totally zone out.
It’s important for me to consciously create a third mode, where I’m actively doing things to make myself less stressed (exercise, face mask, cooking, playing with my dog) without totally checking out.
Oh my god you just described me to a tee. Haha. Cheers to the third mode 🙂
My fave is number 4! The bath!!!!! I always forget that baths are such great ways to wind down and relax. I think I’ll take one tonight!
Totally agree!!
great post, happy new year!
thanks – you too!
This is one of my favorite looks of yours — the look that finally convinced me to buy these loafers! They are getting delivered today, and I couldn’t be more excited.
Thank you! They are amazing – keep me posted on how you like them!